Immortal Reign

“Valoria herself,” Cleo said, unable to contain her grin. “Do you think it’s possible that we were just given both a gift and a prophecy by your goddess of earth and water?”

“Can you imagine if that were really true? That Valia was actually Valoria herself?” He laughed at this. How Cleo loved the rare sound of Magnus Damora’s laugh.

“You’re right,” she agreed. “It’s ridiculous, but they are both very beautiful.”

“Not nearly as beautiful as you are, my lovely queen.” Magnus leaned down and brushed his lips softly against hers. “Now . . . are you ready?”

Cleo looked up into his face—the face of someone she’d come to love more than anyone or anything else in this world, in this life.

Her friend. Her husband. Her king.

“I’m ready,” she said.


The Falling Kingdoms series has been an incredible, challenging, wonderful experience, and I have been so, so happy to share these books with the world. But I certainly did not travel this road alone over the last six years.

Thank you to my editor, the endlessly patient and truly delightful Jessica Harriton. Thank you to the fabulous Liz Tingue and Laura Arnold, who began this winding and exciting journey through Mytica with me. Thank you to my publisher Ben Schrank for giving me the best experience of my writing career. Thank you to my awesome publicist, Casey McIntyre, and to everyone at Razorbill Books and Penguin Teen who helped make Falling Kingdoms happen. Thank you to Vikki VanSickle and everyone at Razorbill Canada. You are all The Best!!

A million thank-yous to my agent of thirteen years, Jim McCarthy. I don’t know how I would have navigated the writing world without his savvy, guidance, and wicked sense of humor.

Thank you to my friends and family, whom I adore and value and cherish. I love you all more than you even realize.

And thank you, thank you, THANK YOU to the readers of Falling Kingdoms. You are all made of magic, every single one of you!