Heart of the Hunter

FORRESTER WAITED FOR ELLE AFTER her shift in his pickup, the engine running. She looked thrilled to have a guy waiting outside of work for her, and Forrester wondered if that had something to do with the guy who’d been around earlier, causing trouble. He could tell that the guy had upset the girls, earlier when he’d entered the diner, but he didn’t ask them about it. If it was serious, he’d figure it out soon enough.

Plus, he had something a lot more interesting on his mind.

Elle’s *.

Well, not just her *, her entire body. He was obsessed with all of the things that he could do to it, and he thought in a million different ways about what they’d get up to when they got back to his hotel room later that night. He’d even asked the concierge at the hotel to buy him some sex toys, and the valet had been very obliging. Forrester tipped him handsomely, and looked forward to seeing what the concierge had been able to come up with on short notice.

Another thing that he found surprising, was that he didn’t just want to fuck Elle, he wanted to make love to her. There was a big difference. And for some reason, the idea of not using a condom kept coming back to his mind. He’d never had sex without a condom in his life. He’d never wanted to take a chance of making a girl pregnant. Having a child was something he’d never imagined before, but seeing Jackson and Grant back home, and how happy they were to have babies, it had gotten him thinking. Until he’d met Elle, he’d never really given the idea of having a baby serious consideration, but that was because he’d never met a girl he could imagine having a baby with.

Now, he could.

He wasn’t sure how serious of a thought it was. All he knew was that the idea of Elle giving him a baby made him very happy.

“How’d the rest of your shift go?” he said to her when she got into the car.

God, she looked so cute. He definitely had a weakness for a girl in a waitress’s uniform. That little dress, the white apron, the black tights, the whole package. It was very adorable. The scent of her perfume was intoxicating.

“Okay,” she said.

He looked at her, waiting to see if she’d bring up the jerk from the morning, but she didn’t. That was okay, either it had nothing to do with her, or it did. If it did, she was entitled to her privacy. If she needed help with anything, he knew she’d ask him when she felt she could trust him.

“Do you want to go back to your place to change before dinner?” he said.

“Nice try, hotshot. I have a feeling if we went back to my place right now, we wouldn’t leave again until morning.”

Forrester laughed. “You can see right through me, can’t you?”

“I know your type,” she said playfully.

“All right. I see what you’re saying. I have to buy you dinner first.”

Elle nodded. “Yes, you do. Nothing fancy though.”

“You don’t want to go back to my hotel? They have a restaurant there. A really good one, apparently.”

“I’d rather just go to Harry’s, if it’s all the same to you.”

Forrester looked at her and nodded. He was impressed. All too often he’d been with girls who were more interested in the expensive things he could buy them than the quality of the time they spent together. Elle was different. She just wanted to share a nice meal with him.

At Harry’s, they took a booth near the bar, close enough to make conversation with Harry, but private enough to be alone when they wanted.

Harry came over to their table with a bemused look on his face.

“I knew it the minute I saw you two together the other night,” he said.

“Knew what?” Elle said.

“This is a date, isn’t it?”

“Yes it is,” Forrester said, and he was so proud when he said it that he surprised himself.

“So I guess I’ll have to call Elle your girl.”

Forrester looked at Elle. She was embarrassed but she was smiling. “That’s up to her,” he said.

Harry looked at her, putting her on the spot, and she gave him a very small nod.

Forrester slapped the table. “Well, that just does it,” he said. “This calls for celebration.”

“It’s not a marriage proposal,” Elle protested.

“It’s better than nothing,” Forrester said, “and a guy like me, hell, I take what I can get. Harry, do you have champagne in this fine establishment?”

Harry’s eyes lit up at the mention of champagne. “You’d be surprised, son. I’ve got some very fine bottles.”

“Well, bring us your finest.”

“You seem pleased,” Elle said when Harry left them to get the champagne.

Chance Carter's books