It's All Relative

Jessie stood to make the father and son cups of coffee when the conversation shifted to lighter topics. Mason seemed genuinely curious about Kai, about who he was and what he enjoyed, and he endlessly expressed his regret over seeming standoffish to him upon his arrival. The whole situation had completely thrown Mason off, and he wasn’t someone who liked to be off-track. He’d been struggling with the task that had been given to him from day one.

After giving the pair their coffee, Jessie kissed Kai’s forehead and gave him some privacy so he could truly get to know his father. Hearing Kai laugh while he described the numerous bee stings he’d hidden from Mason on his first day at work made her smile. Slipping into her room, Jessie crawled onto her bed. With the scent of Kai still on her pillows, she listened to his deep voice as it drifted throughout her home.

It filled Jessie with a surprising amount of warmth that he was making an attempt to bond with Mason. Maybe that was because if Kai bonded with Mason, it would only reaffirm that Uncle Nate wasn’t his real dad, reaffirm that it truly was okay for them to be together. Jessie knew in her heart that being with Kai was the absolute right path for her, and she knew they were strangers, in that sense, but still, having him develop a close tie to someone who didn’t share a branch on the Harper family tree was a good thing.

Smiling, Jessie closed her eyes and let the image of Kai’s sea-green gaze sweep her away into slumber.

Kai smiled as he shook hands with Mason. That had gone better than he’d ever thought it would. Now that Mason wasn’t sick with dread over having a conversation with Kai that he didn’t want to have, he was easier to be around—open, curious, and eager to form a lasting bond with Kai. Kai wasn’t sure if he was ready to include him in family functions yet, but he definitely felt more comfortable about returning to work.

“I never thought I’d say this, but thank you for coming here and talking to me,” Kai said as he walked Mason to the front door.

Mason let out a noise that was half amusement, half disbelief. “It was something I never imagined myself doing it…but I’m glad I did. You’re an amazing young man, Kai, and I’m happy that you’re giving me a chance to get to know you. It begs the question though…will you be staying with us?”

While Kai was a bit flustered by a person he’d always assumed hated him suddenly calling him amazing, the thought of what his future held now made him smile. “Yes, I’m going to stay here…in Denver.” His gaze drifted to Jessie’s bedroom, where the girl of his dreams was waiting for him. When he returned his eyes to Mason’s, there was happiness and curiosity on the man’s face, but no disgust. He knew about Kai and Jessie, and he didn’t care. Kai hoped it went as easily with the rest of their family. “This is home now, and so is the center. I’d be honored to keep working with you and the team.”

Even though Kai was fairly certain Mason wouldn’t turn him down, nerves still flashed up his spine. He really hadn’t wanted to give up his job. He loved the work, and he’d never really wanted to leave. Mason’s expression instantly proclaimed his answer, even before he said it. Smiling brightly, he nodded, “Good. You would have been impossible to replace.”

The warmth of Mason’s praise swept over Kai. He wasn’t at a point where he needed to impress the man as a son, but as an employee, it was extremely gratifying to have his hard work acknowledged. Kai immediately relaxed. He still had Jessie; he still had his job. It almost seemed too good to be true. He wasn’t about to complain though. Suddenly remembering what he needed to do made Kai cringe. “I hope you don’t mind, but I need a little more time off. I need to see my parents.” The thought of having those conversations filled him with dread again.

The expression on Mason’s face turned sympathetic. “Yes, I suppose you do. Go easy on your mother, Kai. She had her reasons for keeping you in the dark.” Mason suddenly seemed thoughtful, like he was surprised he would say something so forgiving about Kai’s mother. Kai figured that Mason still had deep feelings for Leilani, no matter what had happened between them.

Hoping he could be as accepting as Mason was, Kai nodded. The least he could do was try and understand his mother. A feeling flickered over Mason’s face, and before Kai knew what was happening, the man was wrapping his arms around him in a tight hug. The unexpected contact made Kai’s muscles tense, but he forced himself to relax and loosely return the gesture. When Mason pulled away, it was clear he was embarrassed over the show of affection. “Well, yes, take all the time you need,’ he said, clearing his throat. “Getting tickets on such short notice can be pricey. I’ll make arrangements.”

Kai knew that, and he was floored that Mason would make such an offer. “You don’t have to…but thank you. Very much.” Mason smiled and turned to open the door. As he did, Kai added, “I’ll call you when I get there. So you know I arrived safely. So you won’t…worry.”