Leaving Amarillo

My smile is smug because I can tell he’s impressed. There’s no denying I’m feeling pretty proud of myself for thinking so quickly on my feet.

“You always think of everything.” He sighs and leans toward me until I shift in my seat. “But baby, I have news for you.”

My eyebrows are probably in my hairline as I stare openly at his handsome face, surprised at how close he is. “And what’s that?”

He leans even closer to me and my lips begin to tingle in anticipation. My hands clutch the weathered leather upholstery of my seat to keep from reaching out and grabbing his face and dragging his mouth to mine.

“There are some things you can’t control, can’t plan for.”

I fold my arms over my chest in an attempt to hide the serious effort I’m making to breathe while this close to him. “Such as?”

Amusement slides across his features as he licks his lips but it is almost immediately replaced with a scowl.

“Nothing. Forget it.” Pulling back from our intimate moment, he extracts himself roughly from the van and slams the door, causing me to jump.

What the hell?

I follow his lead and practically tear the door off the hinges as I make my escape. “I’m sorry,” I call out sarcastically to his back. “Was I supposed to take a mind-reading class at some point? Because I must have skipped that one.”

“Just go on your damn date, Dixie. I can handle this shit on my own.” I’m gaining on him, close enough to hear when he mumbles “been doing it my whole life” under his breath.

“Just because you can and you have doesn’t mean you should. You shouldn’t have to be alone in this. You aren’t alone.”

He ignores me and continues walking toward the side entrance to the hotel, pulling out his key card to open the door as if he didn’t hear me.

“Damn you, Gavin Garrison. Wait a second.” I reach him just as he pulls the door open. “You know you don’t have to do this alone. Dallas will even come along if you want him to. In a heartbeat.”

Turning, he gives me his broodiest squint-eyed glare. “I know that. I also know that if he knew what my intentions for tomorrow night were, he’d probably kick my ass and kick me right out of the band.” Raking a hand hard through his hair in a way that makes me ache to do the same, he frowns at me. “Look, there’s just a lot of shit I have to deal with. And honestly, I’m used to dealing with it alone. I like dealing with it alone. It’s no one’s problem but mine. I’m leaving in a few minutes. I appreciate the offer, I do. But honestly, I got this.”

Giving up on reasoning with him, I reach out and grip his arm with my hand. Holy muscle. I swallow hard and ignore the urge to run my hands up his arms and across his chest, because now is so not the time.

“If nothing else, you’re my friend. And I like to think I’m yours. Friends are there for each other when shit goes sideways. I want to go. The sushi excuse will give you more time to get back tomorrow.” I shove my pride down my throat and resort to begging when his cold stare meets my pleading one. “Wait for me tonight, Gavin. Please?”

He glances at my hand on his arm, then back to my face. “Why? Why do you want to tag along on the road trip from hell? This isn’t going to be beef jerky and Big Gulps and mixtapes, Bluebird.” So gently it breaks my heart, he removes my hand from his arm.

Because I want to be where you are. Because I want to protect you from her. Because I won’t be able to sleep or think a coherent thought until you’re back safe and sound. Because when you leave, it’s like you take my soul with you. Because it hurts like hell when we’re apart.

I can’t say any of the actual reasons and I can’t lie to his face, so I tell a half-truth.

Caisey Quinn's books