Heart of the Hunter

Grace just nodded. “It was something my mother owned, and her mother before her. Since I never had a daughter, I wanted to give it to you for your wedding day.”

“You can’t,” Elle said, but Grace just shook her head.

“It’s yours sweetie.”

Elle shut the box. She didn’t know what to say. She hugged and kissed Grace and thanked her profusely, but she felt uncomfortable accepting the gift. Surely it should have gone to Kelly, not her. Kelly had practically been raised by Grace, and she needed it more. She had nothing. Elle was getting everything.

Once back in the car with Kelly, Elle swore to herself that she would figure out a way to help Kelly with her life. Everything good that was happening to her started with Kelly’s deciding to help her out. She owed so much to Kelly, and she wasn’t going to forget her now that she was getting married to the man of her dreams.

It would take time. You can’t help a person overnight. It takes patience and consistency. Elle knew that she wouldn’t be able to snap her fingers and make Kelly’s life as happy as hers was. But she did know that after her wedding, when things quietened down, she would work on being the best possible friend she could possibly be to Kelly, even though they would be living in different states. After all, as Elle was fast learning, there are few things in life as beautiful as bringing happiness to a person you loved.

Chapter 54


FORRESTER FELT LIKE THE HAPPIEST man ever to have lived. He couldn’t believe it was his wedding day already. He stood at the altar, at the place he’d chosen for the wedding, and glanced out over the vast expanse of the Pacific Ocean. It was a breathtaking view. Then he turned to face the guests. It was a small ceremony, as all of the Brotherhood weddings were, with the men all standing next to him, and Faith, Lacey and Kelly waiting for the bride. Faith and Lacey were holding their beautiful babies. He smiled at the women. Then he smiled at Grant, Grady and Faith and Jackson’s son, Sam. Next to Sam was Luke, Kelly’s little brother. The two boys were about the same age and had sparked off an energetic friendship. The same priest who’d married Grant and Lacey was performing the ceremony.

The only two people missing were Elle, and Jackson. It had been decided by Elle that Jackson should be the one to give her away, since he was the one who’d been responsible for her getting away from Los Lobos.

When Forrester set eyes on Elle, she took his breath away. She was the most stunningly beautiful creature he’d ever seen. He admired every inch of her body, from her pretty feet in their white shoes, to the luxurious gown that was draped over her delicious curves, to the thin veil that covered the most beautiful face he’d ever dreamed of.

This was it. This was his moment of truth. This was the moment every guy dreamed of, the moment he truly became a man. Forrester had never realized it before, but now, as Elle walked slowly toward him, Jackson at her side, the music of a string quartet wafting in the air, he saw his life for what it was. For what it always had been.

And what it had been was a journey up to this very moment. More than most people, Forrester knew what it meant to say that he’d been born alone. In a very real sense, he’d been more alone than most babies that were born into the world. His mother had died the moment he first drew breath. His father hated him for it right from the beginning. He’d come into a world without love, but he still had a heart. There’d been no warmth for him as a child, but he’d craved it just as much as everyone else in the world. He’d searched for it. He’d thirsted for it.

And this was the moment that that thirst would be satisfied. This was the moment that he would be made complete.

Like him, Elle had come into the world alone. Her own mother couldn’t care for her, and in desperation, had given her to the cruelest criminals ever to operate in the southwest.

For both Forrester and Elle, the desperately dark circumstances of their birth were finally being wrapped up in a moment of pure light.

And that light was love.

Forrester held his breath as Elle approached the altar. He simply could not believe how beautiful she was, or how much love he felt for her. He felt as if he couldn’t live without her. He rose his hand to his face and wiped away a single tear that was falling over his cheek, then he silently mouthed the words, “I love you,” to her.

She smiled back at him and then turned to the priest.

Forrester wasn’t even sure he’d heard the words the priest said. They were the usual words for a classical wedding ceremony. Forrester said his vow when it was his turn. He heard Elle say her vow. He placed the ring, handed to him by Grady, on Elle’s finger and she did the same, Kelly being the one to pass her the ring.

Chance Carter's books