Icing (Aces Hockey #1)

“Oh.” She let out a breathy gasp.

“Think you should turn over?” His voice came out in a husky rasp.

She blinked at him, saw the arousal on his face. “Okay.” He helped her roll over. She tossed the cushion to the floor and folded her arms beneath her cheek. He slicked up with more oil, then laid his hands on the backs of her thighs.

Damn, that was delicious.

Again, he pressed and massaged and stroked, teasing over the sensitive backs of her knees, then torturing her by brushing fingers over the bottom curve of her butt cheeks. Shivers cascaded down her legs and more heat built in her *. Her butt tingled in anticipation of his touch, but he took his time, drawing it out, building her excitement until heat shimmered across her skin everywhere.

Finally he curved his palms over her cheeks and squeezed. She let out a long breath of delight.

“Let’s get rid of these.” He tugged her thong panties down.

“Be careful. You still owe me a pair.”

He gave a low laugh. “You’re right, I do.” He whisked the panties away, then rubbed and caressed, his fingers tormenting her more by sweeping her sensitive butt crack, dangerously nearing intimate areas. She wet her lips, her entire body quivering, and parted her thighs in invitation.

“Amber, baby.” His voice teased her. “You want me to touch your *?”

She sighed. “Yes.”

“Mmm.” He dipped his fingers lower and found her center. “You’re all hot and wet.”

“Um, maybe we should move to the bedroom.”

“Where’s Easton?”

“Not sure. Out.”

Her body shuddered as he continued to play, lightly pinching her sensitive folds, exploring deeper with maddening touches. Fire burned low inside her, her breathing quickening, her body pulsing along with the fast beat of her heart.

He was so generous, giving this to her, all of this. Something warm and soft expanded in her chest.

“Okay,” he finally said, gruffly. “I need to be inside that hot little * right now. Come on, baby.”

He tugged her skirt down over her butt. She rolled again and he lifted her to his lap, then stood with her. His strength never failed to amaze and impress her. She linked her arms around his neck and smiled at him as he carried her to her bedroom.

“You are good at foot massages.”

“How are your breasts? I bet they need massaging.”

She giggled. “Oh, definitely.”

Their eyes met in a warm connection and they fell onto the bed together.

When Duncan got home Friday, he’d assumed he’d see Amber that night, but then she’d told him she’d be working at the Sin Bin. He’d asked how long she was going to keep working there, since she now knew she had a full-time job lined up, but she’d said she still needed the money.

Yeah, he was getting the picture that money was tight for her. But she was so damn stubborn and independent. He wanted to buy her a new car, but she’d had such a shit fit when he’d only rented a car for her, he could imagine what would happen if he actually bought her one outright.

Fuck it, he should just do it.

Then he remembered Melissa dragging him on those shopping trips and him buying her all that expensive shit. He’d felt like such a sucker then. Christ, how could he buy Amber a car? Would that be the stupidest thing ever?

Amber wasn’t like Melissa though. Not at all.

So, in one of those seemed-like-a-good-idea-at-the-time moves, he went car shopping.

Even though it was a private party, the tips were rolling in.

Amber smiled at a guest as she handed over one of the new cocktails at the Sin Bin. Jared had recently hired a consultant who’d revamped the cocktail menu. Sidney Frayne had been working with all the staff for the last week or so on training, mostly the bartenders but also the waitstaff so they’d be familiar with the new drinks. She’d also worked with them on improving service, which had the desirable effect of also increasing tips.

Tonight was the launch party, and the bar was packed with invited guests who sampled food and drinks. Everyone seemed to be enjoying it. A lot of the Aces guys were there to help celebrate. Jared was, of course, busy mingling but she’d noticed him talking quite…intimately to Sidney a few times. Hmmm, what was up with that?

“I wish I was sitting here with you guys, having fun.” She paused to lean on Duncan at one point in the evening.

He caressed her hip, smiling at her. “I wish that too.”

“Everyone had to work tonight. I understand why.”

“But you probably won’t be working here much longer. Does Jared know that?”

“Not yet.” She made a face. “I feel kind of guilty quitting after he’s just done all this training.”

“I’m sure he’s used to staff turnover.”

“I guess so.”

“Lovey’s having fun sampling the new drinks.”

Lovey beamed at her and lifted a martini glass in a toast. “Too bad you can’t drink on the job.”

Kelly Jamieson's books