Ginger's Heart (A Modern Fairytale, #3)

He watched her eyes as he leaned forward, as he kissed Ginger McHuid for the fourth time in his life.

The first time she’d been a twelve-year-old kid, and he’d kissed her cheek on her birthday, stunned by the unexpected jolt of electricity between them . . . and he’d run from her, unable to process his sudden feelings for her.

The second time had been her first kiss. You still want that first kiss? Her sweet, untried lips had parted for his, and it was like no one had ever come before and no one could ever come after. And yet again he’d run away from the overwhelming feeling of want, of more, of knowing that no other woman could ever be what Ginger was to his heart. He’d known it with every mile he’d placed between them.

The third time? Cain, Cain, Cain . . . I love you. God, I love you so much. His kiss had been desperate, had been angry, fierce and wild and unrestrained, because he loved her madly but he couldn’t have her. Because she was sweet and open and offering him everything his heart had ever wanted. He had kissed her knowing he couldn’t have her, and it had just about broken him as he pushed her into Woodman’s arms and rode off into the night.

But Cain was no longer a child or a cocky kid or an angry young man who couldn’t have his heart’s desire. And there would be no running this time. Or ever again.

He cupped her face between his hands, staring into her dark eyes until they closed, until his lips touched down on hers, pursing gently as he groaned in a frustrating mix of satisfaction and hunger. Softly she licked his top lip, then pulled back. As he leaned in again, she gently bit his bottom lip, and Cain’s self-control snapped. He threaded his fingers through the soft strands of her golden hair as she leaned her neck back and opened her mouth for him. As his lips sealed over hers and his tongue slid slowly against the velvet heat of hers, she released the breath she’d been holding—he heard it and he felt it and he tasted the sweetness of it as it slipped from her body into his and became part of him.

She’d been sitting on his lap with her back against the driver’s door and her feet on the passenger seat, but now she turned into him, pressing her breasts against his chest as her hands slid up the front of his shirt and flanked his throat, pulling him closer.

Ginger, Ginger, Ginger . . . I love you. God, I love you so much.

He tilted her head back and leaned forward, running his lips along her jaw to her throat. Pausing over her raging pulse, he listened to the rapid in and out of her breathing, the tiny whimper that told him she liked what he was doing, the way she arched into him and leaned her neck back farther, straining the muscles of her throat so he could kiss the smooth planes.

“Princess,” he murmured against her skin, a plea, and she guided his head still lower. He pushed the elastic hem of her blouse down, kissing along the edge of her black bra as he wrapped his arms around her.

“Cain,” she moaned. “Cain . . .”

“Fuuuck, I want you, Gin,” he groaned, skimming his lips back up to claim hers again, this time harder, more insistent.

He wanted her naked and panting beneath him. He wanted to drive into her soft cunt with his rock-hard cock and watch her eyes roll back in her head while her nails drew blood from his back. She met his hunger with her own, clutching at his face as he pulled her closer. Except he couldn’t get her close enough. He couldn’t feel her flush against his body, couldn’t feel her soft places cradling his hardness, couldn’t feel the soft warmth of her skin pressed against him, and it wasn’t enough. Not by a fucking mile.

“This fuckin’ car!” he burst out, leaning away from her and staring into her surprised eyes, which popped open when he barked in frustration.

Suddenly her whole face split into a smile, and she licked her slick, swollen lips as she stared at him, caressing his throat as she gently slid her hands back down.

“You just kissed me. Again.”

“Get used to it,” he growled.

She took a deep breath and released it, leaning forward to kiss him again. As she pulled back, she searched his eyes with a wonder he shared.

“I’m goin’ to do that whenever I want to,” she promised.

Her eyes sparkled with happiness, and he couldn’t help smiling back at her, even though his heart ached with love for her and his body was taut and raging with longing.

“You better.”

Easing herself off his lap, she scooted back over to her seat. He reached across her body, grazing the tips of her very erect nipples with the back of his hand, to grab her seat belt and buckle it, smirking with satisfaction when she gasped from the contact.

“Fuuuuuck,” he hissed, shaking his head and feeling slightly sorry for himself. He couldn’t keep his fucking eyes off her now, and his body was so hard and so hungry, it was almost painful. But they were in a car and needed to get somewhere private before he could take what he was sure she was offering. “I was goin’ to take you to my place and order some takeout. Does that still sound okay?”