
K must sense my discomfort, because he does something I’ve never, ever seen him do. Something I never imagined he could do. He gets visibly pissed and shouts. Loud.

“Did you hear what she said?” K takes a deliberate step into Max’s space. Max blanches, his hands trembling just enough to notice. “Don’t fucking look at her or talk to her like that again,” K growls, fists clenched and brows pulled tight over hardened eyes. Eyes that aren’t hidden by a baggy hood.

Max stumbles back. “I-I wasn’t—”

“Leave!” K’s voice is so thunderous the entire gym goes silent. It’s probably the first time most of these people have heard his voice. I stand, shocked, as Max scrambles for the stairs, hurries out of the cage, and up the stairs to the employee lounge.

I glance around, unsure of what to do next. Everyone is staring. K doesn’t seem to care or notice. He steps out of the octagon and walks over, his loud, booming voice now a soft, near-whisper.

“Are you okay?”

I flush and a nervous giggle escapes. “Are you really asking me that?”

The corner of his mouth quirks up. “Yeah, I guess I am.”

“I’m fine. I’ll be fine,” I correct when one of K’s eyebrows lifts accusingly. “Max just… I mean, he’s never acted like this before, but lately he’s just off. I’m not sure what to make of it.”

Now, confused instead of furious, K’s brow furrows over those stunning eyes again. “I don’t understand you,” he admits.

K is willingly meeting my gaze. Only this time it’s K trying to figure me out instead of vice versa.

“Not much to understand,” I lie. “I’m not very complicated.”

K leans in closer, only a scant few inches between us. “I disagree. You’re very complicated and I want to figure out every single thing about you.” Hypnotized, I stare into those deep, silver pools. My stomach flutters, the same sense of déjà vu returning, only to slip away before I can make sense of it.

“I-I’m really not.”

K frowns, as if it pains him to continue. But he does, and it’s the most I’ve heard him speak at one time.

“Britt, you’re the only girl… no, the only woman who isn’t afraid of me. Who…” He pauses, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallows.

Is K nervous?

“You’re the only one who doesn’t see it,” K whispers.

God, I want so badly for him to throw his arms around me, wrap me up in his strength, comfort me and shield me from danger while I spill my secrets to this broken, shuttered-up man. Right now though, it seems he’s the one who needs to be held, to be reassured.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I like what I see.”

This time, K cringes at my words, inhaling a shaky breath as he responds. “That’s the problem.”



“You’re ready.” Gabriel clamps a heavy hand down on my shoulder, his face lit up with a grin. “AFL has you down for your first fight next month.”

“Where?” I allow Gabriel to steer me toward his office, but at the last minute, he surprises me by pushing me into Britt’s.

Britt is sitting behind her desk when we enter, me stumbling forward and Gabriel hanging back a few steps. She stops typing and stands.

“You told him?” she asks, her eyes darting back and forth between Gabriel and me.

“Not yet. I was waiting to tell him with you,” Gabriel says proudly.

I wait, silent, as the two of them do some sort of wordless dance involving a lot of wide eyes and lifted brows.

“Fine, mina filha. I will tell him.” Gabriel faces us both but makes eye contact with me. “You will be on the same card as the welterweight title fight. This is a big deal for a newcomer.”

I must be gaping like a fish, because Gabriel and Britt laugh, indulgent smiles on their proud faces.

“The Battaglia vs. Gomes card?” I trained with Hugo Gomes at Rafael’s gym in Brazil. He’s amazing.

“That’s the one.” Gabriel gestures toward Britt. “Britt here will be traveling with us to Las Vegas for the fight. We need her to make sure you stay in top form.”

I’m at a loss for words. Not only will I be fighting on a major card in Vegas, but these two people, people I only just met, honest to god believe in me. As a person, not just a fighter.

“I’m speechless,” I admit.

Britt snorts. “Like that’s new.”

Gabriel laughs loudly and I can’t help myself, I join in, my face splitting in a huge grin. Maybe my laugh isn’t as big or attractive as theirs, but it’s real. This is the first true moment of joy I’ve experienced in ten years.

“Well, meu filho,” Gabriel rubs his hands together in excitement. “I’m going to plan our trip. I need both of you in my office at three to go over the details.”

Gabriel smiles before leaving Britt and me alone in awkward silence. At least, I find it awkward. Britt has no problem being alone with me or filling the silence.

“How exciting!” Britt squeals, her blue eyes bright and shining with pride.

Heather C. Leigh's books