Killian: A West Bend Saints Romance (West Bend Saints #4)

What if it were Silas who had been arrested?

No, I told myself. The thought was ridiculous. I'd just left Silas in Vegas. Even if he were staying in West Bend, the likelihood that he was here right now was infinitesimally small.


"Uh-huh," Letty said.

"What kind of assistance am I going to offer at the jailhouse, anyway?" I asked.

"Well, Molly," she said, using my alias. "I don't know. But I figure you can work that out for yourself, being a hotshot attorney from Los Angeles and all."

"Nana," I said. "How did you get that information?" This was classic Letty - so impaired when it came to technology she couldn't use a damn internet search engine, yet able to find out everyone's business the moment anything happened in this town.

"What?" she asked. "I can't hear you. My ears, they don't work so good anymore."

I laughed. "You heard me just fine," I said.

"Oh, I've got to go. My girls and I, we're about to play some bridge. I won't expect to see you here this afternoon, dear."

I sighed at my grandmother's not-so-subtle hint that I should go down to the jail. "Don't have too much fun, Nana."

"I won't," she said. "I have to make sure my ticker still works. I would hate to keel over and leave all these men here ripe for Ethel's picking."

I hung up the phone, reeling from what she'd said.

It wasn't Silas who's gotten himself arrested. He was still in Vegas. He would have mentioned it, if he were returning to West Bend.

The same way I'd mentioned I was coming here?

Silas was part of my past.

I told myself that, even as I put together what I would need to go down to the jailhouse.

"You're fast," said the woman in uniform behind the desk, her hair pulled back tightly in a bun. "I didn't know we had ambulance chasers in West Bend. Did you, Daryl?"

A man in uniform with a stomach that protruded well over his waistband sat at a desk across the room, checking sports scores on his computer. He grunted a response without looking away.

I gave her my most professional smile. "That's what happens when you have an attorney on retainer," I said. "And I'd like to know what my client's being charged with."

"Well, Ms. McAdams," she said, leaning forward, her arms on the desk. "Being an attorney, you know that it takes time to process the prisoners. Silas Saint is not processed yet." I exhaled when I heard his name. So it was Silas. The way she talked about him made him sound like a turkey in the oven, like he wasn't finished cooking. "You haven't even shown me your credentials. And you don't look old enough to be a lawyer. And you're wearing jeans."

"Well, Ms. Edwards," I said, reading from her nameplate and mimicking her tone. "Imagine being on vacation from LA, here in this idyllic little town, enjoying a croissant and the escape from the constant demands of your law firm. Then, imagine you learn that a client of yours - a dear client, one of your best clients - has a brother in law who's been unjustly arrested."

"You're River Andrews' attorney?" she asked, glancing behind her at Daryl.

"Don't ask for help from Daryl, Officer Edwards," I said. "I'm simply asking you to rely on your powers of imagination. Imagine what you would think, as that attorney. Perhaps you'd surmise that this is a larger campaign of harassment against your client and those who are important to her. Perhaps you'd even begin to think about the various and sundry ways you could bring suit against the sheriff's department for their denial of Mr. Saint's Constitutional rights. Perhaps you'd even consider the personal lawsuits you could file. Can you imagine that scenario with me, Officer Edwards?"

The woman looked nervous, turning again to Daryl, and I hid a smile as I reached into my wallet and drew out my bar card, the fake that was a part of Molly's identity kit. I said a silent thank you to the grifter gods that I'd chosen this particular identity. Molly had never used her fake bar card that identified her as an attorney, but there was a first time for everything.

I set it down on the counter, and she looked at it. "Now, you know that my client has a right to counsel. I'd hate to think that you were infringing on his rights. I'd also hate to think that I'd have to call a friend in the media. They do so love these stories about small-town abuse of power."

When in doubt, invoke media threats.

I hoped I sounded enough like an attorney to be passable.

Daryl finally looked up from his computer. "Come on, Ruby," he said. "Let her talk to him. You know he's done gone through processing. We don't need any bullshit."

The female officer scowled. "Daryl, you know Sheriff Easton brought him in himself. You want to deal with him when he finds out you okayed a big-city lawyer coming in here?"