Into the Light (The Light #1)

“I assume I’ll be sitting at the service.”

It was the first time I’d seen my wife, as my wife, in anything other than a nightgown. I couldn’t help but stare at her splendor. She’d done as she’d asked to and secured her hair near the nape of her neck. Her turtleneck was black and ribbed, fitting snugly to her breasts, and disappeared at her small waist into the skirt that stopped about midcalf. The skirt was made of a blue-jean material. Over the turtleneck she wore a jacket that matched the skirt. The boot she wore on her right foot went almost to her knee and had a heel that nearly matched the height of the cast. With it on, she walked better than she had with slippers. Raquel had chosen her clothes, including the white bra and panties hidden beneath. Around Sara’s neck I’d secured a necklace. Dangling from the chain was a silver cross. It was an exact duplicate of the one worn by all the Assembly and Commission wives.

There was something about Sara’s presence and confidence, despite her punishment, that mesmerized me. As I stared at her, the only thing I could think, the only thing that registered, was that she was mine. All mine. Though my mind recognized the errors of our ways, in this world she was mine. Father Gabriel and The Light had given her to me, uniting us as husband and wife.

I tried to concentrate on her statement.

“Yes,” I replied as she walked confidently toward me and the table that held our dinner.

Somewhat nervously she reached for her new necklace and slid the silver cross from side to side. Taking a deep breath, she dropped her chin a bit and asked, “May I please stand to eat?”

“Why, Sara?”

Yes, I am an ass.

“Because my reminders are still sore, and if you’ll allow me, I’d like to let them rest.”

She was more perfect than I’d ever imagined. It wasn’t that in reality I needed this submission, but damn, it was hot. “What’s the purpose of the pain?” I asked.

“It’s to remind me to think before I speak and to not question.”

“If I allow you to stand, will you continue to remember?”

As her lip quivered, twisting the knife in my heart, she replied, “Yes, I’ll remember.”

“You may stand.”

“Thank you.”

So insanely hot!

I readjusted myself, lessening the physical pressure of my obvious attraction.

We’d practiced walking about the room, but leaving the clinic was different. She had to completely trust me and allow me to lead her through a dark world. With her coat and gloves secured, we made our way out of her room, down the quiet halls, and out into the cold night. As she breathed the frigid air, I asked, “Are you all right? It’s been a few weeks since you were out of the clinic.”

With her petite hand wrapped in mine, she replied, “I am, as long as you’re with me.”

The thing was, I knew without a doubt that she meant it. In this warped world, I was her anchor. It was the plan from the beginning, but the fact that it had worked both elated and sickened me. She deserved a hell of a lot more than this.

Once we were in the temple, we were greeted by everyone. Though I’d given her only a brief synopsis on how to respond, she did so appropriately. To those she didn’t know, she smiled and nodded, all the while holding tight to my hand. It wasn’t until we met up with Brother Benjamin and Sister Raquel that we released our grip, and I placed her hand in Raquel’s.

“Sara, I’ll come and get you once service is over. Sister Raquel will take you to Sister Elizabeth. Sister Ruth is seated in front of your seat. They’ll all be there for you and watch over you.”

Raquel smiled in my direction as she squeezed Sara’s hand.

“Thank you,” Sara replied. “I’ll be fine.” She turned toward Raquel, understanding that she could speak to others who she knew. “Thank you too,” she said.

Raquel nodded toward Brother Benjamin and me. “We’ll be fine, I promise.”

Murmurs filled the large room with the sound of normal preservice chatting as Benjamin and I made our way to the Assemblymen’s seats. Once we were in our places, I glanced out to the congregation of followers. Sara and Raquel were making their way to the Assembly wives’ seats, where Elizabeth was waiting. Though Sara tried to hide it, each time she sat or moved, her expression revealed her discomfort. After a while I watched as Sara’s and Elizabeth’s heads went together, and Elizabeth held Sara’s hand. The two appeared to be speaking quietly between themselves. I wondered if Sara was confessing her punishment.

Just before service began, Brother Timothy leaned toward me. “I see Sister Sara made it here tonight.”

“Yes, Brother, Father Gabriel invited her.”