I looked over my shoulder and saw Ana standing in the doorway to my bedroom. Her hands were on each end of the doorway like she was fighting her own battle whether to come in or not.

I spun and a smile instantly climbed across my face. There were only two things that made that happen. My motorcycle and Ana.

Shit, they were also my two favorite things to ride.

“Darlin’,” I said. “What are you doing here?”

“Like I didn't hear your motorcycle?” she asked. “I should be asking you what you’re doing here.”

“You know what I’m doing here,” I said. “I’m looking for you.”

I stepped toward her.

She was in a long, white shirt, from just above her knees down to her feet exposed. She always wore shirts like that when it was hot out. I knew there was nothing under that shirt except a pair of panties. Her tits pressed against the shirt. They were so fucking full and firm, even without a bra.

My cock began to swell.

Her hands slid up the doorway, her shirt pulling against her body. Even in the pale light of the bedroom I could see the way her nipples began to show through the shirt.

More of those beautiful legs of hers began to show, too.

“Why are you looking for me?” she asked.

“You know why, darlin’,” I said. “I’m never going to stop looking for you. Checking on you. Protecting you when you need me most.”

I saw the way she half smiled and then quickly bit her lip. She was battling the urges… she wanted a normal life but she also wanted the outlaw.

I inched even closer to her.

I loved the cat and mouse game we played. Flirty shit back and forth and then we’d end up fooling around. I had yet to really have Ana the way I wanted though. There was always something in our way. That didn’t mean we didn’t get each other off, I just hadn’t had the chance to take her, strip her slowly, claim every inch of her body with my tongue, and then fuck her all night long. That’s all she needed. Then her sense of normal would never be the same again.

Tonight’s the night, Knox…

No, tonight was not the night.

I leaned forward towards her, watching her come right at me. Our lips touched and then our tongues started to do battle. She exhaled through her nose like it was a sigh of relief. She melted into me, pressing those amazing tits against my chest. Her hands touched my face, digging at my scruff. She broke the kiss and put her head back, softly moaning as I kissed down her neck.

My hands moved forward and I grabbed her waist. I don’t give a shit what anyone says, a woman with curves is amazing. A woman who took care of herself but didn’t obsess about what bullshit was poured through TV was true beauty. Being able to squeeze my fingers and feel Ana drove me wild. Feeling the way her hips moved out and around made me groan and bite at her neck. The move made Ana jump and yelp. She then grabbed at my arms and threw her head back even more, laughing playfully.

That sound…

I slid my hands down to her ass. I made sure she could feel what she did to my dick.

But then the scene suddenly came to a halt.

“What is this?” she asked.

She tore her hands away from me. She backed away and looked at her hands. I flipped the switch in the hallway, turning on the light right above Ana. She was in all white and there on her left hand was blood. There was something so symbolic about seeing it. Something that would stick in my mind forever.

I looked down at myself and saw the blood on my right arm.

“Ah, shit,” I said.

“Knox… tell me that’s your blood.”

I looked right at Ana and knew if I started lying to her right then I’d end up on the same path as my parents. Anytime my old man tried to tell Ma the truth, she went nuts about it. I think that was part of the reason he jumped into bed with Ana’s mother.


“Ana,” I said.

“Tell me…”

“I’m not going to lie to you,” I said. “This is not my blood.”

Ana gasped and ran away.

I chased her into the bathroom where she hurried to wash the blood off her hand.

It had been a long and rough night. What happened really didn’t matter. It was something for the MC.

When Ana turned and looked at me again, she looked devastated.

“Hey,” I said. “This is my life, darlin’. You know that.”

“I know,” she said. “I just… I just didn’t know, okay? I could hear things. I could imagine things. But it’s easier to sleep at night figuring you just fix up cars and bikes and stuff.”

I shook my head. “I’m sorry about this. I need a shower anyway. I stink. It’s been a long day and a long night. Let me grab a shower and we can talk. I swear to you, Ana, I will never lie to you. But there are some things I can’t talk about. I need you to understand that.”

“I get it,” she said. “I do, Knox.”

“Your eyes are lying to me.”

“No,” she said. “I swear, I’m not lying. Just… where does it all end?”

“What do you mean?”

Jaxson Kidman's books