Into the Light (The Light #1)

I scooted closer to the far edge of the bed, near the rail. As Jacob lay back against my pillow, he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and drew me close. Judging by the texture of his shirt, he was still wearing the clothes he’d worn to service. That probably meant he was only pacifying me; nevertheless I curled my body toward him and rested my head on his chest. His subtle scent reminded me of our body wash, fresh and clean; however, as I buried my cheek in the cotton, his signature leather-and-musk cloud filled my senses.

Though I’d hoped to learn more about his meeting, with the events of the day and the warmth of his silent embrace, in no time at all, I began to drift off to sleep. I was nearly there when Jacob moved. Rolling me to my back, he hovered close and smoothed my long hair away from my face.

“Are you still awake?” he asked, his minty breath blowing over me.


“I’m sorry . . .”

His simple apology had my full attention. I wasn’t sure I remembered hearing those words from him.

“. . . I meant to tell you how well you did at service.”

I smiled. “Thank you. I was scared, but Raquel and Elizabeth were with me the entire time. And Brother Benjamin,” I added, suddenly fearful of not acknowledging that a man had helped.

He continued to run his fingers through my hair. “I didn’t want you to think that I’d been quiet because of anything you’d done. You were perfect.”

It was difficult for me not to ask the questions running through my tired mind, but lying on my back helped me remember. “Thank you, Jacob. I want you to be proud. I’m sorry that I embarrassed you. I’m sure that’s what Father Gabriel was speaking to you about.”

His hand and breath stilled, as if he was considering his words carefully. “We’re leaving the clinic tomorrow. However, instead of going to our apartment, we’ll be staying at the pole barn for a while.”

“I don’t remember our apartment or the pole barn, but I’ll go wherever you take me.”

His lips brushed mine. The light touch ignited a spark that detonated flickers of yearning throughout my body. I lifted my lips to his, wanting more than the chaste endearment.

“Sara, I . . .” Jacob didn’t complete his sentence; instead his hand slipped behind my head, pulling me toward him. His kiss, no longer apathetic, devoured. Zeal radiated from his lips, and soon his breaths were labored. Like magnets we were drawn toward one another, closer and closer. My body liquefied, becoming pliable to his touch, while conversely, his hardened, ready to claim what was already his.

As the heat of our passion washed over us, I forgot my punishment. My attention went elsewhere. A tug on my hair propelled my head to tilt, while the persistence of his minty tongue encouraged my lips to part. Whimpers and moans reverberated in my mouth and bubbled forth. They were wordless sounds declaring my body’s approval.

The large, strong hands that had delivered pain now brought pleasure. I reached for his broad shoulders, opening my arms and willfully surrendering to his kisses. With a palpable hunger, his mouth moved from my lips to my neck and down to my collarbone. His actions sent shivers to my toes and tremors to my insides. Each kiss moved lower until he reached the neckline of my nightgown. The bra I’d worn to service was gone. My breaths quickened as each button came undone, leaving me bare and exposed to his desires.

The sound of my heart echoed in my ears as he praised my beauty and whispered admiration for what was his. When he wasn’t speaking, his lips moved lower as his five o’clock shadow tantalized my sensitive skin. It was as his skilled fingers joined the assault, kneading my breasts and twisting my hardened nipples, that primal sounds came from in my throat. It wasn’t that I feared speaking. It was that words weren’t forming. Wanting what he could give, I reached for his head, wove my fingers through his hair, and pulled him closer.

Suddenly he stopped and pulled away, leaving me open to the cool air.

Dazed and chilled, I reached for my nightgown. Embarrassed and hurt, I began to button it. “Did I do something wrong?” The cool temperature of the room turned glacial as I realized my mistake. “Jacob, I’m sorry. I know not to question. It’s just that . . .” The whirlwind of my emotions cycloned out of control. Though my nightgown wasn’t completely buttoned, I rolled away, lost in my darkened world, as tears rained onto my pillow.

Reaching for my shoulder, Jacob turned me back toward him, wiped my tears, and kissed my nose. “You are so stubborn. You’re going to be the death of us yet.”

I didn’t understand what had just happened.

How did we go from hot and steamy to frigid in record time?

My heart ached as the bed shifted and Jacob stood. Then seconds later it shifted again to his weight. This time when he pulled me to his chest, his shirt was soft. A T-shirt, I presumed. When I curled into him as I’d done before, my bare leg met his. The skin-to-skin contact brought a smile to my saddened lips. He’d gotten out of bed to remove his clothes, not to leave me. He was going to sleep with me.

He kissed the top of my head. “You didn’t do anything wrong. We’re in a hospital bed in the community clinic. It’s not the most romantic place to make love to my wife.”