High-Sided (Armed & Dangerous #3)

My heart skipped and I sucked in a breath as he laughed and closed his lips over mine. “Do you?” I asked, breathing the words across his lips.

“More than anything. I promise I’ll ask you once all of this is over.” He kissed me again and pressed his forehead to mine. Closing my eyes, I held onto him as tight as I could until those dreaded words came out of his mouth. “Now go inside, baby. It’s time.”

“I’m scared,” I whispered, voice shaking. I wasn’t afraid to ride a hundred miles an hour down the street on a motorcycle, or climb a peak of rocks on the side of a cliff, but I was afraid of who was going to be at that abandoned cabin.

Logan sighed and gently pulled out of my grasp. “I know, but you can do this. You’re strong. I wouldn’t have agreed to this if I didn’t think you could do it.”

Nodding, I blew out a nervous breath and stood. “Okay, I’m going. Just promise me you’ll be there soon.”

A sad smile spread across his lips. “I promise.”

Swallowing hard, I left him and walked inside, my heart thundering in my chest. Micah was in there somewhere; I could feel it. I tiptoed down the dark hallway to the bedroom and gasped when I saw him in the corner, his face hidden from view. I backed up against the wall.

“Don’t be afraid, Kassidy,” he said low. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

I held a hand to my chest. “I know. It’s hard to picture you as a good guy though.”

He closed the distance and I could see his face. There was a sadness I’d never noticed before. “That’s what makes me good at my job. I can fit in with the worst of the worst.”

“Obviously Madison didn’t see you that way.”

He stiffened. “Yeah, and as payment for helping you, I expect your help in getting her back. Deal?”

“Deal. Now what do I need to do?”

“Nothing until I come back in. I think someone’s watching the house. I was followed on the way over here. When you hear the shot, I’ll come back for you. It’s crucial you stay quiet and don’t move when I carry you out. Take this,” he said, handing me his phone. “It’ll be easier for you to text Logan while I’m driving.”

I nodded and he took off down the hall, his footsteps so quiet, I never would’ve heard him come up behind me. The shot came quick and I jumped, holding in my scream. Even though I knew it wasn’t real, it still wasn’t easy to hear, especially when I heard Logan’s body fall onto the wooden deck.

Micah hurried back inside. “Let’s go.” He picked me up in his arms and I closed my eyes, keeping my body as limp as possible. Once he loaded me into the back seat of his truck, he sped away. “And it looks like I was right,” he said. “We’re being followed again. Can you text Logan and tell him it should be safe for him to get up?”

I did as he said and texted Logan from Micah’s phone.

Micah: This is Kassie. You can be undead now. We’re being followed.

Logan: We’ll be there soon. I love you.

Micah: I love you too. Be safe.

“Is he all set?” Micah asked.

“Yep. How do you know it’s the same person behind us?”

“It’s the same red car that followed me earlier. I think it’s the car that was used to drive your friend off the road. The red looks like the streak found on his bike. Know anybody who drives an old Chevy Camaro?”

“No,” I answered. “If this person wants my father dead, what do you think their plans are with me afterward? They’re not just going to let me go.”

Micah blew out a breath. “You’re a beautiful woman, Kassidy. Right now, I don’t think you want to hear the answer to that. The good thing is, you’re lucky enough not to have to find out.”

We turned and I could hear the gravel underneath the tires. The ride was bumpy so I held on. “How long will it take to get to the cabin?”

“About twenty minutes. Now that we’re off the main road, it’ll take some time.”

“And what are we going to do when we get there?”

“Tie you up and shoot your father.” The ride felt like hours, but we soon stopped. “Once we’re out of this truck, you can’t talk or move, no matter what happens,” Micah warned. “We have to make this person think you’re still drugged. It’s the only way you’ll be safe if something were to happen.” He got out of his truck and opened the back door, his voice low by my ear. “You ready?”

Swallowing hard, I nodded and prayed it finished quickly. I was in hell.


When I got to Gary’s house, he was on his front porch, dressed in all black, his body suited up for a fight. He had on his bulletproof vest with two guns at his hips and a set of handcuffs.

“Has Richard called yet?” he asked, hurrying down his front porch steps.