Into the Light (The Light #1)

“You know that I . . .” He’d mentioned that he’d been given more responsibility but couldn’t tell me more.

I nodded. “I know you can’t say and I’m not asking. But I’ve been wondering about something else.”

“You have? That inquisitive, intelligent mind of yours scares me. Sometimes you’re too smart for your own good.”

I didn’t say more; instead I pushed my lower lip out playfully.

Jacob kissed my pout. With sparkling eyes he said, “Go on. What have you been wondering?”

“Before my accident, did we ever talk about children?”

Jacob’s feet stopped. When I looked up, his face was ashen as if all the blood had drained from his cheeks. “We did,” he finally admitted.

“We did?”

“We decided that we weren’t ready.” He began walking again.

“We did, or you did?”

“Sara, even though that is questioning, it was a decision we made together.”

I sighed. “Then I’d like to ask to revisit our decision.”

He kissed my cheek. Releasing my hand, with a smirk, he lengthened his stride, and called over his shoulder, “If we hurry home, we could practice.” He shrugged. “I’d want to be sure we had it right first.”

Though I shook my head, I couldn’t stop the smile that pushed my cheeks higher. I was confident we had it right, but there was always room for practice. In no time we were running side by side, back through the woods, while long beams of light shone down, and back to the community on our way home. As our strides took us closer to our apartment, I thought about the babies at the day care. I’d been going there lately to meet with a female follower. Often I’d hold and rock one of the babies as she did the same and we talked. At first the small humans had seemed foreign, but now I found myself excited to go there. Their soft skin and sweet smell woke something inside me. Maybe it was like it was for Jacob with me. I wanted to love someone so much that I took full responsibility for them, like he had me.

As Jacob helped me out of my running clothes, I contemplated the birth control medication that I took every morning. The idea of not taking it seemed more and more appealing. I’d probably receive correction for making that decision without Jacob’s permission, but I knew my husband. Once he found out we had a baby coming, he wouldn’t stay upset; he couldn’t.

Once we were both completely naked, Jacob captured me in his arms and pulled me close. Though our skin was warm and slick from our run and the temperature wasn’t cool, as my breasts flattened against his chest, goose bumps peppered my flesh and my nipples beaded. The scent of desire mixed with his normal leather and musk created an intoxicating concoction. Inhaling, I inclined my face toward his and chuckled. “You know I need to be at the lab by nine and you need to be at Assembly.”

“An advantage of living in the community is that our commute time is minimal.”

I shook my head. He was right. We both could walk to our destinations in less than five minutes.

Loosening his embrace, Jacob tugged my hand. With a sly grin and his sexy, raspy voice, he said, “I think we both need to shower.”

“I thought you promised me a practice session?”

“I’m all for killing two birds with one stone.”

As Jacob turned on the rain of warm water, the muscles in his arms, back, and tight, bare rear flexed, causing my insides to liquefy at the magnificent man in front of me. Only fleetingly did I recall the showers after my accident. At that time my husband’s touch had been gentle but aloof, and he’d obviously been fearful of hurting me. No longer was he tentative—in any way. I was his to have and claim whenever he desired. Yet when he did, it was always with complete reverence, always confirming that I was willing and ready for him. He needn’t have worried; just the sound of his raspy voice and the way his eyes shimmered with lust had me ready. I couldn’t recall ever having had an issue with being willing either.

That didn’t mean I wanted to forgo foreplay.

Under the warm spray, I leaned my head back as moans escaped my lips. With my breasts willingly exposed to his masterful inclinations, I ran my fingers through his dark hair and pulled his mouth closer. His stubbly cheeks created the perfect abrasion as a fever burned within me, making the water sizzle as it fell upon our hot skin. The sensations he produced as his tongue and lips teased my hardened nipples sent pulsations throughout my body. In time his ministrations turned to nips as he cupped my behind and pulled me tightly against him, capturing his hardness against my stomach.

No longer just ready, my body ached with need as my insides tensed to a painful pitch. “Please,” I begged.

A resonating growl filled the shower as his fingers probed, no doubt learning just how ready I was.