Ink Enduring (Montgomery Ink #5)

“What did we just say about telling the truth? Because what I see looks like an exit wound. And it’s not pretty.”

“I’ve never been pretty, Jake. You above all others know that.”

Jake punched him lightly in the side again. “I never liked you pretty, you ass. But stop trying to hide what hurt you. I can handle it. You know that. I’m not some little boy who can’t deal with what’s going on around him.” He paused, and Border desperately wanted to turn around so he could try and decipher what Jake was thinking right then. Jake’s face could be so expressive if you looked just right, and it amazed him how much he’d remembered that over time. “I know I’ve been acting like I can’t handle things lately. And that’s on me. I didn’t want to handle them, but it’s not because I can’t. It’s because I knew once I did, things would change. And I guess I was afraid of the shift.”

Border leaned back into Jake’s hand and sighed. “The wound honestly isn’t as bad as it looks.” He passed over what Jake had said at the end because that was more for Jake than for him, and he knew it. Sometimes, a guy just needed to voice his thoughts and know someone would be there to listen, not necessarily there to answer. “The bullet didn’t hit bone, and they patched me up quickly. It only scarred the way it did because I didn’t have time to get to a place with a killed surgeon. The medic made sure I didn’t bleed out and that I would have full use of my arm when it healed, but that was it. We weren’t thinking of what I’d look like on the beach or anything.”

Jake kissed the scar again, and Border let out a breath. Without words, Jake began to massage Border’s neck and shoulders. Jake’s strong hands worked Border’s muscles hard, and he had to hold back the moans and groans that threatened to escape with each movement. It wasn’t lost on him that with each touch, his dick got that much harder. In fact, he was pretty sure he’d have a permanent zipper indent on his cock once this was over, and he was even wearing boxer briefs.

“We’re not talking,” Jake said softly, and Border opened his eyes.

“What do you want to talk about?” As long as Jake kept his hands on him, Border would probably answer anything right then.

“Have you been married?”

Border coughed, and Jake quit moving. “We’re starting with the hard questions, then? I haven’t been married, Jake.”

Jake started working on Border’s shoulders again. “I haven’t either.”

“I figured,” Border said softly. “I mean, we have talked every few months. You’d have mentioned the fact that you had a husband or wife at home.” Border paused. “I’d have mentioned it, too.”

“Yeah, I’d have told you,” Jake whispered. “I had a few serious relationships in the past, but none of them ever really hinted at marriage.”

“Except Holly,” Border added, oddly not jealous about the woman.

“I don’t think I’d have gone through with it,” Jake said after a moment. “I think I wanted to get to the next phase of my life, and Holly seemed like she fit. And that just makes me an ass.”

“Maybe,” Border agreed. “But you’ll make it up to her.”

“How are you so sure about that?”

“Because you’re not an ass, even if you pretend you are sometimes.”

Jake ran his hands down Border’s back. “Thanks for that.” The other man cleared his throat. “Since we’re talking about who we’ve been with, I should probably mention that those relationships were with men and women, and at one time, a triad.”

Border turned then so he could face Jake. “You’re bisexual, Jake, like me. I’ve been with men and women in the years we’ve been apart, as well. I haven’t been in a triad, though.” He smiled softly. “Did you like how that worked?”

Jake nodded. “Yeah, I mean, it worked for a little while with the three of us, but we all knew going in we weren’t made for the long-term when it came to our relationship. I know of a few others that have been in triads for years, though.” Jake met Border’s gaze. “So, uh, if we want to have someone to talk to about things, there are people with experience. Like Maya’s cousin’s coworker down in New Orleans.”

Border studied Jake’s face for a bit before nodding slowly. “I think the three of us need to have a talk before we do anything. Because this is too important to fuck up.”

Jake reached out and gripped Border’s hand. “Yeah. Yeah, I think we should.” He paused. “You want another shot.”

Border snorted. “Yeah, I think another shot will do us good.”

As Jake poured the drinks, Border rolled his neck, the tension from before gone due to Jake’s talented hands. He’d do this one shot and call it quits for the night. Because there was no way he’d fuck this up because of too much alcohol. They’d talk to Maya, and the three of them would figure out what they were doing because there was no way they’d move on without communication.

It was too important for that.

They were too important for that.

Chapter Ten