High-Sided (Armed & Dangerous #3)

“Because I want you to know what’s waiting for you.”

Opening his eyes, he slowly slid his fingers out and brought them to his mouth, moaning low as he sucked them off. “Let’s get this over with.”

The hotel bar was slammed when we walked off the elevator. Donnie was there, dressed in a suit, sitting with Janie and Sean, while the rest of the room was filled with fans and riders from the other teams.

Janie stood and waved me over. She and Sean were both dressed for a night out on the town. Her in a tight, red dress and him in a collared shirt and dress pants. Logan walked straight over, while I was the hesitant one. Sean stared at me, and there was no smile on his face. Logan would no doubt feel the tension between us.

“Hey, girl,” Janie called out.

“Hey,” I said, giving her a hug.

Donnie held out his arms and I hugged him as he kissed my forehead. He smelled like cologne and peppermint from the mints he always carried around. “Lookin’ beautiful, peanut. I hear your dad went back home.”

Sighing, I sat down beside Logan. “Yeah, he wanted to get back for Angela. But I guess she’s feeling better.”

“That’s good to hear,” he said, then turned to Logan. “How about I get us that round of drinks? It’s celebration time.” He flagged down a waiter and we ordered our drinks. When it was time for Sean to order, he shook his head and the waiter waltzed off.

“You too good for us?” Donnie teased.

Sean tapped on his watch. “Actually, Janie and I need to get going. We have reservations at eight.” He stood abruptly, and held out his hand for Janie.

She grabbed his hand. “I guess we’ll see you at the party on Monday?” She looked to me and shrugged. “We can make it a pre-birthday celebration as well.”

I nodded. “I’ll be there.”

“That’s right, your birthday is next week, isn’t it?” Logan chimed in with a sly smile on his face. In another few days, I was going to be twenty-seven.

I winked and grinned at Janie. “You guys be careful going home.”

Sean said goodbye to Donnie and gave an obligatory nod to me and Logan. He was hurt and angry; I didn’t blame him. Once they were gone, I could see that Logan knew something was going on. I would have some explaining to do once we were alone.

“How does it feel to win again?” Donnie asked Logan.

Logan placed his hand on my thigh. “Pretty damn good. I look forward to more of it.” The waiter brought our drinks and I gulped down a good portion of my wine. I needed it after the day I’d had.

Donnie held his bourbon in the air. “I’m sure you’ll have plenty more where that came from.” Logan held up his gin and tonic and they tapped glasses. If he solved the case soon, he wouldn’t be in anymore races. The FBI was sure to need him back.

Donnie and Logan talked for a few more minutes, while I finished up my wine. I couldn’t wait to get back up to our room. Thankfully, Logan was as impatient as I was. He held out his hand to Donnie. “Mr. Baker, if you don’t mind, I think Kassie and I are gonna head back up to our room. I’m a little exhausted.”

Donnie shook his hand and laughed. “I bet. You raced hard out there.”

“Are you coming to the celebration party on Monday?” I asked.

He snorted. “You’re damn right, I am. I’m not gonna let your father have all the fun without me.” We hugged goodbye, then he joined his riders on the other end of the bar, who sat talking to Miller, Trey, and Daniel.

I waved at them before disappearing to the elevators.

Once the doors shut us in, Logan pulled me in close. “What do you want for your birthday?”

I shook my head. “I have everything I want. But I wouldn’t mind spending it with you.”

His lips brushed against mine. “That can be arranged.” He kissed me again, but the elevator doors opened. I was way past ready to get to the room. When we got to the door, he stopped me from opening it. “Something was bothering you tonight. I could tell it had to do with Sean. What did he do?”

I held my breath and stared at him, completely at a loss for words. “He didn’t do anything,” I whispered.

His gaze narrowed. “If he didn’t, then who did?” I fumbled with the room key and looked down at it. Logan lifted my chin with his fingers. “Tell me, Kassie.”

Sighing, I met his stare. “When I asked him how he felt about you, Sean said if you hurt me again, he would kick you off the team and make sure you never rode ever again. It got me thinking about what you said. So I asked him if he meant physically hurting you, and he got upset. I could see it in his eyes.”

He groaned. “Kassie . . .”

“Wait, here me out,” I blurted, placing a finger to his lips. “You don’t know him like I do. He would never hurt you, because he knows it’d hurt me. I trust him, Logan. I wouldn’t have agreed to let him be my partner if I didn’t.”