Glow (Glimmer and Glow #2)

His hands came down next to her elbows on the desk. He thrust at a downward angle, his strokes shorter and faster, their bodies smacking together. He shook her to her very core.

“Oh God,” she moaned, gripping the desk like she thought her life depended on it.


He sounded as full of sensation and feeling as she was. His cock swelled in her. He plunged deep, groaning roughly. He kept his pelvis locked tight to her and circled his hips slightly, applying a jaw-popping pressure on her clit.

They remained locked like that, joined in rictus of combined, intense pleasure. Alice wished the moment could last forever. But after a dazed moment, his shudders of climax began to differentiate from hers. Slowly, the sound of their harsh breathing slowed and quieted in her ears. Alice inhaled shakily, fully catching her breath for the first time in minutes.

She felt his lips press to her spine. His cock twitched in her channel.

“Should I be sorry?” he asked against her skin.

“God, no,” she whispered, confused by the question. “Why would you be sorry?”

He straightened and pulled her up off the desk, his hands on her shoulders. He wrapped her upper body in his arms. Alice closed her eyes, feeling utterly sated and content.

“Seems like it should have been a little more soulful, after what you just told me,” he said, his mouth pressed against her neck. She sensed his small smile. “But you drive me crazy every damn time.”

She gave a throaty laugh and clasped his forearms. “I could say the same about you. And I love it.” His cock slid from her body and he turned her in his arms. He leaned down and kissed her deeply.

“Soulful and wild. Strong and commanding. Focused and brilliant,” she murmured dreamily against his lips a moment later. His taste still lingered on her tongue; her nerves still tingled with pleasure from his powerful presence in her body. “That’s you, isn’t it? Why would you make love any different?” She blinked her eyes open wider, bringing him into focus. “Why would I ever want anything else?” she wondered, her brow crinkling in dazed puzzlement.

His expression sobered. She recognized the hard telltale glint in his eyes. She lifted her mouth to meet his, eager to be claimed once again.


After Alice had hastily washed up, she met Dylan downstairs in the foyer.

“We should only be a few minutes late for the appointment if we hurry,” she said jogging down the stairs.

He waited for her patiently, looking handsome and unruffled once again in his immaculate suit and tie. Alice took his outstretched hand when she neared him.

“What are you frowning about?” Dylan asked.

“You have a lot of nerve, looking like that when I look like this afterward.” She referred to the fact that her cheeks were still flushed bright pink in the aftermath of amazing sex, she was panting and sweating a little from running around trying to get ready for the doctor’s visit in a rush. Plus, her hair looked like a mop had been dropped on her head, it was getting so long and unruly. To make things worse, her hair color was starting to look bizarre. Parts of the dyed dark brown portion had lightened and faded in the sun, and her reddish undertones and roots were starting to shine through.

Dylan examined her calmly. “You look beautiful.”

She made a disgusted sound. He smiled.

“I’m serious. Your eyes are shining and you’re flushed.” He lifted a hand and brushed a warm cheek. “It’s my favorite way to see you.”

She gave him a wry grin. “That’s because you like to strut over the fact that you made me that way.”

“Caught in the act, but far from guilty,” he replied, dropping his hand and landing a kiss on her mouth. His smile faded as he leaned back and studied her more closely. “Can you do me a favor, though? Start wearing the makeup on your eyes again.”

“What? I thought you hated it.”

“I do,” he murmured, his gaze still pinned on her face. “But your similarity to Lynn is starting to become more and more obvious. I don’t want anyone else to notice. The least we can do is hide it a little longer.”

“I . . . yeah, sure, I guess,” she said dubiously, shrugging. She started toward the stairs. “Just let me run back up to the bathroom and grab some makeup. I’ll put it on in the car on the way to the hospital.”

“And Alice?” he called a few seconds later.

She paused mid-stride on the stairs and looked back at him. He nodded at her wrist. “The bracelet. Take it off for now. You can wear it while you’re here if you like, but not outside until things are settled. Lynn always wore it. It was her trademark.”

“Yeah. I know,” she said, pausing a beat before she raced back up the stairs.

When she came back down, he took her hand and they headed toward the garage entrance. They both halted when there was a knock on the front door.

“What the—” Dylan headed for the door, eyebrows slanted in consternation.

Beth Kery's books