Gifted Connections: Book 2

Noah gave me an apologetic look as he hastily shut the door behind him and I quickly finished my shower. I felt slightly embarrassed and unsure now. I took my time drying off and trying to get most of the moisture out of my hair. I smiled when I realized Noah had a good curl tamer in his medicine cabinet. I squirted a little bit of it in my hands and distributed it into my curls, releasing the smell of apples.

I opened my duffel bag and pulled out the jeans and black fitted tee I had worn earlier today. I was left contemplating exactly what just happened. I was filled with confusion, elation, and mortification. How could I be a virgin again?! I know my body had reverted to the way it had been, but I didn’t think it was possible for me to be a virgin once more. I was happy I made my connection with Noah, but I didn’t know why I had passed out. Then there was the little detail of Jaxson finding us in a compromising position. Jax was never good at keeping secrets, so I imagined everyone would know by the end of the day.

Jax would tell Tamara, who would in turn tell Stacey. They had just broken up. There was also Drake to consider, he may share some pillow talk with Rose, who in turn could potentially tell Collin. I had no doubt where Rose was tonight—I’m sure she had taken the opportunity to go over to the apartment while I was out. Life just got more complicated than it was, not that it hadn’t been already.

When I came out of the bathroom, Noah was already dressed and waiting for me on the bed. His eyebrows were furrowed, although he attempted to give me a smile.

“What just happened?” he asked hesitantly.

“Umm, what do you mean?” I asked evasively as I pushed my hair out of my face.

“When we…well at the end of what we just did, you passed out, and I felt this strange warm feeling spread throughout me and my…tattoo started burning.” Noah leaned forward so his elbows were on his knees.

“I would say that was…mind blowing sex,” I joked halfheartedly as I brought my phone out of my bag. I noticed I had missed some messages from Collin.

Please tell me you’re coming home.

Come on, Blake, you know I didn’t mean it, please forgive me!

Blake, please answer me!

I started gnawing on my bottom lip. Not knowing how to handle this situation or how I should respond to Collin. I kind of wanted to let him stew a bit longer.

“As if you know the difference,” Noah ran a hand through his short curls. Tousling them attractively.

“Is Jaxson going to say anything,” I asked worriedly.

He stared at me intensely for a moment. “No, he knows better. Blake, why are you filled with so many secrets?”

I looked up at the ceiling and sighed. “What do you mean?” I asked stalling for time to formulate a credible excuse.

“I mean, you were still a virgin, yet you touched me and responded to me so…acutely. Like this wasn’t your first time. Jaxson told me he and Drake felt something odd course through them right before Drake sent Jax up here, and now I’m getting texts from my other brothers asking if I’m okay. You obviously live with Collin, and you guys say you’re in a relationship, but the vibe is all wrong. The way he treats you is abhorrent, yet you won’t leave him. He was physically manhandling you today. You evidently don’t want him knowing about a gift you may or may not have, even though he’s gifted. Not to forget, you must keep a second phone to have normal conversations with your friends. It’s just so suspect and wrong on so many levels,” he said ardently. “Then to top it off, as I sat here replaying the amazing thing we just shared, I found myself wondering how you got those scars on your body, and I knew. I knew without asking you.”

I stared at him in wonder and hope. “How did I get them?” I asked, not addressing the rest of his speech.

“You had a step mom, whose boyfriends cut you and threatened you. How did I know that? Or that the cigarette burn marks on your spine are from her mom!” His eyes were slightly wild as he looked at me attentively.

“You’re not wrong,” I said quietly.

“What is going on,” he took a few steps and drew me into his arms, his lips finding mine once more. “Tell me, please,” his breathing was heavy when he finally pulled away. He pulled me in close, my head resting in the middle of his chest. He was the shortest of all the guys, but at 5 feet 10 inches or so, he was still above average and a lot taller than me.

“I wish I could,” I sighed. “It’s just a lot, and I’m not even sure if you would believe me.”

“Try me,” he begged softly.

“Dinner time,” Drake came into the room. His gorgeous blue eyes were assessing me behind his black frame glasses. No judgement was evident, but there definitely was a deep inquisitiveness lurking in there.

I squeezed Noah’s hand in reassurance. “Soon,” I promised him.

Chapter 8

I followed the guys back down stairs and stopped in shock when I entered the dining room. Tamara was laughing uproariously at something a pretty blond was saying beside her. The long, bleach-blond hair, with carefully done beach wave curls, was too familiar.

“Hello, Blake,” Will’s cool voice said, pulling my attention away from the blond for a moment.

“Hello, Mr. Bell,” I stated.

“Welcome to our home,” he said as he looked at me with intense scrutiny. I had forgotten momentarily that the last time he had seen me was with my hair straight; with my hair now in curls, I’m sure I reminded him more of the girl I use to be.

“Grab a plate,” Jaxson said warmly. “I hope you’re hungry. Drake made his Chicken Picata with lemon cream sauce and homemade angel-hair pasta.”

“Thanks, famished actually,” I said stiffly as my green eyes finally met the cold blue eyes of the blond. Bridgette Mason was staring back at me. The blond who bullied me and tormented me relentlessly, since my sophomore year in high school. All because Collin Scott had showed a little bit of interest in me.

I dug into my food with gusto, even though I was wound up tight. I could feel Drake, Noah, and Jax looking at me repeatedly as if they were all trying to dissect me. Will just watched me contemplatively.

“Are you okay?” Gavin whispered quietly to me as the conversation turned to the big game tomorrow night.

“I know her,” I whispered back quietly. “Something just feels…wrong.”

“Bridgette?” Gavin looked at me flummoxed.

“Yes,” I explained. “She went to my old high school and use to bully me…a lot, and she used to date Collin.”

“That’s not good,” Gavin muttered.

“My thought exactly,” I agreed.

“So, Blake,” Bridgette turned her gaze on me finally. “I heard you convinced Collin to finally start dating you.”

I took a bite of my chicken and looked at her coolly. “It didn’t take that much convincing, in fact, he pursued me.” I stated. “Again. Isn’t that the reason you bothered me in high school?”

She let out a loud high-pitched laugh. “You’re so silly. I never bothered you. In fact, I ignored you, like everyone else did.”

Will cleared his throat at the end of the table. “You girls know each other?”

“You can say that,” Brigette smiled at Will. Then she looked over at Tamara. “She used to wear hideous baggy clothes and sulk around the school,” she whispered loudly to Tamara.

Tamara giggled. “All black and emo like…I can see that.”

“How did you guess?” Bridgette laughed.

SM Olivier's books