Heart of the Hunter

How had all this happened?

The flowers pouring over the edges of the chapel were so beautiful. I knew they’d come from the flower market. The sunset was just as I’d described. I knew Grant had done everything he could to make this ceremony perfect for me, and I couldn’t have been happier. I knew he’d spend his life making me happy, and I knew I’d do exactly the same for him.

When the priest finally asked, “Do you, Lacey Eden, take this man, Grant Lucas, to be your lawfully wedded husband?” my voice was stronger than I’d expected.

“I do,” I said, and there was no doubt I meant it.

Faith was crying.

“And do you, Grant Lucas, take this woman, Lacey Eden, to be your lawfully wedded wife?”

“I do,” he said, strong and clear.

When he kissed me, the taste of his kiss was mixed with the salt of my own tears. I couldn’t believe it had happened. Sam gave Grant a gold wedding band and he put it on my finger. Then he gave me a ring and I put it on Grant’s. And then the priest said those magical words. “I now pronounce you man and wife.”

Everyone cheered. I was delirious with happiness. A bell rang, and then, out of nowhere, something opened on the roof of the chapel and hundreds of white doves flocked out into the sky and filled it with their beauty. Their snow-white feathers reflected the orange light of the setting sun and it was as if a fire was burning in the sky. It was breathtaking.

I shook my head. I couldn’t believe it was all happening. It was too much to grasp.

Just hours earlier, Grant had showed me the house he’d bought, so that I could give a future to those boys, just as my father had done for him. He’d shown me that I’d been crucial in helping him, Jackson, Forrester and Grady become men. Then he’d proposed to me in front of an entire restaurant with the ring of my dreams. Now we were married. It had all happened so fast, and was such a surprise, that I couldn’t believe it was real.

I saw Sam and Forrester go off and come back with the most enormous cake I’d ever seen. Sam was obviously very proud of it.

“This was all me,” he said with a flourish.

He handed me a knife and together with Grant, I cut a slice. Then I picked it up and smeared it all over Grant’s face. Everyone laughed. And then I smelled it. Roses. The cake was also from the flower market.

“You remembered,” I said to Grant as I tasted the cake.

“Of course I did,” he said. “I remember every word you’ve ever said to me, Lacey. Every word. And I always will.”

And I knew he was telling the truth. It had always been that way between us. When one of us said something, the other listened. Even when we didn’t say anything, the other knew if we needed something, or had something to say. We were in tune with each other, and that would be the secret to our relationship.

I couldn’t have been happier. I know every bride says it, but I mean it as much as any of them. I felt as if God had reached down to earth from heaven and touched me. I felt like Grant was an angel, sent down for me alone, and that I’d be safe and happy in his arms for the rest of my life.

Chapter 50


AFTER THE CEREMONY, we all went back to the hotel. We had a delicious dinner there, followed by much dancing and merriment. We shared our happiness with the other guests at the hotel. Grant picked up the tab for every single guest eating at the hotel that night. Even though most of them didn’t know who we were, they were more than happy to join in with the partying. Everyone watched as Grant and I shared our first dance. The band from earlier played the music, and after our dance, everyone else started dancing too. It was so much fun, but it wasn’t long before Grant took my hand and led me quietly out of the banquet room.

“Husband,” I said, in the elevator, “where do you think you’re taking me?”

“You’ll see,” he said, a sparkle in his eye. “I may have married you,” he said, “but I won’t really have wifed you until I get you up to that bedroom.”

“What do you mean?”

“You’ll see soon enough,” he said, and began opening the buttons on his shirt.

My heart fluttered as I watched him. He revealed that manly, muscular chest to me and all I could think, was that I hoped no one came into the elevator to join us. No one did, and by the time the elevator reached the top floor, Grant was holding his jacket and shirt over one arm, while carrying me in the other. He carried me to our suite. It had been tidied so thankfully there was no sign of the mess me and Faith had made when we were getting ready.

Grant laid me down on the bed and then looked at me with so much love I thought I’d melt under his gaze.

“What are you looking at?” I said.

Chance Carter's books