I Just Want You

I give up on my book and burrow into the covers. I think I go to sleep before my head even hits the pillow.

My alarm goes off at seven and I groan. Rolling over, I’m met with an unexpected yet delightful sight—Crew is lying next to me. He’s in his boxer briefs, tattooed arm over his eyes. My stubborn man just refuses to stay away. I was so exhausted I didn’t even feel him come in.

I scoot closer to rest my head on his chest, listening to his even breathing. His arms softly wrap around me. “Morning,” he mumbles.

“Hey, I thought we agreed you would go to your place?”

“Couldn’t sleep without you. Came in at five when Barry left for the gym.”

I want to be irritated, but how can I when he says things like that? “I’m going to hop in the shower while you get a little more sleep.”

When I get out, I feel more human. Crew is still sleeping, so I creep out of the room to make us some breakfast. “Hey, no subbing today?” I ask Maggie when I find her sitting at the kitchen island.

“Nope, and since you’re here, I need some bestie time. You’ve been so busy with that man of yours and the club that I’ve hardly seen you. Speaking of, is that his truck in the driveway?”

“Yeah, he’s sleeping. Said Barry let him in at five this morning. Claims he couldn’t sleep without me there.”

“Aw, he’s so sweet.”

“He has his moments, but then again he can be . . . hardcore too.” I blush, thinking about opening night at the club.

“Uh-oh, there is most definitely a story there and I am all ears. Spill it, sister.”

So I do, giving her the details about that night in his office.

“Holy shit.” She fans herself with her iPad. “I’m turned on just hearing the recap.”

I laugh at her. “It was hot, and . . . just everything. He kind of freaked a little. We forgot the condom, he took the blame. It was both of us who let it happen. I told him I was on the pill.” I chuckle. “He said something like even though it was on his list, he wasn’t ready for little Berklees to be running around.”

“We’ve been on the same schedule for years, so you can tell him rest assured that things are good to go. We have proof this week.” She laughs. “So he’s talking about kids with you? That’s pretty serious,” she rambles on while I’m still stuck on what she said. I’m due this week. It’s not uncommon to be a day or two off from Mags, but for most of our lives, we’ve been pretty in sync. That happens when you spend so much time together.

That must be it. We’ve not seen each other as much and I’ve been spending more time at Crew’s place, so we’ve fallen out of sync.

I shrug. “Not sure. I mean, I’m gone for him, Mags. So gone that I know I will never find my way back. If this ends, I’m done for.”

“Well, from what you tell me, you don’t have anything to worry about, but if that day does come, I’ll get you through it. It’s what we do.”

I hear my bedroom door open and Crew’s heavy footfalls as he walks down the hall. He stops to stand behind me where I sit at the kitchen island beside Maggie. “Missed you.” He kisses my cheek and rests his chin on top of my head.

“You’re interrupting girl time, Ledger,” Maggie teases him.

“Don’t care,” he mumbles.

“Mags, why don’t you and I do lunch today?”

“Sure, I’ll let you two get going. Noon? Let’s go to that sub shop that’s just opened beside Coffee House.”

“I didn’t know it was open yet.”

“They opened yesterday. I’ll meet you there.” She stands, rinses out her coffee cup and heads to her room.

“I need to go home and shower. You coming with me?”

“No, you go. I’m going to head in and get started on paperwork. I have some schedule changes for the staff that came up in the meeting yesterday.”

After a kiss that almost has me begging him to stay, we both head out.

When I pull into the club, my phone rings. It’s Crew.

“Miss me already?” I ask.

“Always,” he says, chuckling. “Listen, Mom called and needs me to pick her up. Her car broke down and Dad isn’t answering his phone. He was outside in his wood shop when she left and he doesn’t get good service there. I don’t know how long I’ll be.”

“Okay, tell your mom and dad I said hi.”

“Will do, beautiful. I’ll see you soon.”

Time passes quickly as I rework the staff schedule, allowing for some time-off requests. I leave a note for Zane that the security has also been switched up. I’m not worried since I know he’s adding more from the outside for now. Glancing at the clock, I see it’s time to meet Maggie for lunch.

When I get to the sub shop, she’s standing outside on her phone. “Sorry, I’m late. I lost track of time.”

“I was just getting ready to call you.” She laughs.

“I’m two minutes late.”

“I’m starving,” she counters.

Maggie pulls open the door and as soon as the smell hits me, I feel like I’m going to be sick. I don’t tell her where I’m going, just seek out the sign for the restrooms and head that way. I barely make it before losing my breakfast.

“Berklee,” she asks hesitantly from outside the door. “Let me in.”

Grabbing a handful of paper towels, I wipe my mouth, wash my hands and open the door.

“Change of plans,” she says. “Meet me back at our place. I have a stop to make. You need anything?”

“No. I don’t know what came over me. I think I’m coming down with something.”

“You okay to drive?”


“Okay, I’ll meet you there.”

Barry’s car is in the driveway when I get home. “What are you doing here?” we ask at the same time.

“Early dismissal,” he states. “You?”

“Not feeling well.”

“You need anything?”

“No, thanks. I’m just going to go lie down.”

Once in my room, I send Crew a quick text.

Me: Not feeling well. Stomach bug. At home, going to sleep.

Crew: Need anything, babe?

Me: Just sleep. I’ll call you later.

Crew: I’ll stop by once I’m done here.

Me: K.

Actually, I’m not feeling too bad right now. Maybe just lying still is the ticket.

Before I can think any more about it, Maggie is knocking on my door. “Can I come in?” she asks.

“Yeah,” I say, not bothering to sit up.

“Listen, B. I have a hunch, but I think you’re too close to the situation.” She stops and takes a deep breath. “Can you do something for me?”

“Sure, what’s up? What are you talking about having a hunch?”

She reaches into the bag that I didn’t notice before and pulls out two boxes.

Pregnancy tests.

“No,” I say, shaking my head. “I never miss a pill, ever.”

“I know that. But these things happen. You’ve been tired, and today the smell at the sub shop got to you. And I bet you’ve not started yet this month. Am I right?” she asks, knowing damn good and well she is.