Killian: A West Bend Saints Romance (West Bend Saints #4)

Jed Easton stepped out and ambled up the driveway like he had all the time in the world. I was regretting the fact that I'd taken the time to talk to the two guys outside, instead of getting my shotgun like I should have. "Are you here to arrest the two dickheads over there, the ones trespassing on my property?" I asked.

Jed didn't even glance at the two guys, who were busy getting into their truck. I heard the truck start, and shook my head. "No, I guess not. Are you in the pocket of the mining company, then?"

Jed smiled, looking at me from behind his mirrored sunglasses.

Fucking smug sonofabitch.

Jed had treated my family like shit for years, hassled me when I came back in town, the same way he'd done to Elias.

I didn't like the fucking guy.

"I don't think it's any of your business whose pocket I may or may not be in, Elias," Jed said. "Or is it Silas? I can't see your leg, so it's hard to tell. Well, you're not here with that white trash reality star girlfriend, so you can't be Elias."

"Do you have a girlfriend, Jed?" I asked. "Or do you just jerk off at night to pictures of your mother?"

Jed's face darkened. He slid up the mirrored sunglasses, and looked at me, his eyes flashing. "I'm going to ignore that," he said. "But that's the only warning I'm giving you."

"Warning?" I asked, laughing. "Or what? Will you take me down to the station for disrespecting that little Sheriff's badge you've got there? Or for implying that you’re a literal motherfucker? I'm not sure which part of that involves breaking the law."

Jed smiled, but the expression was sinister. "The two of us are the only ones out here right now. And I do believe that the men from the mining company can attest to the fact that you behaved in a threatening manner toward them. You should tread very carefully."

"Are you threatening me for making a comment about your momma?" I paused, my thoughts churning. I hadn't considered Jed being involved in all of this.

Until now.

There was just something about the way he showed up here so quickly, and the way he'd gone straight into menacing me. "No," I said. "That's not the reason, is it?"

Jed smiled again, the corners of his mouth pulled tight. "You and I are the only ones out here on the outskirts of town, Silas. The nearest house is what, a half mile away? There are no eyes on us. And I'm sure your mother's house has a few weapons inside. As I recall, your alcoholic father was a bit of a gun nut. I was always surprised that your mother ended up going out the way she did. I figured her for eventually getting her head blown off by your father, not swallowing a bottle of pills. But I guess you never know about people, do you?"

"Fuck you, Jed." I clenched my fists, stepping forward toward him. "You talk shit about my family, you talk shit about me. Why don't you take a shot at me like a real man?" I asked, immediately regretting my choice of phrase. The last thing I needed was to get shot by a trigger-happy cop.

As if on cue, Jed drew his weapon and pointed it at me. I stopped in my tracks, raising my hands in my air, barely able to speak through my rage. "So this is how it's going to be, Jed?" I asked. "You're going to shoot me, right here in the middle of my mother's front yard?"

"Keep your hands in the air where I can see them," Jed said. He stood, his weapon trained on me, unwavering. I wanted to fucking lunge at the guy and beat his ass into the ground, but instead I stood there, swallowing my anger.

"I'm not resisting, Jed," I said. "And you should think long and hard about whether you want another body on your hands." I looked at him meaningfully. I chose my words carefully, knowing I was implying he had something to do with my parents' deaths.

I wanted to gauge his reaction. I'm not sure what kind of reaction I expected.

He narrowed his eyes, still not moving, and I was sure he was contemplating shooting me. But he didn't ask what the hell I was talking about.

I didn't know the hell was going on here, just that whatever it was, Jed was up to his fucking eyeballs in it.

I was sure of that. I knew it in my gut.

When Jed finally moved, it was to circle around behind me. I braced myself, expecting that this was it for me. "Are you going to shoot me in the back, Jed?" I asked. "That seems about right for someone like you."

But instead of a shot, I heard him speak. "Down on the ground," he said. "Put your hands above your head."

"Are you fucking joking?"

"I said, get down on the fucking ground and assume the position," Jed said. "Or do you not understand the simple fact that I am the law around here?"

I laughed at the ridiculousness of his statement, but got down on my knees, then on my stomach. "You sound like a cartoon villain," I said. "You can't come up with anything more creative than, 'I am the law around these parts?'"

Jed ignored me, yanking one hand and then the other behind my back and attaching plastic ties to my wrists, pulling them tight enough that they cut into my skin. "Is that a comfortable fit for you?" he asked. "I wouldn't want you to be uncomfortable. The sheriff’s office prides ourselves on our humane treatment of prisoners."

He yanked me up, laughing as he pushed me toward the police car and opened the door, shoving me inside.