But that wasn’t going to happen.

Knox curled his fingers and rubbed, bringing me to an instant climax. The back of my legs flexed so tight, they hurt. I lifted up to my toes. I put my head back and my mouth fell open. I reminded myself not to scream. My ass was tight and thrusting forward to his touch as I came. The gush in my panties was almost embarrassing, but I didn’t give a damn.

The feeling passed and my ass crashed back to the wall.

I let out a breath and I felt my face burning hot.

Knox took his hand from my jeans and stepped back.

I was still trying to regain my senses, hating that it all had to happen so fast.

Then he lifted his fingers to his face. He took a deep breath and grinned the most evil grin I’d ever seen in my life. He took a deep breath and shook his head.

“I’ll never forget that smell, darlin’,” he said to me.

My jaw dropped. I had almost forgotten how bold and gross yet sexy Knox could be.

Then he topped himself.

He put his fingers to his mouth and flicked his tongue against them.

“Goddamn,” he said. “As sweet as ever. You’re too tempting, Ana. I better get going. It was nice to see you again.”

“Knox,” I managed to say as he started to leave.

He looked back at me. “It should be you. I mean, us. You and me together. I’m not happy, Knox.”

“I know,” he said. Then he threw a thumb over his shoulder to his back. “I’m loyal to the cut and the patch. I’d only end up breaking your damn heart. You and I both know that.”

I wanted to say more but didn’t.

I watched as Knox walked away.

He paused when he got to Porter’s car. Looking over his shoulder again, he offered the classic grin of his. Then he took out a knife and slashed the front tire.

I gasped.

Knox then started walking again and didn’t stop.

He got on his motorcycle and rode away.

When Porter came out of the restaurant he was livid about the tire. He blamed someone I didn’t know.

All I could do was just smile.

I had plenty of dirty secrets with Knox.

But the biggest was yet to come.

chapter seven



I needed air.

Lots of air.

I made it to the side door when someone grabbed my arm.

“Where the fuck are you going?”

It was Danny. He was overweight and sweating profusely.

“I need a break,” I said.

“Like hell you do. I’ll call Porter right now.”

I took my hand off the door.

“Look at this fucking place,” Danny said. “It’s packed. They’re thirsty. Shake your ass and tits and do something. Now.”

So that’s how my night started to look.

I glanced to the stage and it was empty. That meant Knox was done playing. I had heard his band before, just on local radio though. His voice was undeniable. Most of the time I couldn’t listen to it because of the memories it brought back to me.

Now he was here.

We were already in a dangerous spot.

I couldn't see him again.

I had to avoid it all.

I grabbed a drink tray and kept busy. Cleaning up, serving drinks, taking orders. I laughed, talked, maybe even flirted a little, mentally calculating how much I was making. Somewhere in the back of my mind I had a grand scheme to save up enough money and just run. Head east and don’t stop until I hit water. Chances were Porter could reach me there but I’d give it my best offer.

Standing at the bar, I watched as Eddie opened the register. He put in a five and took out a twenty. I raised an eyebrow and watched as he grabbed a bottle of vodka. He poured a shot for someone and then wiped the back of his pants. The twenty dollar bill was now magically gone.

Holy shit. Porter was right.

I looked down the bar for Danny, wanting to blow the whistle on this right now. Maybe if I did so I could split right then. Hell, maybe it would make Porter happy. Maybe he’d then lay off me a little.

I saw Danny at the corner of the bar.

A second later he was gone.

I did a double take but then saw people at the bar push away.

I pushed my way through and couldn’t believe my eyes.

There was Knox… holding Danny on the ground by his throat.

I covered my mouth in shock as Knox dropped his knee to Danny’s chest.

“You want to do this here?” Knox asked. “Or outside like men?”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Danny yelled. “Not in front of the people.”

“Then get up and get outside,” Knox said.

He let Danny go and helped him up.

That’s when we saw each other again.

Knox didn’t seem to be in the mood to stand there and eye flirt with me. He grabbed Danny by the front of the shirt and walked toward me.

I jumped out of the way and Knox passed by, turning his head toward me. “Hey, darlin’. Why don’t you meet me outside, too?”

Jaxson Kidman's books