
Also as usual, Britt yanks her chair from behind her desk to cozy up next to me so we can both see the computer screen at once. Her loose blonde hair brushes my shoulder and I catch the faint scent of citrus. When her hand accidentally touches mine, I nearly fly out of my seat. It’s as if a million tiny sparks ignite my skin, blazing hot, the heat singeing me from the base of my spine to the top of my skull.

I’m so fucking confused and stressed out, I don’t hear a word Britt says. My body wanted Britt the first time I laid eyes on her. I held back because she’s too good, too innocent, and certainly not deserving of the shitty treatment I’d give her. Yet Britt sparks an emotion in me I thought died with my little sister. Something besides the need to satisfy raw animal lust.

Desire? Affection? Adoration?

Shit, I sound like a *. By the time I pull my head out of my ass, Britt is staring at me, waiting for me to speak. When I don’t, her pink lips turn down in the corners.


“What?” I snap, annoyed at Gabriel, annoyed at the way Britt dredges up feelings I gave up on years ago, annoyed at myself for having any feelings at all. Hurt shines behind those wide blue eyes, but Britt collects herself quickly and it’s gone in a single blink.

“Are you ready to try out the new positions?”

My mind instantly goes to all of the positions I want to try with Britt and my dick gets embarrassingly hard—pounding her from behind, thrusting into that inviting mouth… Shit. Once again, I silently thank my athletic cup for saving me from humiliation. At this rate, I’ll need to wear it all the damn time.

“Uh,” I swallow, nervous for the first time in god knows how long. “S-sure?”

Britt is momentarily stunned, certainly a result of the rare crack in my armor. She shakes her head and stands. “Let’s go.”


K is acting weird today. Okay, he’s always weird, but this is different. He’s almost… shy? Embarrassed? Either way, the silent confidence he projects is gone, or flickering in and out, allowing me a few wonderful moments with the real K. The one I’m certain he hides behind that big old tattooed alpha exterior.

Without saying a word—big shock—K follows me to cage six. The grappling dummy, a black and red leather figure, is splayed out obscenely on the mat, waiting for us. Heat floods my face. Max positioned the damn thing on its back, legs spread and pointing upward, as if held in place by invisible gynecological stirrups.

“What’s up first?”

“Eeep!” K’s sudden presence at my side draws a humiliating noise out of me and I wobble. Catching myself, I turn to face him, unprepared to control my reaction. My mouth drops open at the sight. K is already shirtless, exposing a tantalizing expanse of tan skin, defined muscles, and dark black slashes of ink. All within inches of my now itchy fingers.

“Sorry,” he grunts, his huge hand wrapping around my wrist to keep me steady. The touch sends a spark straight between my legs.

Oh. My. God.

“Ummmm, I… I’m okay. Thanks.” Our eyes lock and my heart leaps into my throat. Mesmerized, I stare at his molten silver irises as the black of his pupils enlarges, eclipsing nearly all of the extraordinary color.

Those eyes.

I can’t put my finger on it but they remind me of… of something. Something just out of reach, but I’m not sure what it is. It’s like déjà vu but not quite. Without thinking, I raise my hand to touch his face, desperate to understand, desperate for physical contact, desperate to see if K can give me the serenity I crave.

“Are you guys ready?”

Max’s loud question breaks us apart. I yank my hand back to my side. K actually cringes and if I didn’t spot the crimson streaks on his cheeks, I would never have believed the man could actually blush.

“We’re ready,” I reply with more confidence than I should be able to manage.

“Good.” Max snaps, entering the cage, K hot on his heels.

Oh great. First K, now Max is in rare form today.

I stand by the cage, confused by the images running through my mind. K’s eyes, they seemed… I can’t explain it. Familiar? And not because I’ve been obsessed with their unique color since the first day he arrived at the gym. He so rarely allows eye contact, it’s not as if I’ve gotten anywhere near as acquainted with them as I’d like. I could stare into them for hours at a time.

The unsettling sensation has my heart beating wildly, which is irritating considering I have no idea why I’m so unnerved.

“Earth to Britt!”

Once again, I’m caught spacing out. In the ring in front of me, Max and K are staring, waiting for me to join them. Max has his hands cupped around his mouth to amplify his voice.

“No need to shout, Max,” I retort, stomping up the steps and letting myself into the cage. “We won’t be filming today, so you can go.”

Max frowns, his entire body going rigid at my dismissal. “I’m supposed to help,” he insists.

The hostile expression Max shoots my way sends chills down my spine and an uneasy ache into my stomach. Max is pissed off to say the least, only I don’t know why and frankly, I don’t care, but my voice catches in my throat, along with any argument I had at the ready to tell Max off.

Heather C. Leigh's books