Kiss My Boots (Coming Home #2)

“It’s not sexual, Leigh! Jeeze, you make it sound like he’s off cheatin’ on me because his medical specialty happens to be gynecology.”

She crosses her arms over her chest and looks at me sharply.

“What? It isn’t. He’s a doctor. Trained to see patients in a clinical manner. He doesn’t show up at the office and spend the whole day coming all over himself because there’s some lady pockets in his face. It’s a doctor’s office, not an orgy by appointment.”

“So, you’re tellin’ me if you were his patient, it wouldn’t be sexual?”

My lips pucker and I huff out a puff of air. “That is completely different and you know it, Leighton James.”

“I’m not sure how it is. Look, I’m not sayin’ that he’s goin’ to work and being some pervert. I’m just worried about you, and you not bein’ with him this week had me concerned that you mighta been lookin’ for ways to back away. Tryin’ to find an excuse not to be with him.”

“Jesus Jones, Leigh, talk about reachin’ way up there to find somethin’ to worry about in the realm of never-gonna-happen-ville.”

“It wasn’t that far of a reach. Most women would be insecure about their man being a gynecologist. It’s a completely normal reaction, if you ask me.”

I scoff at the thought. “I’m not most women, Leigh, and that’s not a normal reaction in my book.”

“That you aren’t,” she agrees, some of the worry bleeding from her face as she smiles. “Well, then tell me what is goin’ on, then, Q. I’m just worried, you know that. You just got him back and it seemed like you both couldn’t get enough of each other when we ran into you Saturday afternoon. How are you able to go almost five whole days without wantin’ to be annoyingly joined at the hip with him?”

“You make it sound like we’ve been avoidin’ each other,” I protest. “Honestly, Leigh, he’s busy with patients and paperwork all day. I’ve been busy finishin’ up Homer. We’re not actively lookin’ for reasons to stay apart. The exact opposite. We’ve had dinner a few nights, sent texts back and forth all day, each day, in between, and he even came over to the ranch last night to watch a movie—somethin’ I’m sure you didn’t find out in all that detective work you’ve clearly been doin’, because Clay wasn’t home to know about that one.”

“Five days, Q,” she stresses.

“Didn’t you hear? Distance makes the heart grow fonder,” I deadpan.

“Oh, shut up with that shit. All you two have had is distance, and now you’re tellin’ me you want more to grow fonder of each other? You really wadin’ in the thick shit now.”

I snicker softly.

“We were thinkin’ about going to a movie or somethin’ tonight. Dependin’ on how we feel after workin’, though, it might just be a meal again. Tomorrow he’ll be with me for family dinner, and he’ll be at the weddin’ on Saturday. I’m figurin’ since you decided on gettin’ married at ten in the mornin’ we might have that sleepover you seem to be so concerned about tomorrow night. But if you really want to know why we’ve not been eatin’, sleepin’, and breathin’ each other, I’ll let you in on a little secret.”

Her eyes light up and she claps her hands, bouncing on her stupid flip-flops.

“We have a little bet goin’ on.” I smirk, thinking about how close he had been to begging for it last night while we made out on the couch like teenagers. I still can’t believe he pulled away right when things were about to get interesting.

“A bet?” Leigh asks, turning her head to the side to squint at me. I’m sure her mind is running a mile a minute trying to figure out what I could possibly mean.

“A bet,” I confirm. “I’m not even sure how it came up, to be honest, but all I know is he said somethin’ that challenged me, and you know I can’t back down when someone throws a dare my way.”

“Oh, shit. He’s so doomed.” She giggles.

“Without a doubt.”

“Well, don’t leave me hangin’. What’s the bet?”

I wish I could see my expression, because whatever is showing on my face must be clue enough that I’m up to no good, because Leigh’s eyes widen instantly.

“That he’ll be on his knees beggin’ for me before I’ll be the one to beg him.”

“You didn’t,” she gasps.

“Oh, I did.”

“You’re crazy,” she says on a choked laugh. “Certifiable without a doubt.”

“Probably. Lord knows if he can make my body sing from a kiss alone, he’s going to stop my heart when he finally fucks me.”

Her lip curls up and she groans. “Sometimes I wonder if you’re really a girl.”

“Would you rather I say ‘make love’?” I ask in a girly-as-hell singsong voice.

She nods. “Seein’ as that’s what it’ll be, yeah. Plus, it sounds so impersonal and meaningless when you say he’ll fuck you.”

I full-out belly-laugh at that. “Oh, I meant to say it just like that, Leigh. Not because it’s meaningless or impersonal. It’s been nine years since that man has been inside me. A long damn time, and while we might not have remained celibate over the years apart, we haven’t had each other, and that makes all the difference in the world. It wouldn’t matter if we had been with someone else months, days, or even minutes before. When we finally get that, us connectin’ in the most intimate and vulnerable of ways, it’s goin’ to be so beyond ‘makin’ love.’ It’s gonna be hard, messy, loud, and probably a little painful—in the yummy way. You don’t get your second chance with your forever often, and there’s no way it won’t start with a frenzied, desperation-fueled boom to it.”

She fans herself. “Jesus, Q. That was uncomfortable hot to think about.”

“Consider it payback for all those times you talked about my brother’s little dude,” I jest, pointing to my crotch while wagging my brows.

The hand waving air into her face stops and she gives me a wink. “Ginormous. And beautiful. Don’t mix up the adjectives when talkin’ about that work of art.”

“Maybe we should sign you up for boundaries classes with Jana.”

“Whatever.” She giggles. “Now, enough about your brother’s sexy manhood. I’ve got an idea. Actually a damn good one, if I do say so myself.”

“I’m not sure I want to know what your mind is hatchin’,” I say warily.

“Oh, trust me, you do.”

I walk to the passenger side of Homer and open the door, waving toward the cab with a dramatic bow. “Well then, step into my office and tell me about this grand plan of yours.”

- -

This is the most insanely brilliant thing I’ve ever done.

I’m actually shocked as hell that Leigh thought of it before I did. Hell, I probably would have thought of it five days ago when I made Tate take me home after spending the night, but in my defense, I had been trying to talk myself out of forcing him to take me right then and there in the kitchen.

But this—this is insane.

Pure lunacy.