Hetch (Men OF S.W.A.T. #1)

Ever since the car wash and spending some one-on-one time with Hetch, it’s like he’s a different person.

“How are you doing in the rest of your classes?” I ask, taking the opportunity to have my own one–on-one time with him. While Mitch has been back on the program for two weeks, he still has to have a chaperone everywhere he goes. Despite Hetch’s persistency, Dominic still hasn’t been picked up, and my commitment to keeping him away from Mitch is still strong.

“It’s getting a lot easier,” he answers, while his fingers dance over the keyboard, typing at expert speed.

I want to ask who he’s texting, ask if Dominic has contacted him, but before I have a chance to address it, he finishes up his text and slides it into the pocket of his hoodie.

“That’s good. You keep studying and working hard, you’ll be on track for college,” I tell him, as he reaches for the ketchup bottle and starts spinning it in front of him.

A lot of kids who grow up through the system don’t think they are capable of that sort of opportunity. But if Mitch keeps going the way he is, away from his brother, applying himself, and staying out of trouble, I truly believe he has a real shot.

“I don’t know, Lib.” His eyes don’t quite meet mine, and I wonder if he’s as worried about his brother getting in the way as I am.

“Has your brother been in contact with you, Mitch?” I come right out and ask him. If I wanted to check his phone, I could, but I want to give him a chance to talk to me about it first.

“No, I haven’t heard from him since Hetch picked me up a few weeks back.” His spinning of the ketchup bottle ceases when the waitress returns with our drinks.

Mitch digs into his milkshake right away, while I decide to wait for my meal.

“Do you know where he is?” I press a little more.

“I already told Hetch I don’t know anything,” he snaps, and I realize I might have pushed too far.

“Okay, I just wanted to check with you. So, how do you like your one-on-one time with Sergeant Hetcherson?” I ask, hoping I haven’t ruined our easygoing conversation.

“You know, he’s pretty, cool.” I nod because I do know. Hetch is way cool. All the boys at Haven are in love with him. They hang on every word he says when he comes to visit with Mitch.

I’ve tried asking Hetch how his time with Mitch is coming along, but he hasn’t revealed anything since they’ve been spending time together. Just keeps telling me Mitch is opening up more and more with each visit and he has everything under control.

“I think he loves you.” He pushes his milkshake back and folds his arms over his chest, with a smirk on his face.

“What are you talking about?” My voice starts to rise on the last word, but I manage to catch it in time.

“Hetch, he totally loves you.” His brows bounce with humor, his grin spreading wider.

“No, Mitch.” I shake my head and reach for my soda.

“Aww, come on, Lib. I know y’all think you’re hiding it, but I’ve seen the way you look at him when he’s at the house.” He laughs when my face burns in embarrassment.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Mitch.” I sip on my soda and pretend not to be affected.

Shit, have I been obvious?

“If you say so, Liberty.”

“I do say so.”

Mitch opens his mouth to continue but shuts it when the subject of our conversation coincidently strolls into the diner with three other officers.

The air stills and a calmness, which wasn’t there before, settles over the place.

Hetch clocks us instantly. A slow smile steals over his face when his eyes connect with mine.

Jesus, he’s handsome.

Tallest of the four, his strong, powerful presence commands not only attention but respect. I know I say it every time I see him in his uniform, but holy shit.

Somehow, his navy shirt seems tighter today, and the black military pants that had me wanting to climb him this morning when I watched him dress, has me wanting to climb him all over again.

“What were you saying, Liberty?” I ignore Mitch’s jab and focus my attention on Hetch until he’s standing directly in front of us.

“Hey, Mitch. Liberty.” He offers me a wink before sliding in next to Mitch.

“What are you guys doing here?” I ask when Sterling slides in next to me and the remaining Fox and Hart occupy the booth next to us.

“We dropped in for lunch.” A quick flick of his gaze to Sterling, and a few snorts from the booth over tells me he’s lying.

“How did you know we were here?” I ask Hetch, but my eyes track Mitch’s sudden tensing.

He was texting Hetch.

Well, there’s my answer to who he’s been chatting to.

River Savage's books