
“Great!” I answer, forcing a smile. Cami was the queen bee of our high school, and from the looks of things, she hasn’t changed. She’s still got the glossy blond hair, and a tanned perfect body squeezed into white shorts and a peach-colored blouse. “How’s things?”

“Oh, you know.” Cami gives a little shrug. “Just back to visit the parents. I live in Atlanta now, with my fiancé.” She thrusts her left hand out to show off her massive diamond engagement ring, like I’m supposed to kiss it.

“Wow,” I murmur politely. “Congratulations.”

“What about you?” she coos. “I heard you and Delilah are realtors now. That’s just so cute. And there you were voted ‘most likely to succeed’. Funny how things turn out.” She gives a smug little giggle, and my heart sinks. I wish I could reply with some kind of smart comeback, but my mind comes up blank.

Cami’s eyes go to my cart, stuffed full of junk food. She makes a tutting noise. “Oh, Eva, honey, what are you doing? You know I’ve been training as a nutritionist? I’d be, like, so happy to give you some pointers on clean eating.” Her expression turns earnest. “There’s nothing more important than what we put in our bodies.”

“She knows that.” A pair of strong arms slide casually around me. I make a noise of surprise as Finn reaches past me to shake her hand with a charming smile. “Finn McKay. Pleasure to meet you, ma’am.”

“Ma’am?” Cami echoes, flushing. “Finn, it’s me: Cami! I love your music,” she adds breathlessly. “I have every record, and go to all your shows.”

“Cami.” Finn furrows his brow. “Oh yeah. You used to waitress at the Corner Stop, right?”

“No.” Cami is bright red now. “We went to high school together.”

“We did? Huh. How about that?” Finn turns back to me and gives an easy smile. “And I’m usually so good with faces.”

I’m torn between being annoyed that he’s shown up again, and delighted that he’s winding Cami up so easily. There’s a conspiratorial twinkle in his eye, like we’re in this together.

“So what are we talking about?” he asks me, ignoring her.

“Healthy eating.” I smile back. “Apparently, my body is a temple.”

“Damn right it is.” Finn’s gaze slides lower, and when he looks up again, there’s a hungry look in his eyes that makes my stomach curl. “Any time you want a Sunday worship, you let me know.”

I try not to flush. I’m standing in the middle of a crowded grocery store, and somehow he makes me feel like we’re alone in the world.

Focus, Eva. No distractions.

I pull my gaze away from him. Cami is still standing there, but she’s looking between us with something like disbelief. “Are you two?” She pauses, like she can’t even bring herself to say the words.

Finn chuckles. “Not through lack of trying.” He gives my shoulder a squeeze. “I’ve been begging this one to give me a chance, but she keeps giving me the brush-off. Hey, you’re a woman,” he says, looking at Cami. “Any ideas how I can win her over?”

Cami gapes, wordless. “I… Um…”

“I know, it’s a tough one,” Finn agrees. “But I guess when you’re as beautiful and intelligent as Eva, you’ve got your pick of every guy in town.”

He gives me another smoldering look, and even though I know it’s just for show to get under Cami’s skin, I still feel that heat calling out in answer. I look away, blood rushing to my cheeks.

“Well, we shouldn’t keep you,” Finn says at last to Cami. “I’m sure you’ve got better things to do than hang out here, peering into people’s grocery baskets.”

Cami blinks. “Sure. Of course.”

“You take care now.” Finn gives a final smile then turns his back, ignoring her completely. I watch over his shoulder as Cami snaps back to life and goes scurrying away.

“You shouldn’t have done that,” I tell Finn, trying to hide my grin.

“Why not?” He reaches into my cart and pulls out an apple. He bites down with a crunch. “C’mon, did you see her face? She was always such a gossip in school.”

“I know, but she still is. This will be all over the state by lunchtime.” I can already see Cami by the registers, talking furiously on her cell phone. “And you know in her version you were all over her.”

“So? You really care what those lightweights think?”

“No.” I sigh. “But I’d prefer they didn’t think about me at all.”

“Too bad.” Finn meets my eyes. “You’re impossible to forget.”

Awareness zings through me again, but this time, I remember all my earlier promises to myself – not to get distracted, or let his games tie me up in a tangle all over again.

I grip my cart and give him a polite smile. “I better get going too. See you around.” I try to steer away from him, but Finn just falls into step beside me.

“So what are we doing today?” he asks.

“We aren’t doing anything. I have chores and errands.”

“Glamorous.” Finn doesn’t seem to notice my cool tone. He reaches up and plucks a package from the shelf and puts it in my cart.


“What? You like Wheaties.”

I pause, and look at the package. He’s right. I do like Wheaties. “I can get my own,” I tell him, putting them back. “I am capable of doing my own shopping.”

“I don’t doubt it.”

“So why are you following me around?”

Melody Grace's books