Heated Pursuit (Alpha Security #1)

She grazed her lips along his jaw and whispered into his ear, “Let me show you how much I need you.”

Rafe wasn’t strong enough to say no. He slid a hand over her ass and encouraged her to wrap her legs around his waist. The second she did, his engorged cock twitched a welcome. He needed every inch of her against every inch of him. No clothing. No barriers. Just Penny’s bare skin gliding over his.

He walked them blindly toward the bed, kissing her down to the mattress. Her red hair fanned out across the pillowcase, making her look like his best dream come to fruition. “You’re so fucking beautiful, Red.”

Rafe slid his hands beneath the stiff cotton of her shirt and up the silky skin of her torso. He dropped his mouth, kissing his way across her ribs until he reached the first bra-covered nipple. And then in a move that had her arching into his touch, he captured the bud between his lips and gave it a gentle tug.

“Mm. So responsive,” Rafe hummed.

Beneath him, Penny groaned. He took his mouth off her body only long enough to pull the shirt over her head, and then his lips were back on her, flicking, nipping. He rubbed his mouth down the length of her neck. By the time he reached the delicate curve of her collarbone, he had her bra off and his hand cupping one perfect mound.

When their gazes entwined, something clicked. Changed. Suddenly Rafe didn’t remember how to make his chest rise and fall, and judging by the widening of her eyes, Penny didn’t either. This time when he took her mouth in a kiss, it was different.

This was different. They were different. Lust and need still threatened to drown them both, but there was something stronger hovering between them. This time when he twined his fingers into her hair, he felt his trembles rumble through their touching bodies.

He wanted to prove her right—that he could be all the things she deserved and so much more. But unable to find the words, he let his eyes, his mouth, and his hands do the talking. For now.

They worked together to ease the BDUs down her slender thighs, underwear and all. Layers slowly evaporated, each removal instigating a new round of caresses. He could’ve taken her at any point, but this wasn’t about the quick thrill. It was about savoring. About showing. About living for the first time in his life.

Rafe enjoyed the sight of her naked and spread out before him. Her eyes stayed locked on his as he gently urged her legs a little wider and settled between her thighs. “I don’t know what I did to make you look at me like that, sweetheart, but I’m so glad that I fucking did it.”

Her hand cupped the side of his face. “You were just you, Rafe. That’s all you ever need to be with me.”

Her words directed him right over the edge of his control. As he stared into her desire-filled eyes, he touched his mouth to her center and relished her breathy sigh. On the second slow swipe of his tongue, she quivered.

“Rafe. Please,” Penny moaned.

Sliding his hand up to play with the taut peak of her left breast, Rafe lingered on her swelling clit before taking another pass through her wetness. Again and again. He could stay in this spot all fucking day. With the taste of Penny on his tongue, time lost meaning. Only her pleasure mattered, and he focused on every breathy moan until her body started to flutter against his mouth.

Rafe picked up the pace in small increments, taking her right to the edge—and with one gentle flick over her clit, pushed her over. Her body tightened, hips bucking up toward his mouth as he stroked her through her climax. He stayed with her for every little flutter and soft keening moan…right until the last quake rolled from her body.

Rafe climbed his way back up her body. “You’re always gorgeous, sweetheart, but when you fly apart like that, you’re unbelievable.”

“You’re blind,” Penny panted against his mouth. “I did the best I could in that shower, but water can only do so much to wash away an entire jungle.”

“There’s nothing wrong with my eyesight, Red.” Feather soft, he brushed his mouth over hers in a kiss that despite the gentleness of it, packed one hell of a wallop.

Penny shivered, not protesting when he tucked her knees around his hips. The change in position slid his rock-hard cock through the folds of her wetness. He slid back and did it again, this time making sure the rim of his dick brushed against her clit. Sucking in a breath, Penny canted her hips upward and encouraged him to do it again.

He teased them both for as long as he could handle, and then, making sure he had her full attention, he slid into her tightness with one slow push. They both groaned as her body reflexively wrapped around him. It was freaking heaven. A homecoming.

April Hunt's books