Hard to Fight (Alpha's Heart, #1)


He doesn’t let me finish. He drops down over me, elbows on either side of my head, large body covering mine. He uses his leg to push my foot out so it’s not in our way, then he practically shoves himself between my legs, forcing me to spread them. Then his lips are on mine. No warning. No games. He’s kissing me with a raw hunger that, I won’t lie, I need. I need everything Raide has to give.

Somewhere in my fuzzy mind, I’m screaming at myself to stop. But my lust and everything else Raide are clouding my judgment. I can’t take it any longer. I reach up, curling my fingers into his hair, pressing my body up into his. My mind is spinning, my heart is pounding, and it feels amazing. I kiss him hard and I kiss him deep, taking all of him until both of us are panting. His naked body is hot against my skin, and I don’t even try to stop my fingers from roaming down his back and over his muscles.

“Dress off,” he murmurs, reaching down and pulling my dress up. He shifts his body just enough for me to flick it off.

He slides a hand behind my back and unclips my bra, then he flicks that off right along with my dress. Then his mouth is closing over my nipple. I groan, slapping my hands out my sides and curling my fingers into the sheets. His tongue flicks and taunts, swirling and teasing until I’m begging him for more. Then his mouth is moving down my body, his fingers gliding along my skin.

I shouldn’t be doing this. I shouldn’t … Oh God, he’s kissing me over my panties.

“Raide,” I pant.

He says nothing, he doesn’t need to. His presence is all the man anyone needs. He’s dominating and powerful, I don’t need to hear him speak to know that. He hooks his thumbs into my panties and suddenly they’re gone. Then he’s right there. Right where I need him. Right where I’ve imagined for so long. His tongue dives into my flesh, tormenting my clit until I’m bucking beneath him. One of his fingers finds my entrance and he slides it in, slowly fucking me with it while his mouth devours me.

I arch against him, wanting and needing so much more. I reach up, curling my fingers into his hair and tugging harshly. He grunts against my flesh, but he doesn’t stop. He sucks my clit into his mouth so hard and deep, I scream his name as my body shudders with orgasm. He doesn’t pull back right away. He sucks every tremble from me before slowly sliding up my body.

I’m barely down from my high when I hear the sound of a foil wrapper, and then he gently nudges my legs open. His mouth is on my neck, his hands are running up my sides, and when his fingers find my nipples, he gently rolls them until I’m thrusting up for him, wanting more. The tiny buds are straining against his hand, needing more.

“More,” I breathe. “Dammit, Raide, don’t make me wait.”

Before I can think or process any further, he’s inside me. A choked moan gets stuck in my throat, and my body arches as he fills me, inch by inch. He’s big, solid, and damn, he feels amazing. His cock throbs in my depths and he lets out a long, guttural moan.

“Raide,” I breathe. “Oh God.”

“Fuck,” he grunts, curling his fingers into my hair and bringing my head up so we’re kissing with hungry intent.

Then he’s fucking me.

I don’t have anything else in my head, not for a blissful moment. It’s all Raide. All his body. He’s making me feel things I’ve never felt before and I don’t want it to end. My nails are in his skin, my legs are wrapped around his waist, and we’re moving at a frenzied, desperate pace. Our skin is slapping together, he’s got a sheen of sweat covering his body, and his muscles are straining. He wraps a hand around the back of my neck and brings me up closer, just close enough so I can feel his breaths against my lips.

“Raide,” I gasp.

“Baby,” he grunts.



Then I explode, I explode with his hand curled around my neck, with his body covering mine, with his gorgeous amber eyes locked to my own. When he sees me lose it, his eyes soften and he gets a deep, passionate look that has my heart twisting. Then he’s right there with me, growling my name, jerking his hips in quick succession until we’re both limp and tangled in each other.

“Dammit, fuck me,” he breathes into my ear. “You’re beautiful.”

Oh God.

Why does he have to do that?

Why does he have to make this harder than it already is?

Chapter Thirteen

Bella Jewel's books