Into the Light (The Light #1)

“Oh, I know. I just wasn’t sure if she’d be able to walk, but it appears as though sitting is more her issue.”

My body temperature rose. “Brother, she informed me of what occurred while you and Father Gabriel were in her room. I’ve taken care of my wife’s impudence.” I lifted my brow and settled my eyes on Lilith. “Perhaps you should follow suit.”

Though I listened to Father Gabriel, my gaze never left my wife. Not being able to sit with her increased my anxiety. While I trusted Raquel and Elizabeth, they weren’t me, and I was ultimately responsible. Nonetheless, as the evening progressed, my apprehension waned. If someone hadn’t known the truth, they’d truly believe Sara Adams was back following her incident.

The word incident filled me with dread. Father Gabriel still hadn’t pronounced his decree for Sara’s perceived part. It was essential to the plan, the timetable, and the protocol, but that didn’t mean I liked it or was comfortable with my wife suffering more correction. After closing prayer Brother Daniel came to me.

“Brother Jacob, I’m very pleased with Sister Sara’s presence here tonight. You should be proud.”

A little of the tension left my shoulders. “Thank you, Brother. I am.”

“Father Gabriel would like to speak to us for a few minutes.”

“Now?” I asked nervously, looking out toward the moving people.


As he passed by, I reached for Benjamin’s arm. “Brother, I need to speak with Father Gabriel. May I ask you—”

He didn’t let me finish. “No need to ask. I’ll get the ladies and escort them to the conservatory. We’ll wait for you there.”

Luke stepped closer. “Would you mind including Elizabeth? I’m part of this meeting we’re about to have.”

Benjamin nodded, unquestioning. “I’ve got your backs,” he said with a grin as he walked toward our wives, still seated where they’d been.

Luke’s elbow hit my ribs and he whispered, “You’ve got it bad.”

“What?” My eyes opened wide. “Do you know something about this meeting?”

Laughter rumbled from his throat. “No, I don’t know anything about the meeting. What I mean is that you’ve got it bad for your wife.”

I shrugged. “Shouldn’t I?”

“Eventually. Things are a little early. She could still . . .”

My heart stopped beating as I mentally finished his sentence. She could still be banished. Her probationary period wasn’t complete. Truthfully, no one was ever completely without that threat. It didn’t happen often to established members, but it could. Though I’d never been told, I had the feeling that had been the fate of the pilot I’d replaced.

Luke patted my shoulder. “Hey, forget I said that. Sara did great here tonight. I think you’ve got this covered.”

I reached for his arm and stopped his steps before we neared Father Gabriel’s office. “After this meeting I need to speak to you about something that happened earlier today.”

The corner of Luke’s mouth moved upward into a lopsided, knowing grin. “Elizabeth told me.”

“Vulgarity? Prideful?” I asked, letting go of my grasp and repeating the words Sara had used earlier today.

He nodded. “New followers. It’s my job. Elizabeth and I see and hear things like that often. It’s not the end of the line for her, and besides, I watched Sara tonight. I believe you took care of it. Am I correct?”

“I did.”

He patted my shoulder again. “Then we’re good. It was dealt with, and according to The Light, it is as if it never happened.”

I sighed with relief. “Wait a minute. Elizabeth told you? Were you planning on telling me?”

“I was. But Elizabeth said she encouraged Sara to tell you herself. We wanted to give her the chance. Again, we do this new-follower stuff all the time. Believe me when I say I only bring the bigger issues to the Assembly. We’d be there all day if I brought every detail. Of course I’ll report this to your overseer, but I know Brother Daniel, and I bet he’ll feel the same. The infraction happened. You took care of it. The issue has been resolved.”


“What about the memory she spoke of?” Luke asked.

“What memory?”

How much shit is going to be thrown at me tonight?

“Listen,” Luke said, reaching for my arm. “You and Sara obviously had an eventful afternoon. As her husband, what you do is at your discretion. As the new-follower coordinator, can I offer some advice?”

I nodded.

“Sara mentioned to Elizabeth that she had a memory of recreational running. She said she had the memory one of the first days after the incident. It happened before she was allowed to speak, and she’d forgotten all about it, until Elizabeth mentioned running.”

His words echoed with the beat of my erratic heart. Surely Luke could see the way my chest pulsed.