In Safe Hands (Search and Rescue #4)

“Thanks.” Daisy suddenly felt exhausted. “But I really just want to leave the house. Then, I won’t need a panic room, since I can panic outside.”

“Everyone can use a panic room,” Rory said with a sideways glance at Ian. “If you have one, I could run across the street and use yours, since we don’t have one.”

It was Ian’s turn to roll his eyes. “Maybe, if you’re a very good girl, Santa will bring you a panic room for Christmas.”

“Really?” Her eyes grew wide as she turned to Ian. “We’re getting a safe room?”

Daisy was starting to think that Ian should propose with a panic room instead of a ring.

“Possibly.” He grimaced. “I might have to win the lottery first.”

“Everyone okay in here?” Once again, a voice from the doorway drew everyone’s attention. That time, it was Chief Early entering the training room. “Whoa. This is a nice set-up.”

“Daisy invited everyone from Fire to use it,” Junior piped up. “She’s going to have coed training sessions, too.”

The sound that came from Chris was a strange combination of a laugh and a growl. “You just make up whatever reality you want, don’t you?”

“Yep.” Junior grinned, as if he’d been complimented.

The chief cleared his throat.

“Daisy’s fine,” Ian belatedly answered.

“Good.” After giving Daisy a nod, the chief turned a stern face toward Ian. “A word?” Even though it was phrased as a question, there was no hiding the command in his voice.

Looking resigned, Ian gave Rory’s arm a squeeze before following Chief Early out of the room.

“What was that about?” Daisy asked.

Junior looked serious for the first time since she’d met him. “Ian disobeyed a direct order. Not sure what the repercussions will be. Could be he just gets chewed out.” His doubtful tone indicated that he didn’t think Ian would get off so lightly.

“What order did he disobey?” Her gaze darted from person to person. From their grim expressions, everyone knew what was going on except for Daisy. None of them answered, so she tried to work it out in her mind. When he’d talked on the radio, his words had been muffled, so she hadn’t been able to understand what he’d said until he raised his voice loud enough for her to hear through the door.

From the other three’s reluctance to answer her, she had to assume his refusal had something to do with her. Had the chief ordered him to take her out of the house? Ian shouldn’t be blamed for her actions, and she’d made it impossible for him to force her to leave. What else would the chief have ordered Ian to do?

Her breath caught as the answer popped into her head—so obvious that she was angry with herself for taking so long to figure it out.

“He was ordered to evacuate.” Her voice was flat as another layer of guilt settled over her. “Chief Early told Ian to get out of the house, but he wouldn’t because I wouldn’t leave.”

“It’s not the first time.” Junior reached a hand toward her, as if to give her a consoling pat on the shoulder, but he withdrew it without touching her after a wary glance at Chris. “Not even the tenth. Walsh has some issues with the command structure. Chief says, ‘Get your ass out of there now,’ and Ian’s brain adds, ‘Unless you have a better idea.’”

“He won’t leave anyone behind.” Although Rory was frowning as she watched the door, she didn’t seem angry at Daisy. “Much less a friend.”

“Should I talk to the chief?” Daisy asked, leaning back against Chris. His arms tightened around her, and she felt even guiltier for receiving comfort that she didn’t deserve. All of this had been her stupid fault. “If anyone is reprimanded, it should be me. Ian probably won’t even tell him about the knee strike.”

“I’m still waiting to hear about that.” Although Junior’s tone was light, there was still tension underneath his teasing. Like Rory, his gaze was fixed on the door.

Daisy smiled halfheartedly. “I think I’ve done enough damage to Ian today. You don’t need more ammunition.”

“But it’s important to give Beauty a hard time,” Junior protested, his amusement becoming more genuine. “If we don’t shrink that head of his, it’ll explode. The dude is seriously too hot for his own good.”

Opening her mouth, Daisy closed it again without speaking, not sure how to respond to that. When she glanced at Rory, she saw the other woman roll her eyes and look briefly amused. Daisy decided to change the subject for the good of them all.

“Who’s watching the gun store?” she asked Rory.

Katie Ruggle's books