
“They’ll have to carry her out,” Finn chuckles. “When are you heading out there next? I’d love to come by and say hi.”

“I was planning to drop in after work today,” I suggest.

“I’ll meet you there.” Finn finishes his food, and screws up the wrappers. He tosses it for the trash can, but it misses, bouncing off the rim. “Good thing I didn’t have my heart set on sports,” he says, and I smile.

“Yeah, that’s really held you back.”

I slurp the rest of my soda, not quite ready to head back to the office. It’s a gorgeous day out, summer on the horizon, and the view couldn’t be better. The view of Finn, that is. I swear, I could look at him all day long and not get tired of it, the strong line of his jaw, and how that long hair falls over his eyes.

Today he seems distracted, too. He toys with his drink for a moment. “That was Kyle calling, this morning. Wanting me to get back in the studio.”

“Hmm?” I try to sound casual. “I thought you were on vacation.”

“I am.” Finn’s face clears. He smiles at me. “You’re right, I need the break. No work allowed.” He stands, and offers me his hand. I take it, smiling, but inside, a spark of unease flickers to life. The real world is calling.

How long can we put it aside?


After I finish up at work, I change and head straight over to the shelter. When Finn arrives, he finds me with rubber gloves up to my elbows, cleaning out the kennels.

“Sexy,” he quips, leaning in the doorway. “I love a woman in marigold yellow.”

I laugh and strike a pose. “I know, there’s nothing men love more than the smell of dog poop.”

“Now you really are talking dirty.” Finn approaches, and tries to kiss me, but I back away.

“I’m so gross right now.”

“No, you’re beautiful.” He kisses me lightly, making me glow from the inside out. “Stinky, but beautiful.”

I finish up and head to the washroom next door, dousing myself in a generous helping of soap and hot water before emerging to meet him again. “So, what do you think?” I ask, feeling curiously protective of the place. I know it’s not much to look at, but this place is important to me, and I want to share it with him.

“It’s changed since I was here last.” Finn sounds impressed as he looks around.

“She converted the barn a few years back, and added the storage sheds,” I explain, leading him through the kennels. “We have anywhere from twenty to fifty dogs here at a time. Summer’s the worst for strays,” I add. “Too many litters left starving, or Christmas pets the owners get tired of cleaning up after. Poor things.”

“People shouldn’t sign up for a commitment they don’t understand.” Edith’s voice comes, and we turn.

“Edith, hey. You remember Finn, right?” I introduce him.

“It’s great to see you again. This place is amazing, you’ve done a great thing.” He shakes her hand politely, and flashes a charming smile, but Edith still regards Finn with a look of clear suspicion.

“I don’t suppose you have time for a dog, off in the big city,” she says.

“No ma’am. It wouldn’t be fair on them, with me traveling so much.”

“No, it wouldn’t.” Edith gives him a long stare, then turns to me. “He can make himself useful, and help move the feed. Those damn delivery boys left it out again.”

“I’d be happy to help,” Finn says quickly, but Edith just makes a hurumphing noise and exits the barn. “What did I do to her?” Finn asks, looking thrown.

“Don’t take it personally,” I pat his arm. “I think she was rooting for the other guy.”

“The other—Oh, right, the vet.” Finn looks smug. “Someone should break it to her that he’s out of the picture.”

I roll my eyes. “You could just piss in a circle around me,” I suggest wryly. “It would mark your territory quicker.”

“Don’t think I haven’t considered it.” Finn slides his hands around my waist and draws me near, his breath hot in my ear. “You bring out the animal in me.”

My laughter fades into a gasp as his hands move lower. “Finn.”

“What?” Finn kisses me, and I forget my own name for a moment, too caught up in the rush of heat and slow, sensual movement of his tongue deep in my mouth. I clutch a handful of his shirt and pull him closer, savoring every taste.

I come up for air, my head spinning. How does he do this to me? One minute, I’m a sane, rational person, and then he lays his hands on me and it all flies out the window. I’m possessed with reckless need, zero to crazy-turned-on in five seconds flat.

Finn takes a quick look around, then grabs my hand, tugging me back into the shadows of a storage stall. The barn used to be stables, and now there are pallets of feed and supplies stacked up against the wooden partition. He pushes me up against them, and kisses me again. “Finn..,” I murmur, fighting a losing battle with myself. Damn, he’s sexy. I drag my mouth from his and glance to the doors. “Edith could come back--”

Melody Grace's books