Heart of the Hunter

And he did. Instantly, I felt a throb in his bulging cock. I stared up at him, and he stared back down at me, his gaze burning into my very soul. He shut his eyes, then opened them again. A burst of semen poured from his cock into my *. It felt so good. We owned each other now. He was my husband. I was his wife.

“Come,” I gasped. “Come inside me, husband.”

And another surge of my husband’s semen poured into me.

“Yes,” he cried. “Yes, Lacey. Yes, wife.”

His cock throbbed and throbbed, his semen pumping and pouring into me so powerfully that I knew we’d created a bond that would last forever. We would belong to each other forever. Grant and Lacey. Lacey and Grant. That was the way it would be, because that’s the way it was always meant to be.

It wasn’t because of any decisions we’d made that our paths had crossed. My father had done it. God had done it.

Grant’s semen pouring into my * was just the proof of what had always been destined to happen.

Chapter 51


I ORGASMED INSIDE LACEY so hard I thought I would die. In fact, if I had died at that moment, I could honestly say that I would have died a happy man. I’d achieved the best thing in life that a man can ever hope to achieve, I had the love of a good woman, a woman who knew me and knew how to love me, and that’s all a man can really ask for in this world.

This isn’t something you’ll hear very often, but all men are born incomplete. They’re only half of what they know they really should be. They don’t attain the other half of their potential until they find the right woman who loves them just the way they need to be loved. No man is perfect. Believe me. I know. We all have our faults, our weaknesses, our failings. We try to hide them, and often we do a pretty good job, but beneath the surface those weaknesses are there, and we know it.

So when we find the woman who knows about those weaknesses, who sees those things that are wrong with us, and still loves us, that’s when we finally feel complete. No matter what a man says, he can’t live without the love of his woman, and that’s what counts. Women love with their entire heart. They love like their life depends on it. They love so completely that they could eclipse the sun.

And every man knows it. Deep in his heart, he knows it. And he knows he needs it. Men like to think they’re strong and independent, but the truth is, we know that we’re meant to be part of something bigger. We’re meant to be part of a relationship, and only when we’ve found that relationship can we truly be complete. Only then can we create a family.

I sighed in the afterglow of my orgasm. I felt as if every pleasure nerve in my body was completely satisfied. I couldn’t have felt more complete. Lying right next to me, was the woman that chose to love me. Lacey. My wife. She was mine now, and I was hers, and that’s the way we would be for the rest of our lives. There’s something comforting in knowing something about your future. It’s difficult to find much certainty in the world. So much changes. So much is up for grabs. But one thing was certain for me. No matter what else happened, I would love Lacey, and she would love me. I knew that would never change, because we’d already been loving each other for half our lives. Even if we’d never had the courage to admit it to each other.

“I love you, Lacey,” I said.

Lacey just smiled at me. Her phone beeped and she looked at it.

“Who is it?” I said.

“It’s Faith. Oh my God.”

“What does it say?”

“It says she and Jackson are pregnant.”

“Wow,” I said. “Jackson’s a lucky man. I know this will make him very happy.”

“They’re both very lucky.”

“Yes they are,” I said.

I got up to go to the washroom. I picked up my phone on the way and dialed Jackson’s number.

“Congratulations, brother,” I said. “Another baby on the way.”

“Yes, sir,” Jackson said. “We couldn’t be happier. Faith just found out.”

I shut the door and looked at myself in the mirror.

“I’m so happy for you man. Circumstances are a lot different this time, eh?”

“Yes they are. Do you remember what it was like last time?”

“We thought you were dead. It was terrible,” I said. “We thought we’d lost you forever.”

“Well, this time I’ll be here for every moment. I’m not going to miss a single second of my baby’s life.”

“Tell Faith I said congratulations too.”

“I will,” Jackson said. “And congratulations to you too, man.”

I smiled. It felt so good to be married. “Thanks,” I said.

“We’ll be fathers together.”


“Oh,” Jackson said. “Shit. You didn’t hear that from me, man. You’ve got to promise me you won’t tell Faith and Lacey I said that. That’s a big secret. I didn’t realize you still didn’t know.”

“Didn’t know what?”

Chance Carter's books