Ink Enduring (Montgomery Ink #5)

And for the better.

He was big, tall, and broad but slender all at the same time. Muscle-bound, but with a sleekness that spoke of artistry and made Border want more. He wore a white tee and jeans with no shoes and looked hot as hell. Ink covered Jake’s arms and peeked out from the collar of his shirt. When Jake blinked and ran a hand through his messy hair, Border swallowed, mesmerized by the movement and the way Jake’s shirt rode up just enough to show Border a peek of flat stomach and ink there, as well.

Jake had been pretty when he was younger. Hot even. Now, he was sex on a stick and a fucking man.

“Border?” Jake croaked. “You…you’re here.”

Border nodded, stuffing his hands in his pockets. “Yeah.” He cleared his throat, forcing himself not to toe the ground like some kid, nervous as hell. “I’m here.”

“Jake? Who is it?”

The soft voice behind Jake brought Border’s head up. He met Jake’s green eyes and hoped to hell he hadn’t made a mistake. He would have thought after fifteen years, the connection between them would have faded, but for some goddamn reason, it had only intensified.

At least, for Border.

Jake, while a little paler than he had been a few moments ago, didn’t look like he felt anything other than confusion, maybe a little anger. Was it all one-sided? Had Border fucked up again?

Instead of moving toward him, instead of reaching out and giving him a hug like he wanted to, he stood there on the small porch and tried not to look like he was desperate. He’d lived a hard life, and had grown up into a man he’d thought Jake would be proud of, but as soon as he saw that face, as soon as he looked into those eyes, it was as if everything had been washed away and time stood still.

“Jake?” the soft voice said again, worry in her tone.

Jake cleared his throat. “It’s an old friend,” he finally said.

Border let out a breath. “Is that Maya?” he asked, not knowing why he did.

Jake looked confused for a moment before shaking his head. “No…”

A blonde woman came up to Jake’s side and pressed into him. Jake wrapped his arm around her shoulders and kissed the top of her head.

For some reason, the sight felt like a blow to the chest. Who was this woman? He thought Jake was with Maya, or at least on the way to being so. Border would have been fine with that, though he didn’t know why he felt so certain about that fact. Nothing made sense, and now he knew he’d make a fucking mistake by coming here.

“Hi, I’m Holly,” the woman said. “Did Jake call you Border?”

He nodded and held out his hand like an idiot. He wondered what Jake had told her about him, if anything at all. He was pretty sure Jake had mentioned him to Maya, even in passing, but he’d never heard of this Holly. And what the hell? Why did he feel he had a right to be included in Jake’s life? He’d left fifteen years ago. He shouldn’t be so fucking hurt over the fact that he didn’t know what the hell was going on.

“Hi, and yeah, I’m Border.”

Holly took his hand and shook it before looking over her shoulder at Jake. “Are you going to let him in, or is he going to sit here on your porch for the rest of the night.”

Your porch. So she didn’t live there. And why did he care? He was only there to make amends to Jake. Maybe. Fuck. He should have gone to a motel instead of doing this.

Jake shook himself before stepping back, taking Holly with him. “Yeah. Sorry, man, come on in.”

Holly went to her toes and kissed Jake’s chin. “I have a feeling you two need to talk. Why don’t I head home now and give you two some time.”

Jake frowned. “You don’t have to do that.”

Border nodded, though he felt like he needed to be alone with Jake. And not alone at all since his brain was currently on a path to hell. “Yeah, you don’t have to.”

Jake shot him a look he couldn’t interpret, and Border just held back a sigh. He honestly had no idea what he was doing, but whatever he was doing, he was doing it all wrong.

“I know I don’t have to, but I don’t want to be in the way.” Jake lowered his head, and Holly kissed him softly. That same blow to the chest came back, only not as hard as the first time. “It was good to meet you, Border,” she said as she made her way to the door to get her coat. “I’ll see you later, I’m thinking.”

With that, she gave them a little wave and left, closing the door behind her and leaving Border and Jake alone in the house.

They stood in silence for a few moments, the awkwardness of the situation settling over his skin. Jake hadn’t been the one to let Border in or say he wanted to talk. That was all Holly.

“So…you and Holly?”

Jake cocked a brow. “Yeah, me and Holly. I’m thinking about asking her to marry me, actually.” Jake blinked at him as if he hadn’t meant to add that last part.

Border sucked in a breath, his chest hurting like a bitch.