It Must Be Christmas: Three Holiday Stories

“I’m sorry I butted into your life again.” He reached out and wrapped his arm around her. His hand ventured under her T-shirt, splayed out over her belly. Chloe drew in a shuddering breath. “It’s only because I care about you.”

“You care about me?” He leaned over her and kissed her neck where it met her shoulder.

“I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t.”

His hand ventured up past her torso and under her bra. He cupped her breast, kneading the flesh as he continued to kiss her neck. “I didn’t like watching you walk away from me.” Chloe’s breath hitched as a rush of heat spread between her thighs. “Don’t do it again.”

Her head fell back on his shoulder and she gripped the banister for support. Nate’s free hand loosened the button on her jeans and eased down the zipper before slipping into her underwear. His fingers slid over her clit and Chloe melted against him. Any words she’d thought to say evaporated under the heat of his touch.

Chloe recognized the moment for what it was: a distraction. When Nate couldn’t deal with something, he used sex to run interference. The second he touched her, whispered low in her ear, or coaxed impassioned cries from her lips with his skillful fingers, she lost herself. Did that mean that Nate was her dysfunction? Or her addiction?

Probably both.

This time, Nate didn’t seduce her with his words. The only sounds in the quiet house were that of their heavy breaths. Chloe stripped off her shirt and shucked her bra, wobbling on her feet as Nate circled her clit with the tip of his finger. She tried to spread her legs wider, but her pants restricted any movement. He increased the pressure, sliding through her lips as he continued to work the swollen knot of nerves at her core. Chloe’s hips bucked and her thighs trembled under the onslaught. The restriction of her jeans tortured her. Without being able to open herself up to him, all Nate could manage were shallow flicks of his finger that teased but offered nothing in the way of release. He held her tight against him, one hand cupping her bare breast while the other cupped her pussy inside of her jeans.

If she didn’t get her damned pants off, Chloe was going to go out of her mind. Just when she was about to beg him to do just that, Nate spun her around in his arms. His hazel eyes sparked with heat and the intensity of his gaze burned through her. A muscle at his jaw ticked and his nostrils flared before his mouth descended on hers in a scorching kiss.

His temper had been redirected into passion. Raw, visceral, completely untamed. His mouth slanted furiously over hers, and Nate took her bottom lip into his mouth, sucking greedily before he pulled away, letting his teeth scrape over the delicate skin. Chloe’s arms flew around his neck as she kissed him back, her own passions mounting to a nearly uncontrollable level. They could’ve toppled down the stairs with one misstep, but her tongue plunged into Nate’s mouth; she couldn’t be bothered to worry about anything as trivial as a broken bone or two.

With a grunt, Nate shoved Chloe’s pants down over her thighs. She toed off her shoes and shimmied out of them as best she could, unwilling to part their mouths while she kicked her jeans and underwear somewhere down the stairs. Nate broke their kiss and his breath heaved in his chest as he stripped his own shirt and tossed it down to join hers. He took her hips firmly in his grasp and spun her around. “Get on your hands and knees.” The words were nothing more than a husky growl and another rush of wetness coated her thighs.

Chloe did as he told her. The carpeting that covered the stairs wasn’t exactly a cushion, but she didn’t care. Nate spread her legs wide and tilted her hips so that her ass jutted up in the air. “Nate?” She turned to look over her shoulder and watched as he laid himself out on the stairs. “You’re going to kill your back laying like that—Oh. God.”

Nate’s mouth sealed over her pussy in a wave of delicious heat that caused Chloe to shudder. He gripped her hips in his large hands, holding her right where he wanted her as he circled her clit with the tip of his tongue. Nate’s hands ventured lower. Chloe gasped as he dragged the flat of his tongue over her lips. His fingers traced a path down the crease of her ass and lower still. He slid one finger through her slick arousal and guided his finger back up into the crease and the tight ring of nerves, circling the area while he sucked her clit into his mouth.

The sensation stole Chloe’s breath. Virgin territory to be sure, no one but Nate had ever been bold enough to go there. She gripped the edge of the stair above her as she rocked on her knees, grinding her hips as she rode Nate’s mouth. He let out a hungry groan and eased his finger past the tight barrier as he increased the pressure of his tongue and swirled it over her clit.

Jennifer Crusie & Mandy Baxter & Donna Alward's books