Lethal Temptations (Tempted #5)

I brushed passed him, rapped my knuckles against the door before turning the knob and walking into the room. Boots was sitting behind the desk with one of the club whores spread eagle in front of him. His head was bent as he ripped a line off her tits.

“Fucking hell,” I seethed, watching as he lifted his head his beady eyes met mine.

He slapped the whore’s tits, nearly knocking her off the desk with the power behind his hand.

“Get out,” he hollered.

“Boots, you promised me!” she whined, scrambling to her feet as she slid off the desk.

“Fuck you,” he sneered. “Now get the fuck out of here.”

She stared at him for a moment before turning around and looking at me. I swore for a moment her eyes pleaded with mine but I looked passed her and directly into the eyes of the enemy.

“I patiently waited for this day,” he started, sniffling.

The whore slammed the door behind her as I pulled the chair out in front of his desk and dropped into it. I leaned forward to pull out my gun and hold it up to him before nodding at him, awaiting the same gesture of respect. I removed the clip and placed it on top of the desk, cocking a brow and expected him to do the same.

“I don’t owe you that,” he commented, pulling back his vest and revealing the holster he wore beneath it. He pulled out the gun and mimicked the act, putting us on equal footing but reminding me it was a courtesy he granted me.

I didn’t tuck the gun into the back of my jeans, placing it in the inside pocket of my leather jacket so I could access it easier. In under ten seconds I could pull the gun, load it and pop a bullet in this fuck.

“Let’s cut through the bullshit and get down to it,” I suggested, leaning back against the chair. “What do you want?”

“You got balls, Blackie, always did,” he said, swiveling from side to side in his chair. “But a man in your position doesn’t come into my house, talking down to me, and expecting a quick fix. It just don’t work like that,” he ground out.

“So tell me how it works. The way I see it you got every right to be pissed, but before you assume that my club was looking to sever ties with yours, listen to the facts. Fact number one, I came to you because I knew you could deliver what I needed. Fact number two, plans change, enemies strike and when it’s do or die, motherfuckers like us…we do. Now, it was never mine, nor Jack’s intention to stick you with the drugs man we were banking on, even after Jimmy Gold made his move the club still needed your product but there wasn’t enough time to get to you. Then there is that little fucking issue you have, refusing to deal with Jack. I’m here to make things right with you but, also warn you that won’t fly any more. Any deals going forward are conducted at the Satan’s Knights table, with the Bulldog sitting front and center.”

He laughed.

I continued to stare at him.

Motherfucker ain’t nothing funny about what I just said.

Add that to your list of facts.

“You want facts Blackie? Here’s one. Your fucking president is a goddamn nut job. You think I deal with you because of your past, your knowledge of drugs? I choose the junkie because I’m not about to deal with a psychotic fuck who swings a gavel.”

I gritted my teeth, slammed my fist against his desk and leaned closer.

“This coming from a man I just watched snort coke off some worthless bitch’s tits,” I snapped. “You got a choice to make, Boots—I’m offering you a shitload of weapons in exchange for a truce. You can keep the guns for yourself or turn them for a profit on the streets, whatever the fuck you want. Lord knows you don’t have a fucking conscience anyway, so take the deal. You’ll make more off the guns than what we originally agreed on with the drugs.”

“Or what?” He asked cockily.

“Take the fucking deal,” I advised. “You don’t want to declare war, Boots.”

“You don’t want to go war, Blackie,” he scoffed. “Word gets around—the war you got going on with the Red Dragon’s that shit is spreading like wild fire. Your club is hanging on by a thread as it, add another war to your agenda and the Satan’s Knights are off the map,” he claimed.

“It’d be a shame to watch a smart guy like you, a thriving businessman like yourself, lose everything in a power play. But, I guarantee you it’ll happen. There have been few if any, that survived after they underestimated the strength of the Satan’s Knights,” I warned.

I wasn’t walking away from here with a deal but I would not walk out of this fucking place without setting this fool straight. We may be hurting but that shit would turn around, men like us didn’t exist to be defeated. Men like us beat the odds in the game of life…every fucking time.

You want to play motherfucker?

Come play.

But don’t expect to win.

Janine Infante Bosco's books