Getting Lucky (Jail Bait #4)

I lie panting, unable to catch my breath for a long time as his mouth moves back up my body. He kisses my mouth, slow and deep. “That is how you deserve to be loved.”

I’m a wet noodle of contentment, but a little shot of adrenaline causes my blood to sizzle at the word “loved.” Is that what we’re doing? Is he loving me?

Before he left for Europe, I wanted sex with Tro. He shot me down.

Because he wanted this.

He drops kisses along my face and neck, then settles against my side. I close my eyes and for the first time in a long time, I finally feel like I’m where I belong.


The next time my eyes open, the fading afternoon light has been replace by the yellow light of a full moon. Tro’s hot body is still pressed against me and I lay for a long time listening to the slow cadence of his breathing. Finally, he stirs and his eyes open. They spark in the moonlight when he sees me looking.

“Hey, beautiful. How long was I out?”

I shake my head. “No idea. I just woke up.”

He weaves a hand into my hair and kisses me, then smiles. “This is nice.”


“Waking up to this gorgeous face.”

It’s only as he says it that I wonder if he’s ever woken up with someone still in his bed.

He glides a finger down the curve of my nose. “I’m fucking starving. You hungry?”

“Uh-huh,” I say, rolling him on his back.

His eyes flare heat in the moonlight as they follow me down the bed. His cock is already stiffening when I grasp it in my hand and start kneading. I circle my tongue over the thickening tip and he grasps a handful of my hair.

“Christ, Lucky. You’re fucking killing me here.”

I smile up at him, holding his eyes with mine, then suck his hardening cock deep.

“Fuck,” he groans, his head rolling back and his fist tightening.

I glide him in and out and he begins to pump against my mouth. I find his rhythm and work with him, feeling him start to pulse in my mouth.

His grasp on my hair loosens and he stops moving. “How far we taking this, Lucky?” he asks, his voice thick.

I watch him watch me take him deep again. I tighten my mouth around him and move faster.

His groans turn to more of a growl as he gets closer, and minutes later, he explodes in my mouth in a burst of salty heat.

“Fuck,” he growls as he unloads into me.

I swallow and suck for a second longer as shudders wrack his body.

He grabs my shoulder and yanks me up his body, and his eyes burn into mine. “Who the fuck taught you to do that?” he growls, all possessive alpha. “I’m gonna rip that fucking cocksuckers dick off.”

I can’t stop the smile. “You.”

He quirks his head at me.

“You were my first,” I say.

His arms crush me against his firm chest. “How the fuck did you get so perfect?”

I lay in his arms and he kisses the crown of my hair.

“Any chance you’re still hungry?” he asks as his stomach growls.

I laugh and pull myself up. “Let’s get you fed. You’re going to need your energy.”

He grins, a white crescent in the dark of the room. “I like the sound of that.”

We dress and I tame my copper lion’s mane back into a ponytail. Tro grabs a pair of helmets from the corner of the family room on his way to the door and hands me one. He opens the door and takes my hand. “There’s a great sausage place down on Rainey Street. That work for you?”

I can only imagine that my smile looks as depraved as it feels. “Can’t beat the sausage I just ate.”

He stops short and yanks me to him, planting a kiss on me that curls my toes. Before I even know how it happened, I’m pinned between Tro’s body the wall of the landing with my legs wrapped around his waist.

There’s the click of a door and Tro sets me down and turns.

“Christ, Tro,” a woman’s voice says from just around the corner of the hallway, out of my line of sight. “Sounded like something out of Animal Planet up there. What gives? You don’t usually bring them home with you.”

He takes my hand and draws me to the top of the stairs. At the bottom is a very surprised looking blond woman in cut off shorts, a white tank, and bare feet, staring up at me. She’s tall and tan and stunning, which means I’m sure Tro’s slept with her.

The second I think it, I hate both her and my mind for instantly going there.

“Kate,” he says, “this is Lu—”

“Shiloh Luck,” she cuts in. “Wow.” She steps forward and holds out her hand as we descend the last few stairs to the second floor. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize…” Her eyes shift to Tro and she cracks a smile. “Glad you took my advice for once.”

I take her hand and shake. “What advice?”

The warning look Tro throws her is a blow torch. “Not now, Kate.”

She pulls me closer by the hand she still has hold of. “I’ll tell you later,” she whispers loud enough for Tro to hear, then lets me go. “So, where you guys headed?”

“Down to Bangers.” He looks a question at me and I shrug. He turns back to her. “Want to join?”