High-Sided (Armed & Dangerous #3)

My father smiled. “How long have you been thinking about this?”

“For a while,” Logan cut in. “She was too scared to bring it up.”

I rolled my eyes. “Not scared. I just didn’t want it to get shot down. It’s a good idea and a great investment. Besides, I was going to do it anyway when a certain someone retired,” I said, winking at my dad.

Donnie joined us at the table. “I might have to do it too, if it works out for you. Good job, peanut.” He ruffled my hair and smiled. The doorbell rang and Angela left the room. Not too long after, she came back in with none other than Brad Hendrix.

My father glared at him. “What are you doing here?”

Brad held up his hands. “I’m not here to cause trouble. I think there’s something you need to know.”

Donnie scoffed. “If it has to do with your boys losing the race, you can get the fuck over it. You don’t see me whining when I lose.”

“That’s not why I’m here,” Brad snapped.

“Then why are you?” my father asked.

Brad moved closer and glanced at us all. “Last weekend, I met with a potential racer. His name is Micah Perry.” I gasped and it drew his attention. “I see his reputation proceeds him.”

I nodded. “He and Logan got into it a few days ago, not to mention when the bastard tried to run him off the track during tryouts.”

Everyone turned their attention to Logan. He looked at the group and sighed. “Micah and I go way back. He ran one of my friends off the road and got away with it, even after my friend died from the injuries he’d sustained. I guess you can say we don’t get along.”

Brad shook his head, his mouth gaped in shock. “I don’t know what to say. I thought he’d be good for our team, but after I heard of his vendetta for you, I turned him down. I’d be on my guard if I were you.”

Logan nodded. “I am.”

Angela gasped. “Why don’t we call the police? What if he strikes out at Logan?”

That was my fear too. I knew what people were capable of. Over the past few weeks, I’d seen it more than I cared to admit. What was worse, Madison could’ve been caught in the middle of it.

“I’ll be fine,” Logan assured everyone. “I’ve been dealing with that fucker for years. There’s no need to call the police.”

“You sure?” my father asked. Logan nodded and finished his beer like it was nothing. Now that he was an FBI agent, I knew he could defend himself, but it still had me worried.

Brad cleared his throat. “I know all of us haven’t always gotten along, but I don’t want to see anyone hurt. Hopefully, one day we’ll be able to put the past behind us.” He held his hand out toward my father, the look on his face genuine. I’d never seen Brad look like that before.

My father stood and shook his hand. “Thanks for letting us know. We’ll keep our eyes open.”

Turning on his heel, Brad left and the room fell into silence. At least until Donnie spoke out. “I’m glad I didn’t offer the guy a spot on my team.”

“Me too,” my father agreed, as Sean rushed back into the room with a look of terror on his face.

“Sean, what’s wrong?” I asked, bolting to my feet.

“It’s Janie. She’s in the hospital. I have to go.” He hurried out of the room, but Logan and I raced after him.

I grabbed his arm and jumped in front of him. “What happened?”

“I don’t know,” he growled. “That was one of Janie’s co-workers. Janie was in a car accident this morning. When she didn’t see me at the hospital, she didn’t know if I knew or not.”

Pulling out of my grasp, he stormed out the door and I watched him leave. My stomach clenched and I felt bile burning its way up my throat.

Logan put his arms around me. “We need to follow him to the hospital, Kassie. He’s not thinking clearly right now.”

I nodded. “I know.” We hurried to his truck and drove to the hospital. I couldn’t handle losing another friend.

When we got off the elevator, we heard shouting coming from the waiting room. One of the voices sounded like Sean. Logan and I took off down the hall, just in time to break up the fight. Sean and Mark stood nose to nose, their angry glares glued on one another.

Logan pushed them apart. “That’s enough. It’s not the time or place for this shit.”

I held my breath, suffocating in the tension that filled the room. Janie’s parents and brother were nowhere to be seen. Luckily, both Sean and Mark backed up and I could finally breathe.

Sean stormed to the opposite side of the room, running his hands angrily through his hair. I approached him cautiously, gently placing my hands on his back. “Sean,” I whispered.

“The fucker knew,” he growled.

“Knew what?”