It's All Relative

He laughed as he studied the tiny woman; she looked so frail lying in that big bed, but she really wasn’t. “That’s why I didn’t call, Gran. I wanted to get settled myself.” His smile was warm and affectionate as he held her paper-thin hand. Although he wished they weren’t reuniting in a place like this, it was nice to see her face-to-face again.

His grandmother didn’t really look much like Kai, but that was to be expected. His mother was native Hawaiian, born and bred, and he’d inherited a lot of her exotic Polynesian looks. His skin was a deep golden brown, his features almost slightly Asian, with the exception that his eyes were a shade of bluish-green that he’d been told his entire life was remarkably beautiful. His eyes were the only thing that really set Kai apart from his mother. The woman before him now reminded Kai of his father—fair skin, dark eyes, and before it had turned silver with age, warm brown hair.

Patting his hand, his grandmother smiled. “Well, I’m glad you’re here now.”

Kai started to reply that he felt the same way when someone stepped through the open door. Hoping it was a doctor, so he could find out just how badly his grandmother was hurt, Kai automatically looked up. When his eyes locked onto the person standing there, shock froze him solid. He didn’t think anything could have surprised him more than seeing her striding into his grandmother’s hospital room.

Jessie. What the hell was she doing here?

She looked more put together than when he’d last seen her, early this morning. Her dark curly hair, loose around her shoulders before, was now pulled back into a cute ponytail that exposed the curve of her neck. Her chest, emphasized earlier in that short, sexy dress, was now covered in a light gray sweater that clung to every curve. And low on her hips—hips that he’d been grasping in ecstasy just a handful of hours ago—was a pair of perfectly faded blue jeans. He held his breath as he took in the oddity of seeing her in the same room as his healing grandmother. Maybe she worked here? Although, she certainly wasn’t dressed like a nurse.

Jessie didn’t notice him at first; her gaze was only focused on the old woman lying on the bed. “They only had apple and orange juice, I couldn’t find any cranberry.” She stopped talking about the juices she was holding when she finally spotted Kai sitting on the bed. Her mouth dropped just as far open, and her dark eyes widened to an almost comical level. Kai wanted to talk to her, wanted to ask her what she was doing here, but found he couldn’t speak through his own shock.

As they wordlessly stared at each other, Kai’s grandmother broke the sudden silence. “Oh good, I’m glad you’re back, dear. Look who showed up!”

Jessie’s face clouded over with what looked like anger, and Kai found himself instinctually retreating from her glare. She stepped up to the edge of the bed. “Are you following me?” she asked, her voice both heated and concerned.

Her feisty reaction loosened the hold on Kai’s tongue. “Following you? You’re the one following me. How did you know I would be here?”

She blinked in confusion. “What the hell are you talking about? I didn’t know you would be here. And why the hell are you here?”

Kai’s grandmother spoke up, “Little Miss, you watch your mouth. That is no way to talk to people.” Her gray brows bunched as she looked between Kai and Jessie. “Have you two already met?” she asked.

Jessie’s face flushed as she set the juices on the nightstand. “No, not really.”

Kai scoffed at her comment, but didn’t elaborate on his objection after receiving a scathing glare from Jessie. Not really? What they’d done had kind of been a little more than the average getting to know you. However Jessie knew his grandmother, though, she obviously didn’t want to share intimate details of their night together with her, any more than he wanted to share those facts with her. There were just some things his grandmother didn’t need to know.

Gran grinned as she simultaneously squeezed his hand and patted Jessie’s arm. “Well, I’m glad you’re getting a chance to officially meet then. You two should get along pretty well, since you’re about the same age.”

Confused, Kai looked over at Jessie and indicated his grandmother with a nod of his head. “How do you know her?” he asked. His eyes, locked on hers, gauged her reaction carefully.

Jessie stared into his eyes for a long moment, like she’d gotten lost in them. He shifted his head to return her attention to his question, and looking a little embarrassed, she shook her head and straightened to her full height; the movement subtly highlighted her chest, and Kai found himself a little lost too. He couldn’t help but remember his lips on that chest.

Her words, punctuated by the acerbic tone of her voice, returned his attention to her face. “Me? I’m sure I’ve known her a lot longer than you. How do you know her?”

Kai raised a disbelieving eyebrow. “You’ve known her longer? I highly doubt that.”