Glow (Glimmer and Glow #2)

She laughed. “I know. I mean . . . I guess I do, anyway. Lately, it doesn’t feel like I know much of anything anymore.” Her gaze ran over his face. “We have such a complicated, long history. And at the same time . . . everything feels so new,” she confessed. He probably had no idea what she was talking about. Alice wasn’t sure she did.

His thumb swept over her cheek softly.

“We’ll do it just like we’re going to do everything else. One day at a time.”

She nodded, recognizing she was staring at him with hope in her eyes. He noticed, and his expression turned sober. He cupped the back of her head and brought her to him. His kiss started out tender, but emotion frothed in her. She kissed him back feverishly, her tongue tangling with his. She slid her hands against the solid wall of his chest, relishing his hardness and the steady beat of his heart. Beneath her, she felt him stiffen. She ground her hips down against his crotch in order to feel him better. Her fingers found the knot of his tie. She broke their kiss, gasping, and jerked, hearing the hiss of silk as she loosened it.

“There’s no time. We have to leave for the hospital in a few minutes,” she said against his mouth.

“Then why are you undressing me?”

She blinked in surprise when she glanced down. She’d not only loosened his tie but had the first two buttons of his shirt unfastened and was working on the third.

“Because I want to touch you,” she replied honestly, wasting no time in sending her hand in the opened placket of his shirt. She caressed dense muscle and crisp hair. When she found a small, erect nipple and rubbed it, his mouth went hard. He abruptly grabbed the hand stuck in his shirt and lifted it over her head along with her other wrist. He whipped her T-shirt off over her head and arms in a second flat, tossing it on the floor. Her sports bra soon followed.

“Only a fool doesn’t make time for this,” he stated gruffly, caressing her appreciative nipples too briefly before he turned his focus to unfastening her shorts.

“Do you really think it’s wise?” Alice asked, coming up on her knees to assist him as he jerked her shorts down over her ass.

“Who said it had anything to do with wisdom? Stand up for a second.”

She scooted awkwardly back on his thighs, her breasts swaying at the movement. He growled softly and leaned forward, halting her progress by cupping her breasts in his hands, his thumbs running over her nipples.

“God, your breasts,” he muttered, his mouth slanting like he’d just been stabbed by sexual hunger. Alice knew exactly what it felt like. It must have been a result of all the emotion that’d been bursting out of her, but she suddenly felt desperate. She moaned and arched her back shamelessly, willing him to touch her more. He gave her what she wanted momentarily, molding her breasts to his hands and gently pinching and rubbing her nipples until they were distended and stiff. He lifted the globes and let them fall, only to catch them again as they bounced softly. Another moan vibrated her throat. He glanced up at the sound, his eyes shiny with lust.

“Stand up and slip out of your shorts.”

She stood and shoved her shorts and panties down her legs. She straightened, now naked. Dylan was in the process of hastily unfastening his belt and pants. He hooked his thumbs beneath his boxer briefs and stretched the waistband over his erection. Lifting his hips, he pushed his clothing down to his thighs, sat and reached for her in a seamless, hasty movement. Alice once again straddled him in the chair, her breathing coming in choppy bursts.

He fisted his cock, stroking it as he guided her over him.

A moment later, she stared blindly out the window clutching his shoulders as he throbbed deep inside her. He urged her with his hands. Air popped out of her lungs as she began to rise and fall over him.

“That’s right,” he told her, his gaze glittering as he watched her. Still setting the pace with one hand cupping her ass, he ran a palm along the curve of her hip to her waist and along the side of her body. He caressed her neck and brushed her cheek. “So beautiful. You’re glowing, Alice” he muttered, seemingly transfixed.

“Dylan,” she whispered, laid wide open to him. He cradled a breast and whisked his fingertips over the crest. She whimpered in pleasure, her hips moving faster.

He caught her to him, his hands at her lower back. He impaled her and kept her fixed in place. She cried out when he took a nipple into his mouth, sucking her hotly. She squirmed in his lap. His greed excited her. He was hurting her a little with his brisk suck, but pleasuring her a lot. Her nails bit into dense shoulder muscles. She pushed, desperate to feel the friction of his cock.

Beth Kery's books