It's All Relative

Kai’s eyes overflowed with tears as he nodded. “We thought you…had a heart attack.” Kai stepped into her, enclosing his arms around her and Jessie.

His grandmother, by nurture if not nature, shushed them both and patted their backs. “Oh, no, sweethearts, that wasn’t me. My ticker is just fine.” Kai and Jessie pulled back to take her in, still surprised that she was a living, breathing person and not an apparition. Smiling softly, she brushed dry one child’s cheek, then the other. Cocking an eyebrow, she said, “It will take much more than a leisurely cup of tea to end this old girl. I plan on going out in a blaze of glory…sky diving or something.”

Kai shook his head and inadvertently chuckled at her; the release felt wonderful. Thank God she was okay. Grudgingly letting go of her, so they didn’t accidently crush her to death, Kai asked, “Who was that then?”

Gran sighed as she looked across her lawn, to the neighbor who had helped Kai on his first visit to his grandmother’s house. “Betty…my neighbor.” Shaking her head, she returned her eyes to Kai. “She was centuries old, and really didn’t take very good care of herself. But she was sweet, in a nosey sort of way.”

She paused a moment as she reflected over the loss that had taken place in her home, then her expression brightened. “While I’ll miss that old broad, I can’t help but think that her home was a rental, and will probably need a new tenant now.” She gave him an endearing smile. “You could move out of your tiny little apartment. You could be my neighbor…if you’re staying, that is.” She raised her eyebrows inquisitively, waiting for his answer.

Kai had to laugh that she’d found a silver lining in all of this. But then he sighed, as he looked over the hope on his grandmother’s face. She was praying he would stay here, even knowing what he knew now. And he planned to, but not in the way she was imagining. His home was with Jessie, and his grandmother needed to know that, but his relief that she was alive evaporated his earlier nerves about sitting down and talking with her. He could get through this, because she was okay, and she was still going to be okay after he told her everything that was in his heart. They all would be.

Rubbing her shoulder, he told her, “Well, about that, Gran…” He glanced over at Jessie, then grabbed her hand. “Jessie and I have some things we should talk to you about. How about we go inside?”

When the trio walked back into the house, Kai easily spotted the evidence of today’s tragic events—an overturned chair in the kitchen, a shattered teacup on the floor. Gran sighed as she looked around. “She invited herself over for tea. I knew your father was speaking with you, Kai, since he called me this morning, so I welcomed the distraction. Plus, I liked Betty. She was a sweet old gal. I tried to help her when she collapsed, but there was nothing I could do.”

She sighed again, her face forlorn, and Kai patted her shoulder. “You did your best, Gran.”

Releasing Jessie’s hand, he got to work cleaning up the mess. Gran shouldn’t have to keep looking at the reminder. Jessie moved to help him, and Gran shook her head. “I can handle that. You two don’t need to.”

Her face sparkling with relief and love, Jessie smiled at the older woman. “We know you can, Grams, but we want to help. So please don’t be difficult and let us.”

Gran threw her hands up in the air, but there was a prideful smile on her face. While Kai and Jessie cleaned up the mess, she explained again everything that happened with her neighbor. As badly as he felt for Betty, Kai was still awed and amazed that Gran was fine; he’d been so sure that had been her on the stretcher.

After the kitchen was returned to normal, Gran lifted an eyebrow at Kai. “Ready for that talk now? I’m sure there is a lot you want to say to me.”

Grabbing Jessie’s hand again, for support and comfort, Kai nodded. Yes, there were several things he wanted to say. They moved to the living room, where everyone would be more comfortable. Kai and Jessie sat close together on the couch, while Gran took a seat in her favorite chair. Kai and Jessie were still holding hands, but Gran didn’t seem bothered by the affection. If anything, she seemed pleased that they were closer than ever after the bombshell Kai had just received; hopefully she’d still feel that way after she learned just how close they really were.