Ginger's Heart (A Modern Fairytale, #3)


He turned to face her, his beautiful face lighting up. “Please make my day and tell me you want a quickie in the supply closet?”

“You want our first time to be in a dingy supply closet?” she asked, putting her hands on her hips and arching one eyebrow.

He snaked an arm around her waist and pulled her against his body. “I want our first time to be three years ago, but I fucked that up so . . .”

“So a supply closet will do?” She hooked her thumb to the left. “What? Up against the spare tires?”

He made a face and huffed softly, letting her go. “Well, if you came here to torture me, go on back to the office. I’m goin’ crazy as it is.”

“Poor baby,” she said, dropping her voice and keeping it kitten soft and smooth. She reached for his face and caressed his jaw.

“Gin,” he groaned. “Don’t tease me. My heart can’t take it, and my cock’s about to break off.”

He looked so pitiful and adorable, she leaned up and licked his lips, meeting his tongue with hers as they opened. His arms came around her again, holding her fiercely as he dropped whatever was in his hand, and the soft ping of metal hitting the floor competed with their sighs and moans. When she was dizzy and breathless, she broke away, leaning her head on his shoulder, marveling at the way her body responded to his as she’d never been able to respond to his cousin’s. She was primed and ready for him. Waiting was painful, but she couldn’t help it. She wanted her first time with Cain to be special.

“Come home with me later,” he said, sliding his lips down her neck, pursing them over her skin, his tongue darting out to lick tiny circles that made her shiver. “Stay over tonight.”

“I wish I could,” she half whispered, half moaned. “But I have an early shift tomorrow, and Gran’s not doin’ well. She’s havin’ some tests. I want to be there for her.”

“I’ll come up tomorrow and stay with you.”

“I have to concentrate on her for a day or two, Cain, and you are way too distractin’,” she said, smiling into his eyes with all the old and new love filling her heart. “But I’ll be back here on Friday. I promise. And . . .”

“And?” He stopped, pausing his tender ministrations, his lips hovering over her skin and his hot breath making her shiver.

“I don’t have to work this Sunday.” She swallowed. “I’m free this weekend.”

“Okay,” he said, leaning away from her, his wide eyes black and blue. “But pack a bag and stay with me till Monday morning. All weekend, Gin. I want you all weekend long.”

She saw it in his eyes, what he meant, what it would mean for her to stay with him all weekend. Their bodies fused together as every last barrier between them finally came down forever. That’s how they’d be, and that’s what she wanted too . . . all weekend long.

She shivered in anticipation, then nodded. As she turned to leave, she remembered why she’d come looking for him in the first place.

“By the way, there’s a horde of women in the office. They all want to see you.”

“Legit business?”

Nope. Ginger shrugged.

“Okay,” he said. He looked down at his crotch, which looked bulging and strained. “Give me a couple of minutes to think about baseball, huh?”

“Friday,” she whispered, grinning at him before walking back to the office with an ache of her own.

“Mr. Wolfram will be here in a minute, ladies. May I get you coffee?”

When they all declined, she sat down at her desk and looked them over. They were all pretty in their own ways, though the Queen Bee was the prettiest, and Ginger had a sudden pang of worry that Cain would see her and run off, leaving her in the dust. She looked about ten times more experienced than Ginger too, confident in her own skin, and Ginger bet that she’d had about a million orgasms from enthusiastic lovers, and knew exactly what to do in bed to pleasure a man.

Cain? He loved pleasure.

And Ginger? She’d never known anything but mediocre sex with a friend.

What if she wasn’t enough for him? She certainly wasn’t anywhere near as experienced as he was. He’d been bedding women since his early teens, and Ginger had only ever been with Woodman. What if she wasn’t good in bed? What if she and Cain had sex and it was just as bland and boring as it had been with Woodman?

She got up and made herself a cup of coffee, covertly looking at the Queen Bee, who flipped through a magazine, looking up at the office door every few minutes and sighing her annoyance. Ginger’s breasts weren’t as large, her waist wasn’t as small, and she wasn’t anywhere near as tall.

“Humph,” Ginger muttered, pouring a little milk in her coffee and sitting back down at the desk.