It Must Be Christmas: Three Holiday Stories

He felt her smile against his skin. Her tongue flicked out at the sensitive skin at his neck and Nate shivered. “It’s me who can’t get enough. Every time you touch me, I lose my mind and can’t think a rational thought to save my life. How’s your back?”

Nate chuckled. “You haven’t broken me yet. I wouldn’t say no to a long, hot shower though.”

Chloe sat up and studied him, a smile flirting with her lips. “What about the sweet little calves still waiting for their shots?”

Ah, shit. He still had five calves to vaccinate and his legs were about as reliable as cooked noodles. “I’ll make you a deal. You start dinner, I’ll finish up with the calves.”

“And afterward?” Chloe asked archly.

“Afterward, I’m going to wash you from head to toe. Slowly.”

Her smile was enough to stop Nate’s heart. “That hardly seems fair.”

“Oh, don’t worry,” he teased. “You’ll be washing me when I’m finished. And I expect you to be thorough.”

“Anything for my hardworking cowboy.”

Nate’s chest tightened to the point that he didn’t trust himself to take a breath without choking on the intake. It wasn’t just the sensual purr of her voice, but the possessiveness when she said “my” that caused his heart to pound. He wanted her to want him with the same inexplicable fervor. He wanted the thought of her leaving to make her break out into a cold sweat like it did him. But most of all, he wanted her to be satisfied with him if he chose nothing more than to live the life of a simple rancher.



Chloe watched out the kitchen window as Nate finished up with the calves. She could easily imagine a life with him here. Simple, and wonderful, and just the two of them. From where her purse hung on a hook in the mudroom, her cell phone rang. Chloe turned off the sink and dried her hands before rushing to the phone before the call went to voice mail. She didn’t recognize the number but that wasn’t uncommon since she used the phone for business calls. Her finger swiped across the screen and she answered, “This is Chloe Benson.”

“Hi, Chloe. This is Travis Christensen. I got your number from your assistant. Is this a good time to call?”

Chloe’s heart ricocheted up into her throat. She rushed to the kitchen and peered out the window to find Nate still dealing with the calves. “Um, yeah. It’s fine. I didn’t expect to hear from you so soon, Mr. Christensen.”

“First things first,” he said. “Call me Travis.”

Talking to Nate’s brother while he worked outside sent a wave of guilt washing over Chloe. She should have asked Nate before she’d sent Hailey after his brother. It somehow felt underhanded and sneaky now.

“Okay, Travis. So, I’m assuming that my assistant gave you the full-court press, otherwise you wouldn’t be calling.”

Travis chuckled. “She did. I gotta tell ya, she’s quite the seller.”

He sounded a lot like Nate but more at ease. Rather than talk shop, Chloe found herself wanting to use this opportunity to grill the younger Christensen about his brother. What was he like as a kid? Did he have many girlfriends? Was he always so serious, or had his time in the military made him that way? Damn it. This was such a wasted opportunity.

“This is our eleventh hour, Travis. We’ve got to go big or go home.”

Nate looked up from pushing the last calf into the corral and smiled when his gaze met Chloe’s. He waved before he started to box up the syringes and vaccines. Chloe waved back. Crap. She needed to wrap this convo up.

“Can’t say I don’t admire that go-to attitude. Why come to me, though?”

Chloe sensed that Hailey had given him the P.C. response to that question and that Travis wanted it straight. Something he had in common with his brother. “Honestly? Because I’ve reached the end of my rope and I know you’ve got more than enough money to help my foundation without even feeling a pinch.”

“I doubt there’s a soul in the state of Texas who doesn’t know that,” he remarked. “Okay, so why me and not my brothers?”

Hailey wasn’t sure how much she should divulge. Too much and Travis might be suspicious of her. Too little and it would look like she hadn’t done her homework. “Your youngest brother is a county sheriff. I’d feel like I was stealing from him. Your brother Carter has two kids and I know he recently lost his wife. I didn’t want to pile anything more onto his plate.”

“And my other brother…?” Travis asked.

“Is planning to give his share of the inheritance away,” Chloe responded. “To your father’s widow if I’m not mistaken. I’m not interested in his share.”

Travis snorted. “That’s the rumor. How much do you need, Chloe, and when do you need it by?”

Chloe’s heart soared. “Does this mean you’re willing to back us?”

Jennifer Crusie & Mandy Baxter & Donna Alward's books