High-Sided (Armed & Dangerous #3)

I looked at his unbuttoned shirt. “I see you were wearing a vest too.”

Chuckling, he finished taking off his shirt, showing me his vest and the wire he had strapped to it. “Never leave home without one. It’s saved my life more times than I can count. Not to mention, we have enough evidence to put douchebag and your whore of a stepmother into prison for life.”

“Good, but they deserve a lot worse than that.”

“Their time will come.” He squeezed my shoulder and walked outside. Now that the police had lights on everywhere, I could see Donnie’s red Camaro. Maybe they’d be able to find the evidence where he ran Levi off the road. I never knew Donnie had a car like that.

“Richard, come here. Let’s get that arm looked at,” Gary demanded.

My father kissed my cheek. “Be right back. I think Logan wants to check and make sure you’re okay.”

I met Logan’s gaze. He approached me cautiously, trying his best to keep his bloody hands hidden from sight. “Are you okay?” he asked, his voice soft. “It killed me having to leave you in there.”

Wrapping my arms around his waist, I breathed him in. “I’m fine. I think I’m just in shock. I never expected it to be Donnie and Angela.”

He hugged me back, his grip tight. “Me either. Imagine how Sean’s going to take it when he finds out.” My heart broke. I didn’t want to have to tell him the vile things his mother did. But he had to know.

Gary bandaged up my father’s arm and they came back. “We need to bring in Mrs. Bennett,” he announced. “I’ll ride over there now to issue her arrest.”

“And I’m coming with you,” my father said. “I want her to know I’m alive and well.”

“Same here,” Logan snarled. “That bitch has tried to kill me not once, but twice. If I wasn’t a nice guy, I’d beat the shit out of her.”

Anger boiled in my veins as visions of Levi, Logan’s accident, and the betrayal to my father ran rampant through my mind. All of them could easily be dead right now. I squeezed Logan’s arm, my body ready for a fight. “That’s what you got me for.”

While some of the other officers stayed at the cabin to collect evidence, Logan and I hopped in the backseat of Gary’s car, and my father got in front. Micah opted to stay behind to help the others.

It seemed Donnie wasn’t going down without taking my stepmother with him. According to him, it was all her idea to conspire together in the first place. They had to keep their schemes going, until my father made Sean a co-owner. Once that took place, they put everything in motion. Micah was the icing on the cake. When they saw how volatile he was, and how much he hated Logan, they figured he’d be a good candidate to pin everything on. That was why Donnie was going to torch the cabin with him and my father in it, to make it look like a gambling deal gone bad.

Donnie also revealed how Angela had in fact switched Janie’s brake line with a rusted one, so it would fail. Apparently, she grabbed an old line from our shop. We would have the actual proof when Logan and Micah searched through the video feed on the cameras they left in our garage.

Logan put his arm around me and I rested my head on his shoulder. His muscles were tense and I could feel the rage inside of him. Angela wanted him dead, so Sean and I could be together. Just knowing she could think like that made me sick to my stomach. I dreaded having to tell Sean the truth.

Gary cleared his throat. “I’m going to park down the street, so Mrs. Bennett won’t see us coming.”

My father stared at me, his face full of pain. I couldn’t imagine what he must be feeling, to be betrayed by his best friend and wife. “I’m so sorry, Dad.”

He shook his head. “Don’t worry about me. I’m just glad Logan and Micah were here to figure it out before anyone else had to die.”

Gary pulled over to the side of the road. My father’s house was just around the corner. “All right, we’re here.”

Logan kissed me, then opened his door. “I’ll take the back door, in case she tries to make a run for it. Make sure to get at least one punch in for me.”

“I promise to give her more than that.”

We all got out and I watched Logan dash across the yard to the back.

“I’ll be right behind you, peanut,” my dad said.

I glanced down at his bandaged arm, where blood seeped through. “And after this, you’re going to the hospital.”

Gary nodded toward the house. “As soon as we’re done in there, an ambulance will be waiting.”

I hugged my father. “Let’s end this, once and for all.”

By the time I got to the front door, more officers arrived and waited outside. Angela had the music up so loud I could hear it from where I stood. I opened the door and didn’t bother shutting it as I walked inside. I could see her reflection in the window as she sang and danced around the living room, cleaning the various paintings on the walls with a duster.