Lethal Temptations (Tempted #5)

Never gave me a second glance.

Because now she’d never escape me.

Not after the dance our souls just took.

I swallowed hard, clearing my throat as I took a deep breath. She was a mess, we both were, but fuck me…I liked it. I liked staring at her, knowing I’m the one who made her like that. I reached out, shoving her hands out of the way and cupped her breasts, rubbing my release into her skin with the pads of my thumbs.

“I’m fucked,” I admitted, continuing to circle my thumbs as I glanced up at her. “You got me twisted, Lace, so fucking twisted that I want to forget who I was before you,” I rasped, leaning into her to steal another kiss from her sweet lips.

When I finally found the will to break away from her, I grabbed my shirt from the kitchen counter and went to work on cleaning her up. She grabbed the shirt from my hands, chucked it to the side pushing me down, forcing me on my back and crawling on top of me.

“I’m not going to break, Blackie,” she whispered, her finger outlining the Satan’s Knight’s tattoo on my chest before she looked up at me. “I’m stronger than you think,” she added. “I don’t want you to hold back because you’re afraid you’ll hurt me.”

I opened my mouth to speak, but she brought her finger to my lips and smiled.

“No, this time I get the last word,” she demanded, laying her head against my chest. “Hold me, Blackie. I’ve waited a long time to be in your arms.”

I reached over to the left of me, grabbed my jacket and draped it over her back wrapping my arms around her.

I didn’t say a word.

Not one.

Chapter Twenty

The moment Blackie pulled his bike up in front of my mother’s house I immediately felt the loss of him. I never wanted the night to end, fearing I imagined it all…every kiss…every word…every time he grabbed my hair and told me I was his.

He killed the engine, turned off the lights and I knew our time had come to an end. I reluctantly climbed off the bike, wincing from the aches that would remind me tonight was real.

“I thought you said your mother wouldn’t be home?” he asked, angling his head as he looked at her car parked in the driveway. I removed his helmet from my head and handed it to him.

“She isn’t. They probably took a cab to the airport. My step-dad’s company usually sends a car for them when they go away for business,” I replied, watching as he straddled his bike and placed his feet firmly on the ground. Our eyes locked for a moment and he crooked his finger, beckoning me to close the distance between us.

“Why the sad eyes?”

I stepped toward him, welcoming the arm he wrapped around my waist and the fingers that brushed against my cheek, forcing a smile on my face.

“I’m just tired,” I said, adding a wink for good measure, trying to mask my fear of our perfect bubble bursting.

“Sorry, not sorry,” he smirked.

I reached up, swiping my thumb over his lips as a smiled blossomed across my face. “Ah, there it is…a hint of a smile,” I paused, my eyes widening as an idea came to me. “I have the perfect plan,” I enthused, grabbing onto his leather jacket.

“Oh, yeah?” He asked huskily, staring at my mouth as he spoke. “What’s that?”

“Something fun, something you would never think of doing…I will get you to smile Blackie, and when I do, I’m going to keep you smiling,” I promised. “So, here’s what’s going to happen— “He laughed, tightening his arms around my waist.

“I’m so fucked,” he muttered, swiping a hand over his face.

“Shut it!” I demanded, pressing a quick kiss to his lips. “As I was saying, tomorrow you’re going to pick me up and we’re going to take a ride down to Coney Island,” my plan died when something flickered in his eyes and the playfulness disappeared. “What? You have something against riding the Cyclone? Big Bad Biker doesn’t get down with rollercoasters?” I teased.

“I’m not going to be around for a few days,” he said, thoughtfully as he looked at me, threading his fingers through my hair.

“Where are you going?”

“North,” he answered vaguely.

“Sounds like fun,” I said quietly looking away.

“Not really. I won’t even be riding my bike,” he ground out. “Got club business to tend to that requires me to drive a fucking cage,” he grunted, placing a finger under my chin and turning my eyes to his. “I’ll be back, Lace and when I come back it’s you I’m coming back for,” he promised. “Take you on whatever ride you want,” he added.

“I’ll be waiting,” I whispered, hiding my vulnerability as I prepared myself for the mental war that surely would take place once his bike peeled away from the curb.

Janine Infante Bosco's books