Kiss My Boots (Coming Home #2)

“Oh, well . . . let’s, uh, let’s see here.” She pats her hair and I can practically see the wheels turning while she composes herself. “Let’s just get you back in a room. I’ll let Dr. Montgomery know he has a walk-in. Don’t you even fret about privacy, honey. I’ll tell him it’s a consultation and have him send Nurse Rebecca on home. You won’t have to worry about a thing. Of course, you know I won’t say a word.”

I nod and smile. “Thank you, Ms. Gladys. I appreciate it. I’m not sure I could take another night of this pain. All the way to my chest sometimes, if you can believe it.” Okay, so I’m laying it on a little thick now.

But Gladys must not think so, because I hear her whisper something about bettin’ my ass she’d believe it before she walks toward the huge shelves of patient files and grabs the one I assume is mine.

“Come on, sweetheart. Let’s get you in a room and settled before he’s done with his last patient. That’ll give everyone still in the office some time to clear out. Don’t you worry about a thing. Let Ms. Gladys make sure you’ve got some privacy. Can’t have such a sweet thing like you with rumors flyin’ around, and if you knew which patient was in there, you’d understand. Well, you’d understand and have the whole town talkin’ like you’re knocked up or somethin’ if she gets her eyes on ya.”

It’s on the tip of my tongue to say it’ll probably happen anyway, seeing as Ness is parked out front. Won’t make a difference to the people driving by that I could just be here for my yearly.

“You take your time and slip this on and then just sit right up there.” She hands me a paper gown before rushing out of the room with a smirk on her face.

I give her five minutes before she calls Marybeth Perkins and starts that pregnancy rumor herself—only she’s going to pair it with mention of Tate’s huge cock getting me that way and bruising my insides all the way up to my ears, I’m sure.

“This better work,” I grumble to myself, toeing off my boots and taking off my socks, shirt, and shorts, folding them neatly on one of the chairs next to the exam table. My white lace bra comes next, my heavy, needy breasts swaying as I bend over to pull the matching boy shorts down my legs, placing them on top of my clothes.

I pull the paper robe on, folding the ends over each other across my chest, and move to the exam table, but before my ass hits the paper on the table, I rush over to my jeans and pull my phone out of the back pocket. Without bothering to unlock it, I swipe the camera up from the bottom and check my face.

My hair is still falling around my face in natural waves, and my sun-kissed skin is flushed, but in the way that makes me look like I’m glowing, not like I’m embarrassed. It’s my eyes that give me away, though. They might as well be emerald stones with a flashlight beaming through them, giving away all my secrets.

It’s because of the glow emanating from deep within my soul and out through my eyes that I know Tate Montgomery is going to take one look at me and know he’s lost, but we both won.



“Use Me” by Blaire Hanks

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I was this close to getting outta here before five today.

I haven’t heard from Quinn all afternoon, but knowing she’s been working her ass off on Paw’s truck all week, saying she’s just days away from being done, I don’t doubt the reason is because she’s lost in her work. Something, I’ve discovered this week, she has a tendency to do often.

All I want to do is finish up with my last patient and go surprise her at the shop. Even though I just saw her last night, I still want more. Hell, I’ll always want more. A few dinner dates and whatever the hell last night was just aren’t going to cut it.

I want more.

Fuck, who am I kidding? I want it all.

I’m so close to folding on that stupid-ass dare of hers that it’s not funny. If me giving in gets her naked in front of me, fucking sign me up. I’ll drop to my knees now.

“Who’s the walk-in, Gladys?” I ask sullenly as she’s packing up her stuff for the day. “Where are you headed?”

“Oh, nowhere,” she says, still rearranging shit on her desk.

“I know you sent Rebecca home, but with no one else here I’m gonna need you to stay in case I need to do an exam. You know I can’t do that alone.”

She waves me off. “I know. I’ll be right here after the consultation for you to let me know if I can leave or if you need me.”

“If Quinn calls, do me a favor and let her know I’ll pick her up at the shop when I’m done for an early dinner.”

Gladys nods but looks like she’s about to swallow her tongue. Strange lady, I think with a shake of my head.

I check my watch one more time before walking down the hall. Jesus, she didn’t even leave the patient’s chart in the door pocket. I’ll have to remind her about protocol in the morning. I rap my knuckles on the door twice and wait. After receiving a muffled confirmation that whoever’s inside is ready, I turn the knob and step inside the room.

“Good evening,” I say distractedly, and I shut the door and move to the sink to wash my hands. “I’m Dr. Montgomery. You’ll have to forgive me, Gladys seems to have left your chart in here. What brings you in today?”

I dry my hands and turn around.

And there’s Quinn Davis. Wearing nothing but a paper gown and a smile.

“What?” I breathe.

“Hello, Doctor,” she says, her grin spreading wider across her face, her hoarse, seductive rasp tingling up my spine, making me shiver.

“What?” I parrot, my mind incapable of anything more now that the only thing I can see is a fantasy I never knew I had coming to life.

“I’ve been a bad girl, Doc.” Quinn makes a mock sad face. “I skipped my last appointment and I just realized I needed to come on in and get that done lickety-split. You see, I’ve got this deliciously hot boyfriend, and even though I’m sure he’ll keep me safe, it’s up to me to make sure I keep us both protected from any unexpected surprises and get my birth control prescription before I run out.”

“You want birth control?” I ask lamely, swallowing a thick knot in my throat when she shifts her legs—uncrossing them before recrossing them, with the opposite leg over the first one, taking so much time that I know the flash of her bare pussy was intentional.

She’s trying to kill me.

“Well, of course, Doc. I also should probably get a full workup. Need to make sure everything is in tip-top shape and all.” She smiles, unwavering in her patient act. I wonder if she’s just as lost in the fantasy as I am.

I probably could have formed a full sentence, but when she stops talking and leans back and presses her palms against the table directly behind her, my eyes cross in pleasure.

The gown opens, flaps falling to the side, and I’m face-to-face with the most beautiful set of breasts I’ve ever seen. Full, more than a handful, with the suntan outline of what is obviously one tiny-as-fuck bikini. When I see her erect nipples pointing at me in the middle of perfectly symmetrical areolas, light pink against the pale skin, my mouth waters.

“Did you have time to fit me in for a workup?” she coos, balancing her weight in a way that I know isn’t fucking needed, but is done to give her impressive chest a chance to jiggle.

“A workup?” I moan, my cock reminding me that he’s been denied what he wants for way too long.