Gifted Connections: Book 2

“You’re fine. I’m fine,” I reassured them both.

“Running out, Kincaid?” Remy asked with a raised brow. I noticed that he was addressing Gavin, but his eyes never left me. I would say he was assessing me for damage, but his blue/ grey eyes looked like they were dissecting me. He was the most inscrutable one out of my guys, so it was hard to determine what he was thinking or gauge a reaction from him.

Gavin looked sheepish. “Yeah, sorry, man. I’m going to run Blake home and then pick up some cat food for my mom.”

“Litter,” I reminded him quietly.

“Oh yeah, litter,” he said quickly.

Remy looked at him skeptically.

“Sorry,” Gavin said before grabbing my arm and hurrying out the door. When we were far enough away, he looked over at me. “What happened earlier, you’re—"

I hastily held a hand up to his mouth and pointed to my bag, miming a phone.

His eyes widened in understanding as he mouthed, ‘Sorry.”

I threw my bag, with my phone in it, in the bed of his truck as he started it up.

“Have fun listening to that conversation,” I giggled as I jumped in the truck.

One of my favorite country songs by Lady Antebellum came on and I cranked it up. My eyes widened as Gavin joined me in the chorus. He had a phenomenal voice. Who would have thought it? I let him take the next verse, smiling and holding up my thumbs. I joined in on the chorus once more, harmonizing with his rich baritone.

I smiled over at him. “That was amazing. Who knew you were hiding that voice?”

He was blushing once more. “Thanks, I kind of do all my singing in the shower. My mom says she loves to hear me sing, but she’s my mom, so she kind of has to say that.”

“No, she’s absolutely right. We need to find some open mic nights. I kind of miss the rush of the stage and having everyone screaming my name,” I winked at him, being cocky.

“Thanks, but no thanks,” he chuckled.

I smiled at him with a knowing smile. “I have it on good authority that Jemmy’s into men that play music.”

“Really?” he asked excitedly and then gave me a mock glare. “I’m not that easily suckered. I don’t think,” he chuckled. “Wanna tell me why you’re all bright-like now? But it’s the coolest aura I’ve ever seen. It’s rainbow like.”

“Is it?” I asked skeptically. “Stop!” I screamed excitedly once the implications sank in.

Gavin stomped on the brake and I was thrown forward. I winced as I felt the seat belt dig into my chest sharply despite the fact that he had thrown out a forearm to catch me.

“I have to show you. Somewhere private, though.” I said sheepishly, gingerly rubbing the spot that hurt the most. I sighed knowing it was another beating my body had taken that day. My bottom, arms, and chest would be an interesting sight tomorrow.

His head whipped over at me, perturbed. “Holy crap, don’t scare me like that again. I thought I was going to hit something.” Then he frowned in concern when he noticed my pain. “Are you okay?”

Instantly I pushed my pain away. I had plenty of time to deal with it…later. “I haven’t shown you or told you everything. I need to show you before Collin blocks me again.” I was bouncing up and down with excitement.

He pulled over into an old access road. “You’re not afraid Collin’s going to notice this stop?”

I shrugged. “He shouldn’t have bruised me. I’m going to throw that in his face for a while.” I smiled and winked at him.

He frowned. “I really wish you wouldn’t go back,” he said quietly, then he looked out the window as he put the truck in park. “I’ve seen too many battered women and children come into our shelter, some never come back at all and I’m left wondering if they’re still alive. I know some of them aren’t.”

“I’m sorry, Gavin,” I said as I imagined warm, comforting feelings and pushed them towards him. “I know it must be hard on you, but I have to do this. If I were to come out and tell the guys now, and they believe me, I’m still left with wondering who’s after us and how many of them there are. They’ve gone to great lengths to separate us, and I don’t think they’ll stop.”

He looked at me in confusion. “I’m still afraid for you, but I feel this warmth suddenly, this reassurance.”

I smiled at him, even though the situation was grave. “Jace is an empath.”

He nodded, still confused. “I know that.”

“When I made one of my connections, not Jace, I somehow attained that gift too,” I smiled.

His jaw dropped. “You’re effin with me,” he denied vehemently.

I giggled as I produced a small flame in one hand, put a force field around the whole vehicle, and projected a vision of Jemmy waving at us from the front of the truck, “Believe me now?” I asked him from my head.

“No wonder, they’re afraid of you guys,” he breathed out in awe.

I dropped all my gifts at once, suddenly feeling exhausted. It had been too long since I used my gifts, let alone all of them at once, and it drained me quickly. “Every time I made a connection I also picked up a new gift. Unlike you, I kept the gifts. The first gift I got was the empath, which is Jace’s gift, then I obtained the ability to create fire, Troy’s gift, then there was the force field from Drake, followed by the gift of illusion, Jaxson’s gift. I just wish I knew if I attained a new gift tonight, but I have no energy to try to see if I have super human strength, Remy’s gift, or the gift of healing,” I said wearily as I slumped on the center console of his truck.

“Are you okay?” he asked worriedly.

I nodded. “Yes, I haven’t used my gifts in a while,” I explained to him.

He patted me in understanding. “I’m always tired and hungry after a practice sesh,” he said sympathetically. “And…” he ducked his head. “Never mind,” he said hurriedly. “Wait!” he exclaimed suddenly. “I thought you only got another gift when you made an oh…oh,” his eyes bugged out and he looked out the window.

I couldn’t help but giggle. He was a twenty-year-old man, after all! “You have an increase in your libido? You feel increasingly froggy?” I began to tease him. “You have an itch, you can’t scratch? You’re hot to trot? You’re feeling randy?” I teased him mercilessly, laughing. It was dark in the car, but I was sure he must be red by now. “My itch got scratched tonight,” I said tongue in cheek. “Although, it wasn’t itching at first. It kind of just happened. No. No. I’m lying. I was out to seduce him.”

He looked at me with a mixture of shock and embarrassment.

“What?” I continued. “You heard the judge, and my precog sister told me the same thing. I need to make these connections.” As he continued looking at me I shouted, “Will you stop looking at me like that? You’re acting like a virgin!” I covered my mouth at his look of embarrassment. “Oh my gosh you are!”

SM Olivier's books