In Safe Hands (Search and Rescue #4)

“Whatever. That doesn’t change the fact that I’m a crazy person who doesn’t leave her house.”

When he spoke, his tone was gentle. “Daisy. We’re all messes, just in different ways. I dragged Rory into my mess, and she dragged me into hers. It’s kind of the definition of a relationship. Besides, you’re getting better.”

She didn’t feel like she was better. The unlocked door seemed so small a step compared to her freak-out over leaving the house—a dangerous, gas-filled house. The reminder made her turn toward the door so quickly that her elbow hit the weight rack.

“Ow,” she yelped, cupping the throbbing joint with her other hand.

“You okay, Daisy?” His voice had sharpened. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” Although she grimaced, she swallowed any other sounds of pain. “I’m fine. You need to leave, Ian. If the house explodes, I don’t want you in it.”

“It’s fine.” Daisy opened her mouth to protest, but he continued. “I’ve been listening to the other guys’ progress on the radio. The gas levels are almost down to nothing. That new ventilator we just got is kick ass.”

“You shouldn’t have stayed with me.” Now that the fear had ebbed, guilt was taking its place. “I would’ve felt so bad if you’d been blown up because of me.”

“No, you wouldn’t have, since you’d have been just as dead as me.” His matter-of-fact tone almost made her laugh. “You might want to start moving whatever you piled in front of the door out of the way, since they’re going to be letting people back into the area soon. That includes your man, who’s going to be charging in here as soon as they stop restraining him.”

Although she grimaced at the thought of facing everyone after the cowardly way she’d scurried to a dark corner, she started moving weights off the rack and back onto the mat. When Ian’s final couple of words belatedly sank in, she repeated, “Restraining him?”

“Yeah. Whenever the chief was talking, I could hear Jennings yelling in the background. I’m guessing it took at least a couple of guys to keep him out of here. Maybe handcuffs, too.” It sounded like the idea amused him.

“See,” she said, all desire to laugh gone, “all I do is cause problems for him.”

“Quit the whiny, self-pitying sh—crap and grow a pair, Daisy. If you dump him, you’re going to make him miserable. He loves you, and that includes your hatred of the great outdoors. So zip it.”

Her mouth hung open as she stared at the door. “I should grow a pair?”

“I didn’t mean that literally,” he grumbled. “Although, even if you actually did, Jennings would probably still follow you around like a puppy.”

Her laugh returned at that, and she started moving weights again. “Thanks, Ian.”

“Anytime, Daisy.”

Chapter 19

It was hard for her to unlock the training room door, but it wasn’t because of fear that time. She was embarrassed and didn’t want to face the people she’d made worry. Ian’s words about growing a pair rang in her head, giving her the strength to stiffen her shoulders and twist the dead bolt.

With the weights moved and the rack dragged off to one side, all she had to do was twist the knob and pull. Daisy decided she was sick of standing on the wrong side of doors because she was too scared to step through them. Blowing out a hard breath, she closed her fingers around the knob and opened the door.

Ian, looking extra-large in his bunker gear, was leaning one shoulder against the hallway wall. He’d removed his mask and pushed up the clear face shield onto his helmet. Reluctantly, she met his gaze and was surprised he didn’t look angry.

“Aren’t you mad?” she asked.

He seemed honestly confused by her question. “No. Why should I be?”

Before she could answer, Chris came barreling toward them. The force of his hug lifted her feet off the ground and squeezed the air out of her lungs.

“Dais!” His voice was rough. “Jesus, Dais. You scared the shit out of me.”

She wrapped her arms around him, feeling his heart hammering against her. The realization of how scared he’d been brought another rush of guilt. She’d done that to him. What kind of horrible, selfish person was she, to endanger Ian’s life and to terrify the man she loved?

“They wouldn’t let me past the perimeter.” His arms tightened even more, and she squeezed him in return, trying to apologize without words. “All I could do was stare at the house, just waiting for the explosion.”

He took a step back, although he kept hold of her shoulders. With a little space between them, she could see Chris’s face and the destroyed look on it.

“I’m sorry,” she said. “It was my fault. I’m the one who scared everyone.”

Katie Ruggle's books