
“Since you asked so nicely.” Finn nips at my earlobe, then slides a hand between us. He finds my clit, and caresses me in time with his fast, devastating strokes. Oh fuck. I sob, muffled against his skin, and then my climax is ripping through me, so fast and wild it makes my head spin.

“Oh God, Eva,” Finn makes an animal groan, and then comes hard, panting against me. His body shudders, heartbeat racing against my chest. He gasps for air. “Fuck!”

“Uh huh,” I murmur, the sweetness spreading through every limb like honey. “That sounds about right.”

He holds me a moment, our pulses racing in time, then gently lifts me down and sets me on the floor. “Good morning.” He grins, brushing hair back from my face.

I laugh, slowly coming back down to earth. “Now that’s a better wakeup than a second cup of coffee.”

“You better go shower,” he says, sending me away with a slap on my ass. “And I’ll go make sure they didn’t trash the house before I decide to jump in there with you.”

“Promises, promises.”

Finn joins me in the shower after all, and it’s another hour before I roll into work, feeling flushed and exhilarated, like I’ve just run an epic marathon.

But way more fun.

“I hate you.” Delilah greets me as soon as I step through the doors. I stop dead.

“What did I do?”

“Got laid, if that grin on your face is any indication.” Delilah breaks into a delighted grin. “So come on, spill. Was it the hot vet or the sexy rock star? I’m guessing the rock star. Sawyer Green looks slow and steady, and you’ve got ‘hard fast fuck’ written all over you.”


I go stash my purse and sit behind my desk. Delilah groans, clutching a massive coffee mug. “You’re going to take the high road? No way, that’s not fair. I’m your best friend, I deserve some salacious details.”

I smirk. “What if my lips stay sealed?”

“Then I’ll spike your coffee and make you talk somehow.” Delilah scoots her chair over, the wheels rattling on the carpet. “Was it good? It has to be good. You wouldn’t be walking with a limp if it wasn’t good.”

“I am not!” I protest, laughing. “Shut up!”

“I’ll shut up when you give me something.” Delilah studies me. “God, it must have been good. You look like you just got back from a spa weekend.” She gives a mournful sigh. “I miss glowy sex skin. My complexion is always way better when I’m getting some.”

“Where are you putting it?” I crack, and she bursts out laughing before settling down again.

“I get it. You’ve had your fun. I’m begging now.”

I pretend to roll my eyes, but really, I’m dying to share the details. I’m so full of happiness and energy that it feels like I’m going to explode. “It was Finn,” I admit.

“I knew it!” Delilah bangs the desk. “I saw you guys sneaking away from the party. Where did you go?”

“Away.” I smile, remembering the secret hidden spot he showed me. Was it really just last night? I feel like I’ve lived a lifetime in just a few short hours. “And then we went back to my place.”

“Smart move. The party lasted until so late.” Dee stifles a yawn.

“Did you have fun?” I ask. “How’s Lottie? I need to call and arrange dinner tonight.”

“Leave it another couple of hours,” Dee advises me. “I left her passed out in Kit’s playpen.”

“Is she okay?” I frown.

“She’ll be fine. A killer hangover, I’m guessing, but you’re only twenty once.”

“I’m glad she had a good time.” I smile then pause, remembering something. “Wait, I was going to ask your advice. Edith said the land over at the shelter might be going up for sale. Apparently, the owners want to make a deal.”

The only thing that could distract Delilah from my sex life is real estate. She frowns, then clicks at her computer for a moment. “Yup, it’s right here. It’s a big plot of land,” she adds, sounding impressed. “Great location, too. The way values are rising, it could be a real bargain.”

“That’s what I was afraid of,” I sigh. “There’s no way she can pay the increased rent they want, and I don’t know how far donations will stretch. We burn through too much already just on food and medical supplies.”

“I’m sorry.” Dee gives me a sympathetic look. “That sucks.”

“It’s not going to stop you calling the owners for the listing though, is it?”

She winces. “For you, I won’t. Because that’s how much I love you.”

“Yeah, yeah.” I laugh, but it’s a sweet gesture. Delilah wouldn’t turn down the chance of a commission like that for everyone.

“But aren’t we getting off-track here?” Dee slurps her coffee. “You were telling me all about the epic rock star dick.”

Luckily, the bell above the main door dings. I elbow Dee, and quickly turn to greet the young couple that just stepped in. “Welcome to Oak Island Realty!” I exclaim. “How can we help you find your dream home?”

“Lucky save,” Dee whispers. “But don’t think I’m not getting the whole story soon!”

Melody Grace's books