Killian: A West Bend Saints Romance (West Bend Saints #4)

"Uh-huh." I sip my iced tea again. "That was my family's company, not mine. And I ran a department, not the company. It's not nearly the same."

June holds up her glass. "Well, cheers to new beginnings and leaving behind prior lives. And to leaving dirtbag exes."

"I'll definitely toast to that."

"Stan, do not pour that on Olivia's head or you're getting out of the sandbox!" June calls out warningly. Olivia bats a cup out of his hand and laughs as it falls into the sand with a thunk. "Speaking of new beginnings…"

"Yes?" I ask innocently, even though I already know the question June is about to ask. It's been almost two weeks since our last play date with the kids, as I had cancelled last week. I know she's heard through the grapevine by now – one of the side benefits of running a bed and breakfast is having a direct line to all of the town gossip – that Luke is working at the orchard.

Besides, West Bend isn't exactly the kind of place where you can keep a secret, not with Mary Lou at the bakery or Alice at the salon, two of the biggest busybodies in the world. They always have their fingers on the pulse of the town and are only too happy to go spreading information. And Luke Saint isn't the kind of guy whose arrival goes unnoticed in a small town like West Bend.

Or anywhere really, I'd imagine.

"I heard you have some help at the orchard," June fishes. Her comment sounds innocent, but it's laden with all of the implication of one friend's interest in another's dating life. Or lack of a dating life, to be more accurate.

"Yep." I sip my iced tea, almost hoping one of the kids will pour a cup of sand over the other one's head just for the distraction, but they're playing too contentedly to be bothered with my internal angst about the sexy younger man working for me.

"Oh, cut the coy crap, Autumn Mayburn. I've known you for two years now since you turned up in West Bend, and I think I have a pretty good idea now of what makes you blush. And I've never seen you blush, not one single time, over a guy in this town. Not even when I tried to set you up with Billy Horton. And here you are, blushing when I mention the new guy working for you."

"Billy Horton was not as hot as Luke Saint," I blurt out, and immediately slap my hand over my mouth.

Damn it. Where the hell did that come from?

June squeals and claps her hands together, and the kids echo her squeal as if they're in on the secret, then turn back to babbling to each other in the sandbox. "I knew it," she says. "As soon as I heard he was there, I knew it."

"There's nothing to know. Nothing. Absolutely nothing," I protest.

"Nothing," June teases, laughing. "That's why you've said the same word three times."

"What do you know about him?"

"Oh, now you're curious? I thought there was nothing going on."

"I'm asking for purely professional reasons. He's my employee."

"Uh-huh," she mutters. "Sorry, I don't know him."

"But you know everyone in this town," I complain, trying to sound disinterested and failing miserably.

June shakes her head. "I've never even met him. But I've met his brother. I’m familiar with the family.”

The way she says it, I know not to pry about the dealings June has had with the Saints. When June shuts down a conversation, it’s shut down. But it makes me wonder what kind of family Luke comes from. "He… has a brother?"

June nods. "Three," she amends. "They're pretty legendary around here."

I can't imagine anyone who looks like Luke – or swaggers around like he's God's gift to women – not being legendary in a town like this. "I'd imagine so."

"Well, if he looks anything like Elias, I can see why you're all flushed right now."

"That's the heat," I lie. "It's unseasonably warm out here."

June laughs. "Like hell it is. It's damn cold. Just admit it, you've got the hots for him. You wouldn't be the first girl to lose her mind over a man. Shoot, River Andrews gave up everything for Elias Saint."

I'm momentarily distracted from vehemently protesting my attraction toward Luke by the mention of River Andrews. "The actress? She's with Luke's brother?"

"The one and only," June affirms. "She's really very nice."

"Luke never said anything about his brother dating a famous actress." Of course, why would he? I remind myself that I know virtually nothing about him.

"Oh?" June’s interest is clearly piqued. "Have you been talking to Luke? I thought he was just your employee."

"No. Yes. A little bit. I'm just… curious, that's all."


"He's young."

June chuckles under her breath. "Young means he has stamina."

"And that he's immature."

"So? How many dates have you been on in the last two years?"

"Dating?" I ask, my voice a squeal. "We're not talking about dating. I didn't mention dating."

She ignores me. "Zero. You've been on a grand total of zero dates, even though I've tried to set you up. You're basically a nun, holed up there in your orchard like you've taken a vow of celibacy."