Heath (Wild Boys After Dark, #2)

Heath ran his hand through his hair. “No thanks, Logan. What the hell do you want from me? I don’t get it, okay? She’s…She’s different from other women.”

Logan sauntered around the desk and patted Heath on the back. “Dude, welcome to the end of everything you ever believed about yourself. You’re standing on the precipice of the rest of your life. Either walk the tightrope and see where you end up, or run like hell, because this middle-of-the-road shit doesn’t work. I know. I’ve been there.”

“Pfft. This isn’t that.” Is it? No, it wasn’t anything like Logan and Stormy. They’d had a good time, a few amazing fucks. Great phone sex.

And the first real conversation I’ve had with a woman in years.

His phone vibrated with another text. Heath eyed it as Logan’s mouth quirked up in another smart-ass grin.

“Patients are calling,” Logan said as he waved and headed for the door.

Heath read the text from Ally as Logan left.

Wouldn’t you like to know? What did you do about your long, hard night?

Holy fuck. Had he finally met his match?

He returned her text, wondering how far she was willing to go.

I took things into my own hands, wishing they were yours.

Heath gathered his patient files and was about to put his phone in his pocket when another text vibrated through.

If they were mine, you’d probably have them bound together. But I seem to remember you having an affinity for my mouth.

How was he supposed to see patients with a hard-on? He sent her a quick reply. Your mouth is quite appealing, as are your hands and certain other parts of your body. He wanted to see her, and at the last second, before sending the text, he added, What city do you live in?


ALLY STARED AT her cell phone, trying to decide how to answer the text from Heath that had come in hours earlier. She’d been contemplating her response all afternoon. She had dreamed about him, and yes, she’d given in and pleasured herself rather than coming into the lab at the hospital where she worked sexually frustrated. Mondays were busy and frustrating enough. She didn’t need that kind of added tension.

She’d been terrible company when she’d met Amanda for lunch. She’d spent the entire time debating telling Heath where she lived. She wanted to tell him she lived in New York City. Maybe he lived close by and they could see each other. But that also made her nervous. She could see how a man like Heath could be addicting, and she didn’t know if that was a good or a bad thing.

Who was she kidding? Become addicting? She was already craving him like a cocaine addict craves another hit.

She decided to play it cool and see what happened.

I think we’ve stretched the definition of “no ties,” which is a shame, because I kind of liked playing with your tie.

“Hey, Ally, do you have those results done yet?” She shoved her phone in the pocket of her lab coat as Marty Crolor came into the back room of the lab where she was working.

“Dr. Warton is on the warpath.” Marty was in his late twenties. He’d shown Ally the ropes over the last few weeks since she’d started working at the hospital. He was smart, helpful, and almost always in a good mood.

“Yes. I’ve already submitted them. Nothing out of the ordinary.” She went to one of the computers and pulled up the report she’d filed. They ran a tight ship in the medical lab. Busy from the second they arrived until the moment the next shift took over; running tests, delivering results, and drawing blood from patients was all in a day’s work. Ally enjoyed every minute of her chaotic day. She’d come to work at the hospital from a private lab facility because she wanted more one-on-one interaction with patients. She knew how difficult giving blood was for some people, and Ally had a knack for helping patients feel at ease.

A printer spit out a document, and Marty pulled the order and looked at Ally with a quick raise of his brows.

“Want to do a peds blood draw?”

Melissa Foster's books